
1.8K 78 11

Word count: 1,219

Type: Cuteness and fluff (Troye's sick)


I coughed, feeling the burning sensation in the stomach rise up my throat painfully. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to stop myself from coughing but failing miserably. I finally gave up, breaking into a coughing fit. I almost screamed because it hurt so much. Instead, I made a strange inhuman sound.

I heard someone rush into the room and new it was Connor without opening my eyes.

"Babe, babe, are you okay," I heard his sweet voice only inches away from me. I had just enough strength to look up and see Connor's beautiful face laced with concern. "Do you need anything? Water?" He started to panic and I wanted to calm him down and say I was fine. I wasn't dying. But my voice was gone.

"Shit," He breathed, standing up quickly, "I'll get you some water and painkillers." All I could do was give my head a slight nod and he was out the bedroom door. I pulled the blankets up to my chin, breathing into my pillow as I sunk into my bed. Well, it was actually Connor's bed, since I was staying at his apartment, but even though I was sick he insisted I stayed in the bed. I was just worried he would get sick because of me.

Connor rushed back in the room, placing down the medicine and glass of water on the bedside table. He helped me sit up and handed me the water. I shook my head. I wasn't thirsty at all and I wasn't dying either. I just had a cold.

"Troye, you need to drink," Connor said, seemingly worried about me and held the glass up to my lips. I sighed as I gave in and took a tiny sip of water. He just shook his head and I grumbled, taking a larger sip.

He put the glass down and sat down on the bed. "How do you feel?"

"Fine," I croaked, although I felt far from fine.

He raised an eyebrow. "Don't lie, Tro. How do you feel?"

I paused. "Not great," I admitted. I shivered slightly, my skin prickling cold even though the house was heated. He noticed and gave me a sad smile, taking his favorite hoodie from the back of his chair and handing it over.

I sighed, shaking my head. I didn't like relying on other people to fulfil my needs. Connor wasn't my servant.

"Babe, Tro, come on," I looked up slightly to see Connor still holding the sweater. It was the grey one with a pattern of an american flag printed across the front. I sighed as I gave up, taking the sweater and putting it on. Connor smiled a little and leaned over, softly kissing the top of my head.

I almost yelled as he did so. If he kept up the way he was acting now he was sure to get sick. But before I could speak he stood up.

"Call me if you need anything else. And try to get some rest," Connor smiled slightly and walked to the door. He turned around, almost apprehensive to leave, but I motioned for him to go. As he left, I couldn't help but realise how affectionate he was being. Wasn't he worried about getting sick?


My eyes flung open, shadows flashing inches from my face. My lungs felt tight and I felt tiny fingers prickling over my body. I tried to scream, but no sound came out. The air was getting thicker as the shadows flickered and grew in front of me, reaching out as they seemed to swallow me. I tried to breath but there was no air. I tried to reach out and fight, but my body was heavy as lead and I was trapped under the covers. The shadows were forming faces as they crept in nearer, trying to get into my head.

"H-help . . ." I whispered with the last bit of breath I had. I couldn't do anything. I squeezed my eyes shut. I was dying. I was sure I was dying.

Silence. Everything was still and my eyes were closed.

"Troye. Troye!"

I felt warm hands wrapped around my shoulders and opened my eyes. I looked up and saw Connor sitting next to me as he held me tightly.

"W-what happened?" I stuttered. I could feel a sheer layer of sweat coating my whole body.

"You had a bad dream," Connor whispered. I took in a shaky breath, a tear escaping my eye before I even knew it was there. Connor wrapped his arms around me. "It's okay, Tro. It's okay."

That was all I needed. Just his warm arms around me and his soft voice in my ear and my eyes started to close again, calmness engulfing my body.


I woke up, stretching my arms as I looked around the sun-lit room. It must be morning, I thought. I yawned and was about to sit up when I noticed an arm wrapped around my torso. I froze, becoming tense, as I saw who the arm was attached to. Connor was asleep next to me, still in his clothes and lying on top of the blankets.

A part of me wanted to snuggle up with him more and keep his arms wrapped around me, but I knew that it was a bad idea. He couldn't get sick because of me.

I unlatched his arms from around my waist and wiggled out of the bed, trying not to wake him up. I knew he told me not to get up too much, but I didn't like all the restraints. I heard him stir as I got up from the bed, suddenly feeling lightheaded.

"Tro?" I turned slightly to see Connor, barely waking up. And then I saw another Connor. What? What was going on? My head felt dizzy and I didn't even feel my body coming in contact with the bedroom floor.

I pried my eyes open to see Connor next to me again, calling my name. He looked panicked and extremely worried but relaxed a little when our eyes locked.

"W-what?" Was all I could say, confused to find myself lying on the floor

"You passed out," Connor said, distress obvious in his features. "Troye, I told you not to get up so fast. Please be more careful."

"O-okay," I stuttered as he picked me up, much to my protests, and layed me down back on the bed. I started to feel better, now that I was laying down, and took a deep breath. "Con, aren't you worried about getting sick?"

Connor laughed slightly, shaking his head. "I don't care. I just want you to be happy." Before I could stop him he leaned down and pecked my lips softly. He was definitely getting sick now.

"Do you need anything, babe?" he asked. I shook my head but Connor still seemed unsure.

"Actually," I said quietly, looking down at the floor, "Could you just stay here?" For some reason I blushed and looked up to see Connor smiling at me.

"Of course, Tro," he said softly before lying down with me as I cuddled up to him. He started to cough as I did so which only made me giggle.

"Told you so," I whispered as he rolled his eyes, pulling my closer.


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