Birthdays and Best Friends

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I posted this a while ago as a separate story. It's actually the very first Tronnor fic I ever wrote. I thought I'd post it here so..... here it is. (Yes, I've been gone for a while. I'm sorry. I miss it here..)


Troye Sivan was 19 and his 20th birthday was coming up.

Connor Franta, who was living in Los Angeles as Troye was living in Australia, felt like he hadn't seen Troye in such a long time. The last time he had been with Troye was when they traveled to New Zealand together. Connor still kept all the photographs, videos, and memories in his room and hung them on the fridge, just so he could keep his best friend there with him.

Connor could easily say that Troye was his best friend, which sucked since they lived so far away. Although, maybe that was a good thing because it forced them to travel more, which was not only fun but opened up their eyes to the world and helped their friendship grow.

Connor and Troye had become so much closer to each other during the YouTuber trip to Europe, which was only proof of this. Each day they talked, sharing stories, laughs, and experiences. They had shared a hotel room together for most of the time but chose not to broadcast that on the internet. Troye loved waking up every day to a sleepy Connor.

Troye loved Connor. He really did. He may not have been able to say it before that trip, but as they grew so much closer, he really realised how much he loved the boy.

In a friendly way, of course.

Connor loved Troye as a friend, although he never fully admitted it. He was, of course, straight, and he was partially worried of people getting confused. One afternoon, after everyone had settled back down at the hotel after a full day of crêpes, hugs, and sharing umbrellas in the rain, Connor was scrolling through his Twitter, and noticed a few tweets to him and Troye followed with the hashtag "Tronnor."


He'd never heard that before. He thought people only cared about Troyler. And why would people ship him and Troye when Troye was the only gay one and there was clearly no chemistry between them, other than being good friends? He didn't tell Troye about it, although Troye already knew about the ship.

And you know, Troye didn't think it was such a bad idea.

After the trip it was difficult for Troye and Connor to say goodbye, but they Facetimed or Skyped each other almost every day. Connor got a huge smile on his face every time he heard the familiar ring and saw Troye's name pop up on the screen. He never missed a single call. They talked for hours, going from quiet giggles to rolling on the floor laughing.

Connor noticed he would feel strange when he talked to Troye. It wasn't anything bad, it was just . . . different. It was something he had never felt before. He felt like he could talk to Troye for ever, and no matter what Troye did, Connor found it crazily adorable.

One night, Connor sat in bed for hours and hours, staring at the blank white ceiling and thinking to himself. He felt so confused. He thought about all his subscribers, and all the shippers, and all the fuzzy feelings he got in his stomach.

He soon began to realise. It terrified him, but he knew.

He was gay.

He was so scared to tell anyone, and he worried for days, nights, and weeks. Although he was no where near Troye, when they Facetimed, Troye could tell something was up. He asked and asked what was wrong, constantly reminding Connor how he wouldn't judge him and would always be there for him. Connor knew this was true, but was still afraid. What if Troye would think that it meant Connor had a crush on Troye, which he didn't. Then Troye would think he was weird.

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