Snow Angels

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Word Count: 776

Type: Cute and fluffy au


Our footsteps shuffled down the street, the pavement still wet and the cold winter hair making my nose red. Troye's breath caught in the air every time he breathed. We didn't say much, we didn't really have to.

Suddenly, Troye stopped walking. I turned back, raising an eyebrow when he was looking all around him with wide eyes.

I looked up too. Little fuzzy white dots were falling down, dusting my coat and slowly melting in with the rest of the snow that had already coated the ground.

"It's snowing, Connor," he whispered like an eager first grader. I giggled when he spun around, holding his hands out and watching the snowflakes land on his palms. I shook my head slightly.

I waited for a few minutes but he still seemed entranced by the streets around him that were slowly turning to white. "Isn't it pretty?"

"Mm hmm," I said, starting to walk back to the house. "Don't you want to go back now? We can watch a movie or something . . ."

"But the snow!" he pouted, only turning towards me but not following. "Can't we just stay out here?"

I squinted at him but couldn't say no. "Okay, fine," I sighed. I rolled my eyes when he jumped up and down with excitement, but I really did find it adorable. He came over and hugged me quickly, then ran in the other direction.

"Come on!" Troye yelled over his shoulder. I laughed, but quickly ran after him. He looked over at me, giving me the smallest and cutest smile that made my cheeks go red.

"You're adorable, you know?" I said, and he just smiled even wider. Before I could say anything else though, he swerved around me and threw a handful of snow at me. I sputtered, the snow catching in my eyelashes and stinging my face cold. "Hey!" I yelled, blindly flailing my arms about in an attempt to catch him. He just slipped from my fingers, giggling. I couldn't help but laugh though, and I finally got all the snow out of my eyes and just glared at Troye who stood there with a silly grin on his face.

"I take that back," I laughed. Troye looked very proud of himself, and I took my chance to snatch up some snow and before he could stop it, I threw it at him. He screamed, ducking, but it still hit him. When he looked up at me annoyedly, I was already burst into a fit of laughter. He shook his head back and forth in an attempt to get it out of his air. But it wasn't long before he started giggling too.

Quickly, and unexpectedly, he jumped forward and wrapped his arms around me tightly, tackling me to the ground. We both fell into the snow with a soft thud and I squealed. He started giggling again but didn't budge.

"Get off me," I said, but Troye just shook his head.

"You're warm."

"We can go inside."

"But I want to make snow angels."

"Snow angels?"

"Yeah," he giggled. I just sighed and he hugged me closer.

"Sometimes I forget you're 20."

"Hey!" Troye defended, "20 year olds can have fun too."

A smirk found it's way to my lips.

Troye shoved me. "Not that kind of fun." He let go of me, and I have to admit I missed the warmth as he rolled over the snow and laid down in it. He looked up at the cloudy sky, a few slices of blue barely visible. He smiled a little and motioned for me to come over.

I crawled over and laid down next to Troye, both of us looking up at the sky as the snow kept falling and falling. I shivered a little and our arms brushed, bringing warmth to my cheeks. And then, so softly yet so suddenly that I didn't even expect it, I slipped my fingers around Troye's and just held them there. And for a second, neither of us breathed. But I could feel him relax and he looked over at me and neither of us could help but to smile.

We stayed there for a while until it started to get darker. Troye stood up, brushing the snow off of himself and waited for me to follow him.

"I thought you wanted to make snow angels," I said as we started to walk down the block.

"We did," Troye giggled, and pointed back to where we just were. The soft outline of our bodies in the snow was still there, peaceful as you could see where our arms were touching.

It was kind of beautiful.


A/N: I JUST REALISED THAT THIS BOOK HAS OVER 9K READS WHAT. Thank you for reading my pointless oneshots. I honestly love reading all your comments and all you're all so supportive and amazing.

ALSO, I collated with mishaminion42 in her book "Tronnor Kik Oneshots," so PLEASE check that out and her other books because she writes poems and she's amazing so yeah. And we'll probably write more fanfictions and maybe even some phanfictions. :)

I know I haven't updated in forever. I'm sorry. But it's completely my own fault because I have no excuses.

That's all,



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