Chapter Twenty-Three

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Night of October 31st, 1995

The party continues on through late hours of the night, devolving even further. Music blares and people filter in and out as the dance floors below us wraps up. Folks pair off, looking to find more privacy or finally go back to sleep.

The number of party goers slowly dwindle. I tuck myself onto a bench, a fresh cup of firewhiskey in my hand, not ready to let go of the night. Padma and Daphne say a rushed goodbye to me as Daphne pulls her from the room, giggling as they go.

I quickly realize, as I stare in front of me, only Malfoy and I are left.


My eyes meet his from where he sits across the room, leaning back against the tiled wall. He takes a sip of his drink and nods.

"Just you and me now, Burke." He raises his cup to me.

"What a treat," I roll my eyes, raising my cup in turn before taking a swig. "Isn't this horribly depressing?" I raise my brow, "Everyone else fucked off with their dates and here we are, drowning in our sorrows."

He shrugs, "I wasn't keen on 'fucking off with my date', as you put it."

I look back at him. "No?"

"No," He says with a straight face.

"Well," I purse my lips, "I had been keen on fucking off with mine. Of course, until he stormed off and I lost him."

He chuckles softly.

"I don't know what you find so funny," I huff. "It was your lack of tact that drove Blaise away."

"I asked for a photo—"

"In the rudest possible—"

"I wanted to get it over with!" His voice raises over mine.

"Oh, thanks!" I toss my arms out.

"Well? Didn't you?" His puts his cup down beside him, leaning forward on his knees.

I search his eyes quickly, seeing his brows furrow as he searches mine.

"Of course," I say back quietly. "Of course. It was better to get it out of the way." I shrug, swallowing a lump in my throat. "Less time with you the better."

"Agreed." He responds quietly.

I tap my finger on my cup, letting my eyes wander around the room, looking anywhere but him.

I hear rustling after a moment and look over, finding him standing now. He undoes the next button on his shirt.

"What are you doing now?" I say, annoyed, crossing my arms over my legs.

"I'm getting in the tub," He shrugs. "I haven't been in all night and it feels like a waste."

I shake my head swiftly as he moves to the next button. "Not with me here, you're not."

He looks at me sidelong, halting his fingers for a moment. "You can leave, then."

I stick out my tongue. "Let me finish my drink."

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