Author's Note (Sequel!)

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Hello All!

In writing the next chapter, I decided it made the most sense to break the next part of this story into a separate work. Since the main arc of this story is done, the rest will be in a sequel: "Even At Our Worst"

The first two parts are already posted! Linked here:

Or go check it out on my profile!

The sequel will be shorter than FBFW and cover important moments from the Second Wizarding War in canon. It picks up pretty soon after FBFW leaves off. EAOW will also include epilogue portions post-war when everyone is happy and in love lol. So look forward to when we get there.

I hope you enjoy and I am so glad you enjoyed FBFW!! 

(Draco's POV of FBFW: "All For The Best" in progress. Stay tuned for updates!)

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