Chapter 19

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***Andy POV***

I woke up before everybody and decided to go get donuts. Before I could walk out the door Wesley, Don and Torrence came busting in. By the looks on their faces I could tell they where mad asf. Then it came to me nobody told them what we had planned for yesterday.

Wesley: Yo where tf Tina at? And why tf yall ain't come home?

Before I could say anything Kimma and Kiyah had came down.

Torrence: why wasn't you answering my calls ?

Kiyah: I went straight to sleep last night im sorry babe

Kimma: im sorry too, I had went to bed too

Wesley: where tf Tina at?

Wesley ran upstairs and we followed. He busted in Caleb room and we all just stood there. Caleb and Tina where still sleep and they where cuddled together. I felt bad for Wesley only cause Tina and Caleb looked like a real couple and no one understood Tina like him.

When Tina got up she had on Caleb's boxers and her bra. Wesley was so pissed he had just walked out. We could all tell the real problem here but obviously Wesley didn't. Tina never had a real relationship and neither has Caleb so this was normal for them. Tina had put on her clothes and kissed Caleb's forehead and we all left.
The car ride was silent. I mean nobody made a sound. Wesley was hella mad and Tina seemed to not care. Now I was all for not giving two fucks when a nigga mad but not when you in love with that nigga and he in love with you. These two belong together and can't nobody say differently. Then again what hurts Wesley is that her and Caleb look like they belong together too. This shit stressful, but we gone see how this shit play out.

***Wesley POV***

No lie I was pissed. Tina then lost her damn mind especially if she see nothing wrong with this bullshit. When I pulled up to the house everybody got out and went to the living room even Tina. I walked in a told her , "Yo Tina lets talk upstairs." As I was walking up stairs I heard ha smart ass say, "wtf this nigga want." Tina had a smart mouth in front of people but she soft when we get alone.

Tina walked in the room and I closed and looked it with my key. She wasnt getting out this room until we had some thinhs straightened out. "Wtf yo problem? You been going around this bitch half naked with yo fuckin home boy and cant even get naked with me no more. Tina you got life fucked up bro if you think you gone run over me like a lil bitch." As I was talking Tina was drinking some water and she was downing that real quick. I knew she was drinking alcohol but I wasn't gone say nun yet. "Im not tryna run over you like no bitch Wesley. Damn can I live my life. I fuckin love you and if I didn't I wouldn't have you and your crew living in my house. I ain't done nothing to make you not trust me so get the fuck on." I was so shocked at Tina's words I wanted to slap her ass. She got me fucked up. But I just can't get mad. I walked to the restroom and started running her bath water. "What the fuck man so you done talking?" I didn't answer her and she kept talking. I just tuned her out and started undressing her. I could smell the alcohol on her body which means she had been drinking all night and morning. I walked to the restroom and cut the bath water off. When I walked back into the room Tina was crying. I knew she been through alot ever since her mom died. She hadn't really had closure until now but I can tell that wound is still fresh. Caleb doesn't do anything but help her hide her pain when she needs to dealing with it in a matured manner. Instead of just drinking and killing her pain away. I picked her up and placed her in the water and started bathing her. I seen on her thighs she had been cutting herself again and these cuts where fresh. I looked up and Tina was laying back with her eyes closed. I continued to bath her completely clean then I got her out a dried her off. Instead of putting her on some clothes I just laid her in the bed and put some clothes around her. Within in 5 minutes she was sleep. I couldn't help but just stare at her like I love this girl and hopefully things will get better for her and for everybody else man. Hopefully.

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