Chapter 20

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***Wesley POV***

Ring Ring Ring...


"Hi this is doctor Renalds from the Scientific Research and Behavioral Department. I am looking for a Ms.Tina, Whom may I be speaking to?

"This is Tina's boyfriend she is sleeping right now. May I take a message?

" no no this is more of a personal matter just have her get back to me as soon as possible please"

"No problem sir, have a good day. "

"Wait wait looking at my records I see that there is also a Ms.Andy and Mr.Torrance who stay at this residence too?"

"Yes they do, where did you say your calling from again? "

"Have them two to call me as soon as possible too, and the Scientific Research and Behavioral Department. All three of them are patients of mine since they where little. Maybe you should talk to them more about it. Good day sir."

After me and the doctor got off the phone I was hella confused. I researched this place and I have no clue why either of them would be patients here. They do some pretty fucked up shit to people like how in the hell they end up patients here. Dr. Renalds is a ex sergin and had his licenses taken for putting animal blood into a women. Now im kinda serious concerned about why these niggaa need to call him ASAP. I unlocked the door and went down stairs. Andy and Torrance where cooking breakfast for everybody. I decided this was the time to ask them. "Sooo you guys? Who is Dr . Renalds and why he calling here you 2 and Tina?" By the look on their faces I could tell whatever ever the reason my b its something real serious. They then looked at each other and they must didn't know that each of them went. "Well I have anemia. He has been treating me since I was 7" I looked at Andy and then it accured to me that that's why she disappeared so much. Before I could say anything Torrance spoke up and said something that really had me stuck. "I died when I was 7 and he had brought me back about 2 months later." That shit just crazy like I couldn't even say shit so I just left out the door. Only lord knows why Tina would be going to see this man. I sent her a quick text and told her ill be back later. I just don't need more problems in our family.

** Kiyah POV **

I over heard what Wesley Torrence and Andy was talking about. I really didn't know what to say because I knew about it. Although just like Wesley im hella confused on why Tina goes to him. He not just a regular doctor you see. People go to him when they're in a life or death situation. Andy was close to dying and hell Torrence did. Tina though what's really up. As I approached Tina's door I over heard her otp with the Doctor. She told him she would be at the office in 30. I walked in and asked what was up and she just looked. I knew it was something serious but I didn't want to pressure it out of her. "Listen I'll tell you guys later I promise, I barely understand my self." And with that she was out the door. I went back down stairs and fixed me some breakfast and sat down with everyone else. Then about 15 minutes later Kimma came walking through the door. I hadn't even realize she wasn't home but hell it wasn't my business. She walked over to the couch and asked where Don was. I told her he was still sleep so she went an took a shower in the guest room. We all knew what was going on but nobody spoke. Kimma had been drinking all night. We could all smell the alcohol through her clothes. It was familiar cause Tina came home like that many times and still do. Don came down stairs and ill be damned if this nigga wasn't as high as a kite. Before I knew it Torrence jumped up and grabbed that nigga and they both was out the door. I can't stand how every body wanna run out the door when shit get rough but hell that's what all they used to. Im gone change that shit. We are a family now and shit shouldn't be this way.

*** Tina POV ***

I ran out the door real quick and called Caleb. We pulled up at Dr. Renolds office at the same time and went in. Dr. Renolds office was on the top floor. As we walked in Dr. Renolds and he had out files right on his desk.

DR REMOLDS: "Listen you guys, your last test results turned up negative.

CALEB: "Fuck you mean negative? We pay you a lot of money for you to make them hoes POSITIVE!"

DR.RENOLDS: "You guys last check didn't take well. I got some cream for you both to rub on your skin so your levels wont go back to normal.

TINA: "I can't go back to looking like that Doc. Will this really help?

DR.RENOLDS: "You guys mother payed me alot of money before she passed. I have everything under control. You guys are my favorite twins"

CALEB: "Alright see ya man"

At that we walked out. Nobody knows that me and Caleb are twins well project twins. We have the same daddy we both were born on the same exact day at the same exact time. Our father had a horrible skin disease that kinda ate at him until he was 30. Dr. Renolds has been finding a treatment for us and that ment making sure we was always positive for some drug. I just hope this works more for Caleb then me, he always had it worse. Its kinda weird tho because its gone be hard to explain that me and Caleb are blood but we only just found out a few weeks backs. Thats why we spent so much time together because we where both trying to understand it and figure out if it was true or not. Now I got to go home and explain this to everyone. Damn.


A/N Okay guys I have had little bit of a writers block but im finishing this book up soon. Im going to start up a new book a few weeks after I end this one. Anyway im going to write at least the next 3 chapters before I update again. I promise I will update at least twice before my first day of school which is August 10th. But thank you guys for reading and please don't forget to vote and comment

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