She's Mine: Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"Excuse me?" Blackwell asked with a tilt of the head.

Eliza blankly stared at her superior. The hands behind her back concealed the fright and fury that were cycling through her entire being.

"I need a week to work from home," Eliza repeated.

Blackwell folded one hand over the other and glared at her CIO, "The week you requested before–"

"Was planned around the estimated time of delivery for my daughter. She arrived a week earlier than expected, as children may do. So, I don't believe that I should be punished by something as natural as an unanticipated time of arrival for an anticipated childbirth."

"This wouldn't be an issue if none of this had happened in the first place?" Blackwell snipped.

Eliza drew her head back, "None of..."

"The reason I liked you is because you were career-driven," the CEO remarked. "I was very clear about my expectations during your interviews."

Eliza twisted her face, "I'm still career-driven. How does a woman having a child suddenly make her less so?"

"Now, time has to be taken away from your career. It is a simple equation."

"No, what is simple is asking for a week off so that I can take care of a child I had just given birth to. What is any different than me wanting vacation time?" Eliza calmly combatted.

Blackwell, cracked one knuckle in her finger and simmered in her anger, "Where is the father of this child?"

"He is not in the picture."

Blackwell scoffed, "So you intend to be a single mother? Your priorities are divided."

"I do, in fact, intend to be a single mother. I also have the ability to hire a nanny, so I am unsure of where my priorities to Bluestar have come into play," Eliza snapped.

"Kelly! You have wasted a good portion of my time today, recounting trivial matters that exist because of your own floozy decisions."

"Excuse me?!" Eliza screeched.

Blackwell stood from her desk and leaned over, "I've had... people come to me and say that you aren't afraid of engaging in inappropriate behavior with your subordinates."

Eliza growled, "You've had people come to you... and say something about me and my behavior with my fellow coworkers?"

"I'm glad your hearing is working. Or should I expect you to want to take time off for an ear appointment?" Blackwell growled.

Eliza took a step back and examined the wildeyed woman.

"I don't know what kind of company you think I run, but people talk, Kelly, and when they approach me about what they have seen as promiscuous behavior in the workplace, I must take action."

"You are acting... on the basis of rumor?" Eliza murmured with dismay.

"I have to protect my company. So, I have every right to investigate."

"May I ask how any of this has interfered with my work?"

"People are uncomfortable. I have a CIO that gave birth to a random, fatherless baby, and now that I have recently been approached with your inappropriate behavior in the workplace. I can put two and two together. Does that answer the question for you?"

"No, Blackwell, but it did answer a different question for me," Eliza stated, her nose up high. "I assume that HR has been investigating?"

Blackwell's eyes fluttered briefly before she cleared her throat and said, "Measures will be taken sooner than later."

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