Chapter 8 - Possibilities

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I found myself laying in my brother's bed, staring at the lamp above my head. It was late in the afternoon and I was waiting for my brother to get home. After last night's concert Joe was so drunk and excited to celebrate the band's success that he forgot to go look for "that fine piece of redhead ass" that he had, so this morning that girl who I didn't know the name, broke a window and started crashing the entire house waking everyone: Joe, Patrick, myself and Eddie, who spent the night at your house since the rest of the band was passed out in his bed and sofas. Joe and the redhead started yelling at which other but I was too sleepy to understand what they were saying. I just heard screams, things being tossed to the floor and breaking into pieces and Eddie's soft breathing in my ear. A stange combination of something disgraceful and something loveable. After that the door was shut and everything was quiet. Turns out that I fell asleep for a long period of time because when I woke up Joe was already in the house explaining to Eddie and Patrick what happen when I walked into the kitchen. After I walked in Joe kissed my cheek and ruffled my hair before saying "good morning little sis" and picking up his car keys and getting out of the house. At first I didn't understand, but than I looked at the time and realized that he was going to work.
Eddie kissed my forehead whispering "good morning babe" just for me to hear and than said in a normal tone "I'm going to check if I still have a band or if they are all dead my now", so here I was, laying in my brother's bed, with Patrick in the bathroom taking a shower and plates and picture frames broken into pieces in the hallway. My day was starting of great. Besides that, the idea that maybe I wasn't that important to Eddie was making me anxious, which wasn't good at all. I wanted to ask my brother what I should do because he was always who I would turn to when it came to advise. But he was at work, so I was determined to wait patiently and let my thoughts eat me alive.
I started looking around my brother's room and noticed that I hadn't been in there for quite some time. I started searching in my head the last time I was in his room and remembered a time when I was there looking for a shirt to wear and he just came in drunk with a girl in his arms but he didn't noticed me since the lights were out. I stood still because I didn't want to ruin their moment, so I watched them laying on the bed and just looking at each other like they were madly in love, which felt strange because all the girls that by brother was with were one night stands, or even half an hour stands, but now there he was, acting like he was ready to be with her forever. She was trully beautiful with her soft blond curls, pale skin and long legs and I prayed in the corner of his room that he would keep this one for good. I've never seen my brother like that with a girl, so I hoped he was in love and that they would last. But eventually they didn't. Just like any other girl he was with. Oh, and if you are wondering how I got out of there, they fall asleep after a while and I left without being noticed. They didn't had sex either, which was another surprise.
- Cassandra you are spooking me, da'fuck you at!? - I heard Patrick screaming sounding scared.
- In here! - I yelled for him to hear. After a while the door opened and Patrick sighted relived.
- Here you are, you made me scared I thought you were in your room and the house is still a stranger to me so I was a bit lost - Patrick approached me and sat on the bed brushing his wet hair with a towel. His blue eyes were looking grey and his cheeks were red from the hot water.
- Sorry I scared you, I was just here - I smiled turning my head so I could see him better.
- What are you doing in Joe's room anyway? - Patrick smiled at me.
- I'm just waiting for him to get home - I answered this time looking at the lamp again.
- And you have to stay here, procrastinating?
- My thoughts are eating me alive man! - I rolled around in Joe's bed like a child.
- Can I help in anyway? - Patrick asked throwing the towel to my head to make me stop rolling around. I picked it up and started making him a hat with it.
- I don't know of you can, I mean... I usually just talk to Joe and he gives me the speech of his life but if you think you can do better than that, then I guess you may help - I giggled at him.
- Are you doubting my abilities!? Cassandra Miller, you disappoint me! - He looked at me trying to seem offended. I laughed with him for a while before saying:
- Stay still, your hat is not ready yet!
- Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you were still doing a masterpiece in my fleshy washed head! - We both giggled like to kids, just was we did ten years ago. I liked having him around, it was making me remember a lot of things that I've been trying to forget over the years, so I was thankful for that.
- You kids seem to be having a good time! - I turned around to see Joe, struggling to keep is eyes open as he clumsy walked into the room. He was clearly drunk. I got up from the bed and helped him lay down, with Patrick by his side. When he fell on the bed I could smell whisky and girl perfume. He also had one cheek bruised from a slap. A bitch slap. And a violent one.
- What in the world happened to you?! - I managed to say before running to the bathroom and leaving Joe talking to himself and Patrick. When I got in the bathroom and picked up a box of pills. Did that redhead got into a fight with him again? Or was it at work? And why the well is he drunk anyways?
I walked downstairs to the kitchen and reached for the freezer to pick up a pack of ice. He was going to need it. I walked up the stairs again and started running to his room. I walked in, put two pills in his bedside table near his water bottle and pressed the ice pack on his bruise. He screamed in pain, but I only pressed it harder.
- Easy Cass, for fuck's sake! - He screamed on last time before I pressed it even harder and getting where I was going.
- Do you want to explain what happened? - I asked, calming myself down. Or trying to.
- Okay fine, you want to know what happened?
- Oh, you are drunk but you can still guess things! Amazing! - I rolled my eyes.
- Shut up and ask me!
- What? You want me to ask you? Like an official question? - I asked confused.
- Oh my God... fine! Joe, what the fuck happened?! - I almost screamed.
- Well, since you are asking me so politely I'm going to tell you! - He giggled. Patrick was just staring at both of us.
- Oh! Such honer! - I rolled my eyes again.
- I QUIT! I FUCKING QUIT MY FUCKING JOB! - He laughed loudly. He did what!? My mind went blank.
- You did what!? - I asked.
- You heard me! I quit my disgusting job! I'm sick of carrying bricks all day! I'm sick of seeing only dust and hearing only machines all day! So I quit my job! - He started to say, still with a big smile in his face.
- And why are you drunk and all bitten up? - I asked, this time not shocked, I was just expecting him to say anything at this time.
- Well, after I told my boss to stick some bricks up his ass, I went to a bar to drink, obviously! But out of nowhere Aniston was standing in from of me, and because I was about five coups ahead of her she had time to react and I didn't. So that's why my beautiful face is ruined. - He finished his speech trying to pull off a sad baby face.
- Hum, Aniston? - I asked trying to remember a girl with that name.
- You know: red hair, big and round ass, cute smile, bich attitude...
- Oh yeah, right! - I answered, faking a smile - Well whatever, trying to get some sleep, we will talk about this again yesterday if we need too. For now just sleep, it's that best you can do.
- BUT I'M NOT SLEEPY MOMMY! - He cried out like a baby. When he said "mommy" my body shivered. I know he wasn't thinking about her but it made me thing about it. My face went dead and my eyes started to get watery.
- Sis, I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to make you sad... - He went to get me a hug. I wasn't in the mood for hugs, and I wasn't in the mood for dealing with my brother's drunk emotions. I pulled back and looked the other way.
- Just get some sleep, ok? - I asked while getting up - Sleep well, I will see you tomorrow.
I walked towards the door and Patrick followed me and I heard the door smacking when he closed it. I walked towards my room and stood near my door. I rested my head on the door frame and crossed my arms in my chest. Patrick was looking at me with a serious face.
- What's on your mind? - He asked getting a bit closer.
- Joe is going to regret it in the morning. And I trully hope that that Aniston bitch never comes across my brother again - I asked looking up and sighting.
- Everything will be fine, trust me on this one Cass - He smilled opening his arms for a hug. I took a step forward and hugged him tightly.
- I just hope that tomorrow he doesn't forget what he did today because if he does he is going to make a fool of himself showing up there. And than he his going to be kicked out by his boss and I'm certain that he is going to find comfort in some random girl like Aniston. So I just hope he doesn't forget that he quit his job! - I said, still hugged him. He than pulled back and grabbed my shoulders.
- He's a big boy, so if he gets in trouble he as to deal with it! And yesterday at Eddie's house after the concert you know what he said to me? - He smiled.
- What?
- That he is sick and tired of screwing random girls, and that he wants to settle down with someone special to him because in all of the girls that he fucked there was just one that made him fell something besides lust - He finished putting an arm around my neck and both of us leaned against the door.
- And who was the magical girl? - I asked, scanning my mind amd trying to remember all of them.
- That's the thing that I was hoping you would know, because you see after he said that Dave started puking right in front of us, so that kind of made us sick so he stopped talking about it.
- Well shit, I have no clue - I looked at him realizing how close we were - I'm going to ask him tomorow or something.
- Yeah, do that - He answered looking at my lips. I was terrified that he would try to do what he did some days ago, so I opened the door in a rush and got in after whispering "Good night Milkshake" . I heard him whisper back "Good night Cassie, sleep tight " before I completely closed the door. I walked over to my closet and opened it trying not to get all shaky because of what just happened. Was he going to try something? I hoped not. My mind kept drifting to Eddie and the way he kissed me the day he asked Stone to drive me to his place. I was in love with every little thing about this man, and I just felt like screaming at the top of my lungs the feelings I had towards him. But would wake up my brunk brother and probably scare the shit out of Patrick, so insted I just stripped from my clothes and puted on one of my brother's sweaters from when he worked in a cafeteria in a post office central. It was dark grey and had the words "Seattle Post Office Central: Cafeteria" and underneath it said "Joe Miller", my brother's name. Tomorow I had to find myself a job since by brother quit his. I stepped on the bed and pulled the covers on top of me to feel the warmth inside my bed. I rolled over to my left side facing my bedroom window, wishing Eddie was here with me. I was really falling hard for this guy. My thoughts started to burst inside my head when I closed my eyes, and I couldn't help but wonder who the magical girl Joe talked about was. I was really surprised when Patrick told me that, and I felt so happy knowing that if Joe gets with her for real I could have a girl friend to talk to. It's been years since I had one, and ever since I left school when I started living with my brother that I never had any more girls who I was friends with. So I missed having cheesy girl talks and sleepovers because even if I preferred hanging out with guys, I missed having a girl friend. So It would be amazing if Joe dated a really nice girl. I felt my thoughts getting more and more vain and next thing I knew I was falling asleep.


The first thing I heared when my senses woke up was the sound of a acoustic guitar being played and someone mumbling a song. I sat up in my bed and looked forward seeing what I wouldn't mind seeing everyday. I quietly got up not wanting to scare him, and walked over to his bare back, before pulling his hair out of his ear and whispering:
- I wouldn't mind waking up like this every morning of my life - He than stoped playing and turned around to face me. His dark eyes, his thick hair trying to cover his face, his soft lips that I was craving so badly.
- You kind of scared me you know what? - He asked, smiling and looking at my lips.
- I'm so sorry mister Vedder, it won't happen again - I teased, kissing his cheek softly. He placed his hand on my cheek and his lips fell on mine like a magnet. I was in his embrace again, felling protected and secure, and oh God how I loved that feeling.
- How did you end up here? If I remember correctly I fell alseep alone last night - I asked playing with his hair.
- What!? You don't remember the night you had with me!? So it ment nothing to you huh!? - Eddie said loudly, loudly enough to scare me. Wait, what? We spend the night together and I don't remember? I was confused and scared at this point.
- Wait, we did what exactly? I'm sorry but I don't think I rememb...
- I'm just kidding, your bother let me in - He admitted, giggling.
- EDDIE YOU SCARED ME! Jesus you are so mean... - I sighted.
- Oh, I'm sorry baby, I was just joking! Come here... - He moved closer to be, picking me up and putting me on his lap. I rested my head in his chest and he started playing with my hair.
- Eddie... what are we? - I heard myself asking out of nowhere.
- What do you mean? - He asked still making soft curls with his fingers in my hair.
- You know what I mean... What are we? - I asked one more time, regretting starting this conversation in the first place.
- Oh, I get it! We are human beings! You know those things that took over the world and shit - He giggled like a little kid. I couldn't help but to giggle with him, he always made the most serious situations turn into laughter.
- Eddie, I'm serious - I said in between giggles.
- Yeah I can se that! - He sarcastically said - Well, we are something that makes me really happy, and you are on my mind every hour of the day, and sometimes that's good and sometimes that's bad because I miss you so much it physically hurts me and my heart feels like it's about to burst. But than I'm with you and I feel like I've always been waiting for someone to make me feel this things. So we are something that makes me more than happy, Cassie. There are so many possibilities you know? We can be anything, so why giving it a name?- He finished by placing his lips on mine, tenderly. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck. Hearing that I made him happy was the best feeling in the world, so I was alright with our definition of "something".
- Do you want to tell me the name of the song that you were singing earlier? - I asked in between kisses, smiling.
- It's something I've been working on for a while now, but it doesn't have lyrics yet, in fact I was hoping you could help me with that - He smiled pulling away from the kiss.
- Really? You want my help? - I asked placing a kiss on his cheek.
- Yeah, I was hoping you could tell me a little bit more about yourself, yesterday I was thinking and I came to the conclusion that I hardly know this amazing girl called Cassie - He giggled at me.
- Fine than, but for now I'm going to find a job because my brother lost his, so tomorrow? - I asked, smiling at the idea of being with him again the next day.
- Tonight than - He simply said - And were are you going to work?
- I don't have the smallest idea but I have to find something since by brother quit his job. I've worked in a cafe and a second hand shop so I don't think that is going to be hard for me to find something like that.
- You could work as a full time Pearl Jam groupie, I mean.. my private groupie!
- Sure, bring it on - I laughed.
- I'm going to pick you up around nine or something ok? - He kissed my forehead and got up - Cya tonight, babe - He walked towards the door and got out. I heard the front door smack and I feel to the ground with a stupid smile on my face. Love was a funny thing.

A.N.: Hey guys! This is the first author's note that I do but I just wanted to apologize for not updating in a while and for the boring chapter... It doesn't have much Eddie on it but I wanted to explore a little bit more Cassie's brother. In the next one I promise that it will be more Eddie c:
Btw! Can you guys guess what is the song that Eddie is working on? It's kind of related to Cassie's past ;)
Oh, just one more thing! I have an idea for a Duff Mckagan fanfic so if you are interested in me making that let me know in the comments :3
Anyways, thank you so much for reading <3

Stay with me, let's just breathe (Eddie Vedder FanFic) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now