Chapter 1 - Police

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-Are you going to talk or not?! - yelled the policeman again.

I didn't answer.

-JUST TALK GOD DAMN IT! - he yelled yet again.

I still didn't answer. He raised his hand and punched me right in the nose, and I shook with the impact and turned my face the other way. "Go fuck yourself"

- And now, do you want to talk or do you want to talk? - Asked the policeman.

- Or - I said with disregard.

He got up suddenly, ran towards me, grabbed me by the collar and screamed in my ears:


He was just going to punch me in the face again, when the door shot open revealing a middle-aged man, with a beer stomach and a grey mustache:

- Chief, let go of the girl. There's a guy saying he's her brother and he is right at the front door guaranteeing that he is going to take her and he doesn't care about the consequences - I heard the middle age police officer say.

- That's adorable... but screw that guy! I can't! Not after what this bitch did! - Yelled the policeman, still grabbing me by the collar.

- Chief, I'm sorry but the guy says she's innocent and that she's his sister, and that she really has to go. Besides... - He said while taking a wad of bills out of his pocket.

- Ah, I see... - Spoke the police officer, putting me on the floor and giving me a pack in the back - Well then... I think we can let this one go... - He looked me in the eyes - Go on...

I recomposed myself and started walking towards the door, but, when I was almost there, one of the police officers tricked me and I nearly fell. In my head, all I was thinking about was killing those two, slowly, and with acid.

- Sick bastards - I muttered, whilst leaving that room and slamming the door.

I walked through the hallway until I found the exit. I felt someone behind me, but I didn't want to turn around, fearing it would be one of the police officers that I wanted to kill so badly. I turned around to see the face of the man who helped me get off that stupid police station.

- What? Not even a "thank you, my dear brother"? - The man whispered in my ear.

It was clearly him. I turned around and prepared to leave.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. I faced him once more, this time my heartbeat changing dramatically. Eddie.

-Where's my "thank you brother"? - he smirked evilly.

- Right here, in my back pocket. - I uttered in disdain, searching in my back pocket for my middle finger, turning away.

He laughed.

- Is that how you thank me? - He asked, walking behind me, relaxed.

- Why should I thank you? For burning the stage and blaming me? - I spat, turning around and facing him, mad.

- No, because I saved you.

- The only reason I am here is that you blamed me! - I answered, walking away again.

He kept following me until the exit gate, arguing.

I finally got off the police station and that's when I realized: I had no idea where I was...

- Lost, lit' sis?

- Is that clear... "brother"? - I responded, not facing him. I was to busy scanning the streets and trying to figure out where I was.

Stay with me, let's just breathe (Eddie Vedder FanFic) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now