Chapter 14 - Platinum

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5:37 pm

My hands were freezing and every time I breathed a white cloud come out of my mouth. While sitting in my brother's car, in an empty parking lot of a random coffee shop, my hands started shaking from the nerves. I was waiting for it to be 6:30 pm to go to Eddie's house because the band was going to be there by that time. Possibly in that moment they were in the record company, showing the two guys that contracted them a few songs, so that hopefully they liked them enough to make an album. And I was so nervous for them that I drove to nowhere to buy coffee, even though there's a coffee shop in a 10 minute walk from my house.

5:52 pm

I started searching for a pack of cigarettes in my brother's car: On the door there was only an old newspaper and some recites. In the drawer in front of the passanger's seat there was a box of condoms, some bills, the car's papers and a lighter. I rolled my eyes and started searching in the back seat, finding nothing whatsoever. I turned on the radio and tuned in one of my favorite radio stations while looking through the car window, staring at the people that were entering the cafe. The sound of "Passager" by Iggy Pop started playing and I started to imagine what it was like to see the band perform in a big arena: the loud crowd, the enthusiastic fans, everyone cheering them up, it would be a dream.
I used to listen to this song a lot coming from my bother's room on one of the houses we bought when we first started living by ourselves. I remember seeing him put this song on, laying down in his bed and smoking a cigarette while reading one of his books, and he just staid there for hours, always putting that song back on. He is a really smart dude, my bother, and it's a shame knowing that if he had stayed in school he would became a man with a great job, but unfortunately things didn't turned out that way. Not everyone is destined to have great jobs.


I turned on the engine and got out of the parking lot, making sure to turn the radio volume up. I liked driving and I wasn't scared of it anymore thanks to Dave, so now drivng for me was a relaxing thing, something that calmed me down but that also burned gas so I only drove for pleasure when I really needed it, because gas costs money and money was something that wasn't falling from the skys for my brother and I.
I started getting good at memorizing roads and places, so I was able to find my way back to Eddie's house with no worries. I was getting more anxious to know if the songs were good enough for the producers. For me they were more then enough, they were brilliant! But I didn't know those guys, I could only hope that these songs were as good as the ones they heard on the concert.
I finally decided that being anxious wasn't going to help, so I breathed slowly, looked through the side mirror, staring at my image and repeated to myself "They are going to make it". My hair was up in a ponytail, my eyes had smudged black eyeliner from the day before, and my lips were to dry to have a hint of color in them but I was wearing the only piece of clothing that I found appropriate and not boring: A dark brown lacy shirt that looked too big on me because of my tiny height. It had lacy long sleeves and some tiny buttons on the front, the fabric being a gorgeous brown velvet. My broher picked it for me in a kind off more expensive store after he moved out of our third home. I was always complaining about how my brother had bright green eyes like our mother and I was left with my father's boring dark brown eyes. Even in the eyes I was cursed with his image. One day my brother gave me the shirt and said "See? Dark brown isn't boring, it's beautiful!".


I parked outside Eddie's house and quickly got out of the car. I was feeling more calm, and as I put foot after foot I had a good feeling about this. I hadn't even got near the door when I heard people running inside the house, screaming and wohooing. Before I could run to the door with excitement, the door smashed open and the hole band was running hysterically towards me.
- CASSIE! WE DID IT! WE FUCKING DID IT! - Dave jumped to my lap making me land on the floor.
- PEARL JAM ARE GOING TO HAVE A FUCKING ALBUM! - Stone landed on top of Dave.
- EVERYONE IS GOING TO KNOW OUR MUSIC! MY GRANDMA CAN PLAY IT AT HOME! - Jeff landed on top of Stone, making me squeak in pain. Those guys were getting heavy.
- AND WE ARE GOING TO BE SWIMMING IN CHICKS! - Matt joined the pile of humans, making my lungs struggle for air. I tried to say "Congratulations!" but my stomach was being crushed by four grown male adults so I taped Dave's shoulder in hopes that he could get the message that my brain was lacking oxygen.
- Guys, Cassie is dying we better let her breath! - He explained while laughing. I was saved. After getting up and hugging everyone my heart was so full of joy that my chest hurt, and it was not because I just got smashed my four guys, it was because they actually made it. They told me that Eddie was inside, on the phone with Chris, and that he had been trying to explain him that this hole thing wasn't a lie.
I rushed to the house smiling from ear to ear, checking every room and following the sound of his voice to figure out where he was. After some turns in the hallway I finally saw him facing one of the large windows in his room, screaming at the phone "WHY DON'T YOU BELIVE US?". I quietly took his phone away and threw it to the table, but the phone line made it crash on the ground.
- Hey! What the fuck!? - He said surprised before he saw me. Then his expression changed and he was now smiling.
- I love you! - I was able to say before I jumped to his lap, making his hands slid to my waist to hold me. He pushed me against a wall and said quietly:
- So, you heard the big news?
My heart was pounding, my eyes were shinning, my smile was huge, he always made me feel wanted, happy, and confident. He always fought to get what he wanted, he always wanted to do better, to be a better man, to be a better person and to enjoy every little bit of his life. And I could see that in his brown and beautiful eyes. And it fascinated me.
- I can't say I haven't... - I answered looking at his lips now, and making my urge to kiss him grow bigger.
- How does it feel to be dating a rock star? - He playfully said, getting closer to my ear, making my legs curl up in his waist, and my arms to slide and rest on his shoulders.
- Oh, so you think that because you have an album coming up you are automatically a rock star? - I teased, laying two soft kisses in his neck.
- What? I'm not? - He pushed back so that I couldn't kiss his neck anymore and tried to do a confused expression.
- Of course not! At least to me... you have to prove me you're a rock star for me to belive you! - I grabbed his t-shirt with one of my hands to make his face closer to mine.
- Oh, I see... Well, in that case I'll have to show you what rock stars are all about... - His smile faded into a playful grin, and his hands slided to the bottom of my jeans. His lips got closer to mine and right before he kissed me I heard him whisper "I love you too Cassie".


- Where's the lead singer of Pearl Jam at!? - A voice startled both me and Eddie, and the loud footsteps that followed made me grab my velvet shirt and throw it over my head to put it on. After my head passed through the shirt and my arms filled the long sleeves, Eddie's head popped up in front of me and he said playfully and before giving me a kiss on the cheek "Fame is calling!".
After he got out of the room I searched for my jeans and jacket, hearing Chris's voice in the hallway screaming "You did it, you motherfucker!". I zipped up my jeans and put my sneakers on, making my way out the bedroom door.
- So, you decided to belive that he was telling the truth? - I asked when I saw Chris's spiky hair with the corner of my eye.
- Cassandra! The one and only! - He got close to hug me and whisper so that Eddie could also hear "This motherfuckers did it!"
Both me and Eddie laughed at the thought of prosper times ahead of us and the band.
- So now you guys are going to start making huge concerts and shit? And when is this so called album coming up? - Chris asked with his goofy voice and playful personality.
- Well first, the album has to sell, then we move on to concerts. - Eddie answered while I hugged his hips and he putted one arm over my shoulder.
- And the name is still Pearl Jam or what?
- Yes it is, we like it and besides, people are getting used to it. - Eddie smiled at the thought of getting world recognition.
- And the logo? What is it? - Chris almost screamed of excitement. Eddie went silent for a second, but that his eyes got huge and he was the one who screamed:
Me and Chris shivered with the sudden impact of his words and before we know it he as running like a maniac to his room. I exchanged looks with Chris but he was also clueless about what was going on.
- CASS! COME HERE FOR A SECOND! - His voice was born from the depths of the house, making me not question, just walk towards him. Once I got to the room I saw him, with both of his hands behind his back and a smile from ear to ear. The got close to me, walking slowly and closed the door. Still with always one hand behind him, he looked to me with his hypnotic eyes and said, confident:
- I'm going to show you the contract that we signed with the label, and I want you to pay close attention to the last sheets of paper, especially the last few words.
So now I was scared, what was in the contract that was worth all of this secrecy and excitement? Where they going to move to a different country? Where they going to paint their hair pink? Do they have to sing only about peace? My mind was drifting from hypotheses to hypotheses, but before I could even look at him the papers were on my hand.
The first sheet of paper had the basics: the name of the band, editor, members, etc. The following pages had a lot of infamous words so I look at Eddie and he told me to skip a few, so I did. He abruptly said "STOP!" at one of the pages so I did and the first thing I read was "CASSANDRA MILLER". My heart skipped a bit and my eyes got huge. Why was my name on there? Was I a part of the contract? Before I could think any longer my eyes read what was beforr my name: "LOGOTYPE ARTWORK BY". My head was so confused. I did the logo? When? And how?
Eddie's hand passed the sheets of paper to the next page and I couldn't belive my eyes. The silly stickmen. I looked at Eddie, and then at the paper. Eddie, the paper. Eddie, paper. Was this for real? That silly thing I drew in his car window was going to represent their rising band to success? Was I going to be a part of it?
- So?... - Eddie looked at me with a smile in his lips and his eyes glowing.
- Is this for real? - Was all I could ask in that moment.
- Yes! Look, the two producers signed below. - He pointed at their signatures still smiling.
- Wow so this is for real... - I couldn't belive it, but it was true.
- I told you how special that silly drawing is to me, and how special that night was, so I decided that it was the best way to remember it forever. - He threw the papers to the bed softly and hold my face with his hands to start staring into my eyes. I never felt so honored in my life, representing a rising band that was going to hit success with my memories and drawings.
- HEY KIDS! - Me and Eddie both turned to the door to see Joe with his arms and legs spread out like he was hiddig someone.
- Joe? - I turned to face him even more confused.
- In honor of the new Pearl Jam album, I'm going to present you something... I mean, someone! This person decided that it was time for a change. - He proceeded without even blinking, like he had a prepared speach.
- In honor of Pearl Jam and in honor of "Fuck everyone", I present to you, ladies and gentlemen... GOOD OLD PHILIPA! - He announced almost screaming, at the same time he got out the way and staid by her side doing jazz hands. My jaw dropped. In front of me was Phillipa, but not as in "Redhead Phillipa". In front of me was Phillipa, as in "Platinum blond Phillipa". She smiled nervously in the cutest way possible and before my jaw could go back to his original position I heard the hole band front the other side of the house screamig in shock after seeing her new platinum blond beautiful hair.

I'm so sorry for not updating in so long but school just takes away most of my time unfortunately :(
I hope this is a good chapter and I'm already planning the next one, and trying not to take so long to update s:
See you guys on the next one ♡

Stay with me, let's just breathe (Eddie Vedder FanFic) | CompletedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ