Chapter 9 - Promises

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I hadn't seen my brother the hole day, so I didn't know if he got kicked of by his boss or not. I wanted to go to the previous place where I used to work, the second hand shop in hopes that they would take me back, but I needed a ride, so since my brother was not home I asked Patrick. We were now in his car and he was turning on the engine.
- Second hand shop right? - He asked me brushing his hair.
- Yup! - I said popping the "p".
- And does Joe know?
- Nop! - I said doing the same thing.
- You know that he is not going to be pleased to know that his little sis is working...
- I've worked before and nothing bad happened, so I will be just fine.
- I know you will - He said while turning on the radio. In minutes we were parked outside the shop. I really wanted that job, and it wasn't my intention to leave it but my brother screwed up things and I had to quit. In that day I was on my way to start unpacking some boxes full of clothes when a man tht was looking through some shirts started engaging conversation and hitting on me, big time. The thing is that in that day Joe was there looking for a sofa that he could put on his little house for his friends and girlfriends and he happened to be passing by and heared the man, so he flipped. Of course I didn't felt good there anymore because of all the looks I was having from people that worked there, so I had to quit. My boss at the time asked me to stay but I was just too uncomfortable. But now I just wanted my job back, so I was praying that the shop owner was still the same and that he remembered me.
- You want me to wait for you or to pick you up? - Patrick asked zipping of his jacket and putting himself comfortable like he was going to be there for hours.
- No it's fine really, I can walk home, it's not that far from here - I smiled at him.
- Are you sure? I can wait, I have nothing better to do Cass.
- Don't worry, I will be fine - I continued to smile at him. It was not that I didn't want the ride, I just didn't like being a pain in the ass. I got out of the car and waved at him after saying "Thanks Patrick!". He said "Anytime!" and I started walking towards the door. When I got in I realized that everything was the same since I left: man scanning through the t-shirt section looking for old band tees, old lady picking up various types of mugs and plates by the kitchen area, kids making a mess by the toy zone and broke teenagers like myself that buy their clothes here because it's cheaper. I waked to the payment area and waited for someone to appear. After a while a fairly young girl, maybe a bit older than me with bright red hair like Aniston's smiled at me and asked with a really adorable voice:
- Hi I'm Phillipa! What can I do for you? - She giggled a bit in the end, looking even more adorable. Her soft curly hair, pure and pale skin, freckles in her cheeks and nose, little pink lips, big eyes with some black eyeliner and her thin body structure, she looked like a fairy.
- Hi! I'm hoping to find a job here, I've worked in this place before so I was praying for my old boss to take me back. His name is Mr. Davies, is he still here? - I asked politely. I was trying not to speak to loud, she looked like a porcelain doll and I was afraid I could break her with my normal voice tone.
- Yeah he's here! I'm going to have a word with him and I will be right back, is that okay? - She asked, still smiling like a child.
- Yes that would be perfect, thank you! - I watched her walk away and entering a door that leaded to Mr. Davies office. I was getting nervous at this point because if I couldn't get the job the bills at home were going to start accumulating. Minutes after I saw the girl and Mr. Davies approaching me: Phillipa still smiling and Mr. Davies started running towards me, his arms open for a hug.
- Cassandra! Good seeing your face again! - He said laughing as he hugged me.
- It's nice to see you too Mr. Davies! - I smiled at him as he pulled away.
- Well, what can I do for you? Phillipa here told me you want your job back is that right?
- Yes it is, working here again would really come in handy since my brother lost his job - I confessed.
- Oh yeah, that bastard... I'm glad he isn't here now or else I was the one who was going to flip... - Mr. Davies looked away from me. He clearly hasn't forgotten about Joe's incident - Well you know, right now it's only Phillipa and Robert in the shop handing the costumers and the payments so I think you came in a great time! - He looked again at me. I smiled noticing that he still as the habit of starting his sentences with "Well".
- So you are willing to give me my old job back? - I asked exited.
- Of course! You are efficient! And you were a great worker!
- Thank you so much Mr. Davies! When do I start? - I asked almost jumping with happiness.
- Well, the month starts tomorrow, so that's a good day for you to start what do you say?
- Tomorrow is perfect!
- Good. Well, I'm going back to my bear cage, if you need something just ask. Phillipa can show you around, not that you don't know where everything is because you do but this way you girls can get to know each other. Robert is not here today but tomorrow you will meet him and I'm aure you two will also get along fine. It was nice seeing you again Cassandra! - He waved walking back to his office, or "bear cage" as he called it.
I was left alone with the fairy girl and I was glad that she engaged conversation because I always have been terrible at that.
- So your name is Cassandra, huh? That's an unusual name.
- Phillipa is not that comun either - I smiled as we walked to the toy section.
- My dad wanted a boy, and wanted to name him after my grandfather Phillip, so when I was born a girl he just added an "a" to make the name look more feminine. I kind of like having this name, it's nice to know that it's not comun - She confessed in between giggles.
- My father didn't want a girl either, but it was my brother who named me. I like my name as well, but I prefer Cassie not Cassandra, Cassandra is a long ass name - I told her as she started picking up some toys that were laying on the floor.
- Are you two close? You and your brother? - She asked brushing a doll's hair.
- Yeah we are, but he can be a real prick sometimes. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
- Not really, I just have something like 45 cousins or so! - She laughed. The door bell rang to warn the shop that a customer arrived, and we both looked to the front door to see who it was. My eyes stood open when I saw who it was.
- Cassie! Good to see you here girl! - Dave waved at me with a friendly smile before starting walking towards us.
- Do you know him? - Phillipa asked, interested.
- Yes, he's the drummer in my boyfrie... my friend's band. He's a really nice guy - I told her, not sure if I could call Eddie my boyfriend or not. Could I?
Dave stopped and looked straight to Phillipa, who also had her eyes glued to him.
- Hi, I'm Phillipa! Nice meeting you - She introduced herself politely.
- My name's Dave, nice meeting you to beautiful - He winked at her, making her blush.
- May I ask what are you doing here? - I said trying not to understand the mood that was getting between them.
- I just like to stop by some second hand shops from time to time, you never know what you may find - We winked at Phillipa again - And you?
- I start working here tomorrow actually - I told him, noticing that he was to busy drooling at the girl - But for now I guess I'm going home, it was nice meeting you Phillipa! - I had to leave, I was clearly ruining their moment.
- You want a ride home? My car is outside I can take you - Dave offered.
- No, I'll be fine my house is not that far away from here - Again, I disliked being a pain in the ass.
- I insist!
- What about your shopping?
- I already found what I was looking for - We smiled seductively at Phillipa, who was now bright red like her hair.
- Well, in that case thank you - I smiled at Dave and started walking towards the door, not seeing what those two were doing. I got outside and went over to Dave's car hearing the shop's door open behind me.

Stay with me, let's just breathe (Eddie Vedder FanFic) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now