Chapter 16 - Prison

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First I wanted to say that I didn't saw anything of what happened in that show coming. Alice in Chains had became a soundtrack of a really weird family TV show for some reason. Let me see if I can explain.
We weren't that far off from the front row, and still we could feel the energy of all of the audience, it was like a big family, united for music. My brotherwas beyond happy, singing every word and getting more and more excited. Eddie and I were next to Patrick, the three of us having a good time, just feeling the gig and enjoying the music.
- They can really put on a show! - Stone screamed for Eddie to hear but had to repeat it two more times because the crowd wouldn't stopped screaming for one more song.
I could see Layne walking on stage and smiling before he took the mic in his hands and said:
- Alright, alright! We are gonna do one more!
The crowd lost it, cheering and screaming. I knew that that gig was gonna go down in history.
- The next song is not ours, and in fact the brilliant minds that did it are in the crowd here with us, I mean, I hope they are! - Layne looked to the crowd and laughed - Pearl Jam, where are you motherfuckes ?!
I glanced at Eddie and he was looking at Layne without moving.
- Oh shit.... Camon fucker, stop staring and move your ass! - Stone grabbed Eddie and they stormed off to the stage in no time. They got to the first row, then jumped to the stage and were greated by Layne and the hole band before he would take the mic again and give Stone a guitar.
- I would like to sing a personal favorite. Stone showed me this song some time ago when it wasn't finished, but I know that it's finished know and that it's gonna be in the album so I wanted to sing it with who created it. It's "Why Go".
The first notes of the song started playing, the crowd started chearing and Eddie and Stone started playing their song. Layne's voice sounded amazing with Eddie's, and they couldn't have ended the gig in a better way.
When Stone, Patrick and I enterd the backstage Eddie and Layne were chatting while the rest of the band was drinking some beer and talking to some friends.
I started approaching them with Patrick by my side but before I could speek Layne glanced a look at me.
- Good to see you again, Cassie.
- Good to see you too - I smiled before giving him a hug. It's been a while since we hang out with him and the band.
- Still the same cheerful face, hum ? - He smiled again and rolled up the sleeves from his plaid shirt, the room was getting hot due to the amout of people in the backstage and all the chairs were occupied. Eddie offered his lap and I sat down, the gig had really took a tool on me, I was exhausted from all the jumping and screaming so I gladly accepted it.
- I see you two have finally surrounded to love ? - Layne asked lightening a cigarette.
- Oh this ? No, I'm just offering my lap because I assume the lady would like to sit! - Eddie joked around.
- And I'm only accepting it because there are no more chairs available of course! - I joked as well.
- Well in that case I still have a shot? - Layne gave me a smirk and blew out the smoke.
- And... because I'm now dating this guy as well... - I joked and gave Eddie a smile, making Layne laugh.
- I knew it! - Layne pointed at us with the cigarette in his hand. - Rad couple you two.
He was a simple person, with a addictive smile and charismatic eyes. And of the times I've been around him it's like there's only positive vibes surrounding his space, or as Eddie used to say "That guy could sit near a window, light a cigarette and smile at the distance that a kid in the other side of the world would start smiling too".
- Here you are! There's not a lot of chairs and sofas and far too many people in this room. - Stone greated Layne and introduced him to Patrick. I turned my face to see Eddie's and he didn't seemed upset that Patrick was there. Maybe he had already forgot what happened at the party ?
- Sup man, I'm Layne! - He gave Patrick a handshake and passed him a beer.
- Patrick - He smiled and took the beer.
One by one the band and his friends joined us in the chatting and the drinking. Everyone was feeling amazing about how the concert went and the spontaneous chance that Eddie and Stone got to perform alongside Alice in Chains. Besides, life was getting good for both bands, they were growing, their fans were growing and their music was growing. If you would ask me if I belived all of this could happen some months ago when I left that police station and entered Stone's car pissed off at Eddie and everyone, I wouldn't belive you. But now things were going as they should be, and I think everyone thought the same, there was this feeling around that everything was going as planned.
- Oh, you think that's embarrassing? One time at one of our first shows, i mean if you can call playing in a friend's garage a show, I was so anxious that I threw up right before saying the first word to a lyric, no joke! - Layne laughed and almost spilled his beer. I was starting to feel the alcohol so did everyone around me.
- The day before the gig that got us the contract with Epic Records I was so fucking nervous that I had to dip my head in a bucket of ice just to calm the fuck down! - Stone gave a big laugh and layed back. - But for the thrill of being on stage, I would do it all again!
- Oh, you bet! - Layne backed him up. - I remembered the first time I saw Pearl Jam play, men! I was stocked! I tripped only with music, you guys killed it really!
The conversations were getting louder and people were growing in number. By the corner of my eye I saw my brother Joe and Pillipa arriving so I raised my arm up so that they could see us.
- Hey Joe! Do you remember the first time you saw Pearl Jam perform? - Eddie shouted and waved a beer. Phillipa ran to us and gave me a tight hug, while Joe arived after greating some guys that were there as well.
- Work buds. - He whispered and winked at me. I remembered that I still didn't knew were he worked.
- The first time I saw Pearl Jam perform I was hella drunk, BUT I remember Jeff's hat boucing in his head like always and looking at Eddie and looking at my sister and thinking: She probably thinks he's hella hot. - He tried to say before bursting into laughter. I agreed, it was the truth after all.
- How about you Patrick? - Eddie asked, not even looking mad at all. He was at ease with the situation and it was nice seeing that they both could forgive one another. Although there was a strange look on Eddie's face after he asked that, like he had screwd up or something. Patrick took a sip of his beer and having a good time anwserd laughing as well.
- I also don't remember much but I was near the front row and I saw Stone shouting to the crowd "Is anyone awake?! Or are all of you sleeping drunk?!"!
- Oh I remember that, that was in the very first ones! Now everyone says that to me when they wanna joke around, it's my catch phrase I guess! Wasn't that on the gig when everything burned because of a fire? - Stone asked Eddie, almost stopping mid phrase when he saw the look on Eddie's face.
- Have we meet you before the fire Patrick? - Joe asked confused.
I stopped rationalizing things at this point. When did we meet Patrick? Was it after of before the fire? I knew the answer but my answer wasn't coherent with the story Patrick just told. I glanced a look at Eddie and he was stuck looking at Patrick. My thoughts were all messed up, the conversation was messed up, I couldn't think properly.
- We meet you after the fire, I'm sure of it. - Stone said, confused. - So how come you were at that show?
My eyes turned to Patrick and he turned to me, not saying a word. I was starting to understand what I didn't want to realise. Could it be what I was thinking? Eddie was speaking and Patrick wasn't saying a word either.
- How could you be at that gig were the fire started? - Joe asked this time. Patrick was still not answering.
- When you arrived you said that you had just meet Jeff and Mike at a bar, and that you were looking for Cassie, so how were you at a Pear Jam show a week before ? - Stone looked angry and confused while starting at Patrick.
Everyone that knew what was going on stopped speaking. No one wanted to say what everyone was thinking. My heart started pounding faster, my hands were getting sweetier, I was getting nervous. I felt a brutal force picking me up and lifting me from Eddie's lap, before realising that he had got up and ran to Patrick launching at him angrily. It was what I was thinking, it could only be.
Stone and Joe rushed to Eddie to try and pull him out of the fight, but in the second Stone released Patrick from Eddie's hands, he pushed him against a wall and screamed "DID YOU FUCKING DID IT YOU FUCK?!"
Layne rushed over there as well, pulling out Stone. Next thing I know Joe and Patrick were out of site, and Phillia was pulling me to another side of the room so that Layne could take a hand on both Stone and Eddie.
- What are they on about?! - Phillipa asked as confused as she could be. It took me too long to even open my mouth, so she had to ask it over and over again. - CASS?! WHAT THE HELL?!
- I'm... not sure... - Was the only thing that I could mumble.
After that she told me that she wanted to find Joe, so she called out Eddie to stay near me because apparently I wasn't answering any of the her questions.
- You are probably in shock, don't worry it'll pass after a while... - Eddie's voice echoed in my head with some delay.
- Did he... ? - I tried to ask him but the words stopped mid sentence.
- Yea, I'm almost certain... - He put an arm around me and we both leaned back on the hall, looking at the ceiling, not moving, not speaking, just trying to put the pieces back together without falling apart ourselves.

I'm almost finishing this fan fiction, and I'm trying to find an amusing and climatic end since I'm quite happy with the way the story turned out. I'll keep updating, but I'm not sure how many chapters there'll be until the last one.
Sorry for the lack of updates recently but the story will have an end don't worry :v
I hope this is turning out ok for you guyz as well v:

P.S.: Any ideas for where Joe is working ?

Stay with me, let's just breathe (Eddie Vedder FanFic) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now