Chapter 19 - Peace

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- That's one hell of a story... You two have been busy this past few years...
There wasn't much furniture in the house, just some missplaced objects and the necessary base ones. The walls were all painted in a baby blue shade, blue was her favorite colour. She lived alone but had a new boyfriend who she toughed was a real nice guy for a change. His name was Chad and he was working for the weekend, so we weren't going to meet him, we didn't had plans to stay that long. We didn'thad plans at all, we just wanted to see were this was leading us.
- I think we turned out pretty well - Joe smilled looking at her.
The years of loneliness and hard work were printed in every new wrinkle in her eyes and mouth. Her hair was still long, but white, with some tones of her once blond hair. She had painted her nails purple, and had on light blue eyeshadow. She looked tired and her eyes were sad, much like I remembered her, but something was different: her smile was genuine and joyfull. That, I haven't seen ever.
- When I gave Patrick my adress I wasn't expecting this to actually happen... But this is wonderfull - She gazed at me and Joe, smilling. Her dog Miley came to lay down on the sofa next to her and Joe. - I got Miley a few months after you two took off, just to keep me company you know? I understood your choice perfectly, don't get me wrong, the way our life was getting was more then enough to make me realize that I had to turn it around somehow. So you two made the difficult choice that helped as all and that I hadn't the guts to make, if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have opened my eyes and stopped walking a dark path.
Her reaction to our visit was not what I was expecting: in my head she was more then mad, she was furious to see the kids who "abandoned" their mother, or maybe sad, with lots of tears and screaming telling us that her life was miserable and that we never should have left. But it was the opposite: it was like she was calmly expecting us, not she knew we were coming, but she had a feeling we were going to cross paths again. And she knew why we did it, understanding our position.
We talked for hours about our journey, hers, our father, Eddie, Patrick, Phillipa, all of the things that we wanted to tell her about, after all we haven't been with a close family member in a while, let alone our mother.
As we were getting the car started and saying goodbye to her, the three of us knew that we were going to come back soon to see her, and as we tought not even two weeks after Joe and I were in that same sofa petting Miley.
The trip home was a breath of fresh air, me and Joe both so overwhelmed that we actually found her after all these years...
- She is right Joe, you were the hero here. - I glanced at him, chancing the radio to another station. "Call me" by Blondie was playing.
- The hero ? - He asked not taking the eyes of the road. It was about four in the morning and he didn't want to crash the car, the day was too good to end like that.
- You raised me right, I was just a kid when we left and you had to take care of me, and teach me all of the things parents teach their kids.
- Cass, you are my sister, in not a hero and just a good brother who wanted his siter to have a good childhood, not a crappy one. - Joe smiled looking at me.
We finally arrived to our destiny and Joe drove us to Eddie's house because we figured the party wasn't finished yet and we were spending the night there.
- I could really use a drink, this was on hell of an experience. - Joe entered the house wich was filled with music and cross conversations.
We both got a full red cup and made a toast to our trip and to what came out of it.
After that Joe hugged me and thanked me to be beside him all these years he took off to look for Phillipa in the backyard.
I entered the corridor and opened the door to Eddie's room to see if he was there.
- The rockstar once again hiding from the crowd! - I joked after seeing him laying in his bed with his hands behind his head and his eyes closed. I jumped to the bed and kissed him. - Why aren't you in the party?
- We just played at Pinkpop festival, I'm still processing that... - He smilled and kissed me back.
I guess that all of us got a pretty overwhelming day, Pearl Jam playing at Pinkpop, Phillipa, Chris and Rob warching it, Patrick disappearing to whatever he was, and me and Joe meeting our mom again.
We ended up not leaving the room, just occasionally to get more drinks, and made our own party right there, telling wich other all of the crazy stuff that happened. He putted Pearl Jam's album playing for me to hear before it was released, and to the sound of "Oceans" we feel asleep together, in the most noisy house around town.

After all of this I was expecting great things for the future, not just for me but to all of us. These years have made me look at people differently and most of all realize that we all change and that everyone that I've meet had change in some way, so I was really for all of us to change and to build new and greater memories together, after all tomorrow was another day, another jouney and another chance to make new and better choices.


(*final maybe be altered or rewritten in the future)

Stay with me, let's just breathe (Eddie Vedder FanFic) | CompletedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt