Chapter 15 - Press

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- So, Cassandra... I can call you Cassandra right? - Ruben, one of the producers glanced over me behind his rectangular sunglasses with a smirk.
- I guess... - I answered feeling kind of uncomfortable. We were the only ones in the recording room since the band and the other producer were sighing some more paper work on his office. And why didn't Ruben went with them, you ask? That is a wonderful question.
- What's the nature of your relationship with Eddie? - He lowered his sunglasses to stair at me. I was praying for them to comeback since this intense conversation was making me nauseous.
- He's my boyfriend. - I simply said, starting to look at the music magazine I was previously reading.
- Oh, I see. Well, Cassandra, I don't think that the lead singer having a boyfriend makes good advertisement, you follow? For the girl fans you know... - He started lowering his voice so that the band next door couldn't hear us. I was getting seriously upset and one more word from his mouth and I would loose it, but thankfully he stopped talking and I could try to make my voice sound as nice as possible.
- Well, Ruben, I'm not sure if you noticed but the band is here to sign a contract with music producers, not the Playboy magazine. - From the room next door I could here people thanking each other and laughs, meaning that they were going to come back anytime soon.
- Oh, I didn't mean to upset you, what I'm trying to say is that you two don't need to break up, you just have to not show up, you feel? Just go unnoticed... - He putted his sunglasses on again, like "going unnoticed" was what he was doing. This guy was a real caricature.
- I don't think I'm gifted in the art of being a master of disguise, but even if I was I would make sur... - I was interrupted buy the door next to me opening and reveling the band, all of them smiling.
- Here they are! Ready to make history? - Ruben jumped off his chair and opened his arms. All of the followed him into the recording cabin and I remanded observing and thinking about the things that Ruben said. Was he really that dumb?
Jeff lighted up a cigarette and all of them were ready to start recording. Daren, the other producer, made the signal and the first choirs of "Better Man" started to echo throw the small room.
As the day went by and more and more they played, the words that Ruben said to me were still in my head. That made me so upset that I knew I wasn't acting normal and that everyone could see it. By the time "Better Man" was fully recorded I left the room to get some fresh air and coffee. He said I wasn't a good idea, he had the guts to tell me that. That guy was insane.
After some turns I finally found a coffee machine and ordered a black coffee, no sugar. My brother liked his coffee like that so I learned to like it too. While I was waiting on the machine to make my coffee, I saw Stone walking down the hall facing me.
- Hello - He waved to me before taking my coffee and handing it to me.
- Hi, how's the song going? -I asked just making conversation although i wasn't feeling like talking.
- Finished, they say it's going to be great.
- I belive them! - I told Stone before sipping on my hot coffee. He ordered his and then faced me, like he was trying to figure out something.
- What's the matter Cass? - He leaned against the wall, making me remember one of the first times I was with him and he stayed like that for 30 minuts, just waiting for me to tell him my age. That was his waiting position.
- Why do you thing there's something wrong?
- Well, you were extremely quiet the hole time and you only looked at Eddie twice instead of the twelve times you usually look at him.
Stone could always make situations seem funny, no matter what. But could it be that Ruben made me that upset by what he said? I guess it made me uncomfortable that he was measing with my personal life but did I let that show that much?
- It's nothing, don't worry. - I said with a quiet smile. Honestly, I didn't like when people told me that there wasn't anything wrong when it clearly was but most of the times I did that too.
- Tell me 'camon... - Stone insisted, doing his friendly face. I wasn't really feeling like discussing it because I felt like not touching the subject, but I knew he wasn't going to give up.
- That "Ruben guy" is a prick and I don't like him, that's all.
- Did he do something to you? - Stone asked, changing his facil expression completely. Now he was ready to kick some ass.
- No, he just told me I don't look good in the magazines and shit because I'm Eddie's girlfriend... But don't worry about it, he was just being an asshole.
Before I could sip on my coffee again, Stone stormed out off the hall and entered the room where the band was, slamming the door. I followed him, hoping that he wouldn't start a fight over this.
- Stone is back! Look, we just need to review some oth... - Daren was interrupted by Stone, who pointed at Ruben before he started talking.
- Can you explain to me what the hell is that story about "girlfriends don't look good in magazines" ?
The hole room stared at Stone and then at Ruben. It was dead silent before Ruben started talking.
- Oh that! I wasn't trying to offend Cassie, I just know by experience that right now, magazines and publicity are really important these days, and if the lead singer as a girlfriend, all those young obsessed girls are not gonna be pleased, and besid... - Ruben was interrupted again, this time by Eddie.
- Wait, what? Did you just said that? - Eddie approached Ruben and looked right at him, confused. - Do I look like I care about advertisements and publicity? People are going to like us for our music, not our faces and our girlfriend's faces, got it?
Ruben was quiet for a while and just nodded a "yes".
- I'm sorry if I offended you Cass, it wasn't my intention to start any fights with the band... - He told me before looking at the band. - Let's just forget about this incident ok? Just forget I said that. - He smiled, apologetic.
- Forgotten. - Stone said.
All of them returned to work but I could feel the tension. Eddie put his arm around my neck and whispered "You're my girl, and I'm going to scream that in everyone's face if I feel like it", before kissing my cheek and returning to work.
I just sat in a chair the hole time before we left, late in the night.
I enjoyed seeing the city at night, all the lights, all of the reflections, it had a comforting feeling to it.
I spent the night at Eddie's since I forgot my house keys and both Patrick and Joe weren't there. It's been a while since I've been with those two, and I started to miss them a hole lot. Besides, Patrick usually was always out for some reason and I haven't seen him in a while. He kind of just disappears some times.
- Do you want to eat something? - Eddie asked while picking up a pack of chips.
- I'm good with chips. - I smiled and got up to get some.
- You feel like going to a gig tomorrow? - Eddie asked, helping me sit on the kitchen table.
- Who's playing? - I dived my hand in the bag of chips.
- Chains. - Eddie did the same.
- Oh, cool. Sure then! - I answered, genuinely excited. I really like Alice in Chains, and they were getting big too. I felt like these were the right years to start a band, everyone needed something to relate to, and music was the best thing they could bond to. Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, all those grunge bands were getting big, and that was exactly what people needed, someone to sing their lungs out for them.
- Layne is going to be happy to see you... - Eddie kissed my neck, teasing.
- Of course he is, he really liked to meet me... - I teased him too. There was this one time at a party in Chris's house when I was there and the band introduced me to Layne and he spent the hole night flirting with me. It was funny actually, because Eddie and Stone got really defensive, like I was their little sister or something. Layne was really sweet the hole time, and I was really happy to meet him. He was one of those people you just dont forget you know? Something about him made all of the words that came out of his mouth magical.
- And I bet you are going to be all over him... - Eddie continued teasing but i heared a laugh in the middle of his sentence, so I turned to him and laughed to.
- It's been a while since I've been together like this.
Eddie's voice made me close my eyes and smile. His arms holding me tight, his smell filling the hole room, his presence making me feel safe, I've defenatly missed this.
- Now you're a rock star, you don't have much time to fool around with me... - I giggled, making he smile as well.
- I have some time now - Eddie layed besides me, putting his hands behind his head and looking at me with a half smile.
- Don't you have a song to write? - I joked while laying down besides him.
- I have a different kind of song to write... - His smile was replaced with a grin and seconds later his lips feel on mine.


The sun was setting and the hour of the gig was approaching. Eddie, Stone, Joe, Phillipa and I were sitting near our cars before meeting Layne and the band.
- What would you prefer: not listening to any more rock n roll or not having sex until you die? - Stone asked like he as been thinking hard about it.
- You can't ask that, it's like asking if you prefer seeing or listening. - Joe looked at him and laughed, taking a cigarette from his pack and passing one to Phillipa before taking one for himself.
- But what would you prefer? - Stone asked again, trying to get an answer.
- That's unfair! You see, rock n roll is the thing that makes you alive, that makes you feel that everything is worth something because of those riffs and lyrics, but sex... men, sex is the thing.
- So.... sex or rock n roll? - Stone tried again.
- Sex! - Phillipa interrupted - You still have Blues right?
- I didn't thought about that, but Blues are rock n roll, so no. - Stone looked up and layed back in Joe's car.
- I'm still team sex. - Phillipa lighted her cigarette and blowed the smoke away before giving my brother a prevented look.
Out of the Bloom I see a slender figure appear into my peripheral vision ad Eddie turning his head right away: Patrick.
- Hey. - Was all he said, trying to make that moment the least awkward possible.
- Haven't seen you in a while... - Eddie mumbled.
- Did something happened? We haven't put eyes on you in ages... - Joe asked Patrick, still standing with his hands in his pockets right in front of us. He smiled timidly and then turned to him.
- Got kinka lost, but I'm good now - He finished, asking my brother for a cigarette. - I dig the hair by the way! - He pointed at Phillipa, who thanked him.
- Here to see the show ? - Stone asked.
- Also, yes. But Chris told me I could find you guys here, so I came. And seeing Chains is appealing too.
- Take a seat pall, the doors don't open for an hour, we have a lot of chatting to do! - Stone laughed and gave him a quick hug.
Patrick as appearedout of nowhere and no one knows what he was been doing, but he didn't seem in a mood to tell us what happened so we just camped for a while until tge doors opened and the show began.

I STOPPED WRITHING FOR A WHILE i know, but I want to finish this cuz i think the story needs to be finished, anyway, final chapters coming :v

Stay with me, let's just breathe (Eddie Vedder FanFic) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now