Chapter 13 - Pssst!

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Phillipa was putting her bright red hair in a ponytail while she smoked a cigarette. We were in Dave's apartment roof, feeling the wind in our barely sober faces. I laid back, looking at the cloudy sky before closing my eyes and asking:
- So, you and my brother are like boyfriend and girlfriend now?
She took some time to answer, not sure if it was because she still had her mouth occupied with the cigarette since her hands where busy fixing the ponytail, or if it was because she was thinking about what to say.
- We don't know really, I think we are getting there - She turned around to face me with a smile. I could see why my brother liked her, she just had this positive energy, and made you don't want to hurt her in any way. She was an urban fairy.
- What are you girls doing here all by yourselves? - A masculine voice echoed in the distance. We both looked over to where the sound was coming from and saw a rather drunk Robert trying to walk as straight as possible.
- Looking good Robert! - Phillipa laughed, blowing away the smoke.
- I'm fantastic! - Robert screamed at the sky, before reaching us and sitting near the edge of the building between Phillipa and I.
- Is this a work meeting? I'm so sorry I'm late, where is Mr. Davies? - Robert said with his best business voice.
That got the three of us laughing like maniacs, and probably waking the hole city.
Dave invited some people over to his place but forgot to mention that he was out of booze, so Eddie, Stone and Mike had to find a store that was still open and buy something for us to drink. Meanwhile Robert showed up and brought his only booze that was enough for everyone so the guys trip to the local stores was in vein, and we were now waiting for them to arrive to tell the big news of our now drunk spirit of mind. Dave thought me how to drive so now I was the one who sat behind the wheel every time someone needed a ride. I started to enjoy driving and it wasn't as stressful as I previously thought it was, and thanks to Dave's lessons now I almost knew how to drive as smoothly as my brother. Speaking of which, Joe wasn't there yet and that was why Phillipa was in the rooftop with me and Robert and not in a sofa with Joe. The reason why my brother wasn't there yet was because he said that he was planning on bringing Patrick with him, so he was probably trying to drag Patrick out of his little hiding place. I wasn't sure if bringing him along was a good idea or not but at this point I wanted to see my childhood friend again and I want everyone to be happy around everyone. And besides, what was the worst that could happen? Probably Eddie and him starting to beat the shit out of each other, but for the sake of my head I choose not to think about that possibility.
- Hey guys! The "failed trip to the store crew" is here, come inside! Oh, and your boyfriend is here too Phillipa, not to mention the guy he brought with him. - Dave's voice woke me from my thoughts and Phillipa got up and stepped on her cigarette.
- He's not my boyfriend. - She said before starting to walk towards the exit.
- YET! - All off us shouted between laughs. Following her my head started to recall what Dave said about Joe bringing someone with him, so that ment that Patrick was in the same room as Eddie. Great, so when I got there the only color that I was going to see was going to be red, blood red.
We walked down the stairs and entered the corridor that lead to Dave's apartment. As we were putting feet after feet and the space between us and the door was shrinking I could feel my heart pounding harder and harder. Was everyone mad at him? Was Eddie throwing Patrick over a table or something? I didn't had time to imagine any other possible scenarios because the door was now open and I was already inside.
With the corner of my left eye I saw Eddie, bent over a table trying not to look at the living room where Joe, Mike, Stone and Patrick were and now we were too.
- Robert you son of a bitch! Thanks for getting everyone drunk, now what we bought is just for us! - Mike tried to keep a serious face while he hugged him. I looked over to Eddie again and he still hadn't moved, so I took a deep breath and walked towards him.
- Hey... - I spoke softly while sitting on the table to face him. His eyes meet mine and his face relaxed a bit. - How was the little failed trip? - I asked now smiling, having an insane urge to laugh.
- It was a failure, but at least now we get to have what we bought just for us. - He tried to seem relaxed with the hole situation.
- What about... Patrick over there? - I asked, not entirely sure if I should bring up the subject or not.
- I don't care if he's here or there, as long as he stays away from you, I'm cool. - He simply said, looking down at the table again. This hole "as long as he stays away from you" thing made my mind remember all the questions I had after the big fight, and I was starting to think that maybe I was in the middle of something bigger than I thought.
A few hours went by and everyone's mood seemed better: Patrick was now chatting with Dave and Stone while Jeff and Mike where jamming some choirs in an acoustic guitar and a bass. Phillipa was sitting in one of the warn sofas that Dave had in his place, and my brother was sitting on the floor with his back between her legs while he made up strange lyrics to the songs that Jeff and Mike were playing. Phillipa was laughing and brushing Joe's hair, and he seemed more than happy about it. Eddie and I were in the other end of that sofa, me sitting with Eddie's head on my lap listening to his voice while he helped Joe with his crazy lyrics. After the song ended and the lyrics were completed, Eddie got up from my lap and whispered "Come with me" before taking my hand and leading me to a closed door. As we take step after step the hole living room started to whistle and cheering, making Dave's voice louder as he shouted "JUST DON'T DO IT IN MY BED" and my brother added "OR ANYWHERE ELSE", making both me and Eddie giggle.
We closed the door behind us and he turned on a small lap near a bed. We were probably in Dave's room.
- I want you to do something for me... - He said while we sat on the bed.
- So first you lock me in Dave's room, and now you want me to do something to you? That's pretty smooth... - I laughed, laying close to him on the bed.
- It's not like that - He giggled, before getting up and stating to look around the room for something. - Do you remember that day when I picked you up from work and I showed you that song I wrote?
- Yes, what about it? - I asked, watching him as he picked up a pen and a piece of paper.
- I want you to draw what you drew on my car window, do you remember that? - He gave me the pen and paper and sat beside me, putting his arm around my waist.
- That silly stick man? It was just something random I drew, it's noth... - I couldn't finish my sentence.
- I'm always thinking about that night and that silly stick men you drew on my car window, it makes me smile, I like him. - He smiled and I started to try to recall what he looked like. After sometime I was pretty sure that I got most of the drawing right and handed the piece of paper to Eddie. The looked at it, smiled, kissed me, and than said:
- Now I have something else I want you to do to me... - His grin filled his face and his lips meet mine. In a matter of seconds he was on top of me and my clothes were no longer on my body, and I was pretty sure that my body heat was growing and it was not due to the alcohol.
- You want me to draw another stick man? - I stopped him from kissing me and played innocent.
- It's not quite like that.... But if you feel like drawing you can alway... - He tried to reach the pen and paper again but I stopped him, and made he kiss me again.
- I'm not in the mood for drawing right now - I smiled into our kiss and he firmly placed his hand behind my head. "Good", he whispered, taking the lead again.

Stay with me, let's just breathe (Eddie Vedder FanFic) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now