Chapter 18 - Power

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You would guess that after that all of the people involved became sad and inactive, but this wasn't the case. Phillipa woke me up really happy but I knew she was trying really hard to make me smile as well. I looked around the room and everything was still the same, although I felt like everything changed so fast.
I putted on a shirt and some pants and left my room, starting to go down the stairs before checking the door to my brother's room. Still closed. Was Patrick still in there ?
I was greated by Stone, Mike and Jeff, all of them more calm then the night before.
- You didn't even ate the pasta Phillipa made! - Jeff smiled, clearly mocking me.
- My intentions were to eat it, but I unfortunately fell asleep. - I winked, smiling as well.
- She cooks 'hella good! - Stone smiled taking a sip of his beer. What time was it?
- You're drinking in the morning now? Living the rock star life, hum? - I asked before glancing at the door and seeing Eddie come in.
- It's three in the afternoon, Cass! - He smiled and made Mike laugh.
- You are not awake yet. - Mike joked.
- PINKPOP FESTIVAL! - Eddie shouted, raising his arms up before running towards me and hugging my torso.
- Pinkpop... ? - Stone asked, suddenly standing up and looking straight to Eddie.
- PINK FUCKING POP FESTIVAL! - Eddie shouted again.
- PINKPOP FESTIVAL! - Stone screamed not moving.
- YES PINKPOP! - Eddie said still screaming, making Jeff scream "PINKPOP FESTIVAL!" as well.
- We are going to play at Pinkpop, fucking Pearl Jam! - Stone was still screaming and jumping up and down in the living room.
Eddie hugged me and I congratulated them all, feeling a peaceful cloud over my head. Unfortunately that cloud vanished when I saw Joe going down the stairs with a face like he as been crying. Was he? Or did he cried? It's not common for Joe to cry, and it as to be something serious to make him feel that way.
- Why are we celebrating? - he put a smile on his face not noticing that I saw the change on his face.
- We are going to play at Pinkpop Festival! Pearl Jam are going to play to a sea of people! - Jeff jumped towards him and they hugged, Joe congratulating the band.
Next he sneakily went through the front door, leaving the house with that face again. There was definitely something wrong. And where was Patrick? Did they locked him in that room? He hasn't come out yet...
I followed Joe outside our house and saw that he was heading to his little refuge. I was surprised no one was asking for us in the house but with them all partying due to Pinkpop I guessed it was a good idea to talk to my brother about what happened.
I walked towards the door and pushed it gently, mumbling "Joe?". I heard noise inside so I opened the door, seeing him sited on the sofa with his elbows on his knees and his head between his hands.
I sat down next to him and he held up his head, not looking at me. He as definitely been crying.
- I have something to tell you Cassie, but I don't know how. I can't even process this information. - My brother layed back, looking at the ceiling.
- Is it about what happened yeaterday? - I asked, sitting on my side and looking at him.
- In part, yes... - He took a deep breath.
- Is it about Patrick?
- In part, yes... - He opened his eyes.
I didn't know at this point if I should ask something else or not, so I just shut up and waited for him to tell me. His eyes turned to mine and he reached for his shirt's pocket, shaking.
- Patrick gave me this yesterday... - He showed me blue tinted piece of paper. - He told that he wanted to give this to you but after what happened he doubted that you would ever dare to speak with him again, so he gave it to me before going away. - He handed me the paper and I unfolded it carefull not knowing what could be in there. There were some words poorly written on it, and some smudging due to water being spilled on it, or maybe rain. That paper had been through hell and back.
I starting reading what was on it and figured out that it was an adress. It had the street name and the door's number on it. An adress? Who's adress?
I thought it might be the place were Patrick is now, but it was too far away for him to have got there, especially because he didn't own a car. So how could he gave this to Joe yesterday and go there? I guess that was possible, but highly unlikely.
- Who's adress is this? - I asked my brother who reached for his shirt's pocket and took out a cigarette and a lighter.
- Guess. - He blowed out the smoke and massaged his forehead.
- Is this were Patrick is?
- No, it's not.
- Then what is it?
Joe blowed out the smoke again and looked at me. I felt like what he was going to say was more important then most things that happened this year. It was like he didn't want to say it out loud because it would make that adress real, and I felt like it was something unexpected so I prepared myself for everything.
Everything except what came out of his mouth.

Stay with me, let's just breathe (Eddie Vedder FanFic) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now