chapter 3

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-tony's POV-

athena stopped once we entered the diner. i nudged vic on the shoulder and pointed to athena. "whats wrong with her?" vic asks. "i dont know," i say "im gonna find out."

i walked over to her and softly tapped her on the shoulder. she turned around fast and it seemed as if i scared her. "sorry," i say. "i didnt mean to scare you. whats wrong?" "see that guy over there?" she asks pointing to a guy leaning against the wall. he was tall. maybe around 6'4. he had long, black hair, and he looked....rude. "yeah," i say slowly "what about him?" "that guy over there is my ex. he abused me." "oh," i say. i really didnt know what else to say. im sorry? "do you wanna leave and eat somewhere else?" athena looked over at the rest of the guys. they were already ordering their food. "no," she says after a while, "its fine." she walked away and ordered her food. there's something different about her. i liked that.

"your total is $46.59 the cashier says. she had very long nails. a little too long, if you ask me. and she wore wayy too much makeuup. she was smacking a piece of gum in her mouth. "god," i thought "i hate it when people smack their gum." i handed her a fifty dollar bill. i told her to keep the change and walked away. i found the guys and athena sitting at a corner booth. i walked over a slid into it. i looked over at athena and she was staring at her ex. "whats wrong?" asked mike. "huh?" she asks. "i said, what wrong?" mike asks again looking kind of irritated. "nothing," she responds "someone who i didnt want to see is here." "we could leave." says vic. "no,no" she says quickly "its fine." "you sure?"asks jaime. "yes," she says sighing "im sure." my phone buzzed and i went to check who texted me. it was erin. "crap," i thought "i forgot to text or call her today."

erin: hey babe. why havent you texted or called me all day? :(

me: im so sorry babe. it was a very busy day today.

erin: its fine...

i missed her voice, so i decided to call her. she picked up right after the first ring. "hi," i say kind of whispering, "im so sorry baby." "its fine," she says. she sounded sad. "whats wrong?" i ask. "nothing." she says quickly. i know her better than that. i know when shes lying. "why are you lying to me?" i ask. "you can tell?" she crying now. "yes, of course i can tell. i know you better than that. now, tell me whats wrong." she was quiet for a couple of minutes. i made sure that didnt hang up on me. "i feel like things arent the same, tony. I think we should break up." I didnt know what to say.."what did i do?" "Nothing, Tony. I just feel like this isnt going to work out. You get what im trying to say?" "Kind of." I say. "I have to go," Erin says "we will talk about this later. Bye."

I hung up the phone and walked back to the booth. "Who was that on the phone?" Mike asks. "Erin." I say. "Ooo," says Jaime "what did your lady want?" "Shes not my lady, jaime." I say right before i break down into tears.

--athenas' POV--

"Shes not my lady, jaime." Tony says. The next thing hes does is ball his eyes out. I can't believe that they broke up. I dont know why she would do this to him. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask quietly rubbing his back. "Yeah," he says after wiping the tears away from his face. "But later. I think our food is ready."

He was right. A lady came with a big tray of food and handed us our plates. When we were done we went outside to find a cab to take us back.

--back at the place thing--

"Do you wanna talk about it now?" I ask. "Sure," he says sighing "lets go outside."
This chapter really sucks oh well. Tell me what you guys think about it :) comment and vote! Byee *hugs* *kisses* (i sorry if this chapter is kind of confusing.)

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