chapter 14

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-Mikes POV-

"What!? Why the hell didnt you tell me this sooner? Im gonna beat his ass the next time i see him!" I yelled. "Mike, calm down. The last thing i want to do is draw attention." I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer. I walked back over to my bed and sat down. "Is there anything else you want to tell me?" I ask angrily. Athena and Tony looked at eachother and then back at me. Athena bit her lip. "Spit it out." I say. "I might be pregnant." Athena says. "We went to the hospital today to make sure." Tony added. "And? Are you?" I ask Athena. "We dont know yet," she answered, "we will get the results tomorrow."

Someone knocked on the door. "Hey, Mike. I have to foooddd!" Yelled Vic. "Come on!" I said. The door opened and Vic came in carrying a McDonald's bag. "Oh, i didn't know you guys were coming," Vic says pointing to Tony and Athena," Want some food?." "No thanks. We're good. Thanks though." I said. "Whats wrong?" Vic asked.

--Vics POV--

"Whats wrong?" I ask. I looked around at everybody and saw that Athena was mouthing something to me. "What?" I mouthed. "I told Mike what happened yesterday." She half whispered. My eyes almost popped out of my head. "Hey Mike." "Yeah?" He asked. "Did they tell you?" I ask. "That Athena might be pregnant? Yeah, they told me?" "Wait..what? I didnt know that!" "They also told me what Jaime did." Mike said ignoring my comment. "Im going to take a shower." Athena said and got up. "Um, yeah, sure. The shower is down the hall to the left." I said pointing to the hallway. "Thanks." She mumbled, and walked away.

--Athenas POV--

I lied. I'm not really going to take a shower. I just wanted to get away from there for a couple of minutes. I pulled out my phone and decided to text Danielle.

A- Hey girl :) whats up?

She replied in less than a minute.

D- hey Athena :) not much, just eating a sandwich. You?

A- not much either :/ i heard about you and Vic. Just to let you know, Vic did not know what he was doing. He had a lot of drinks in him and i think Kellin druged him. He is really bummed out. Its killing me to see him like this. :(

D- awe, really? I just said that we are on a break. I never said that we would break up. Thank you for telling me that :) i feel a lot better now. Im gonna talk to Kellin and Vic. Bye *hugs*

A- Bye *hugs back*

I took a quick shower because i felt bad for lying. I quickly rinsed my body and jumped out. I slipped into my clothes and walked back out to the living room. I saw Vic on his phone smiling. Maybe Dani is texting him. Mike was still sitting on the couch drinking his beer, looking pissed and Tony was on a bed watching TV. "Hey." I said as i jumped onto him. "Hey, guess who texted me." Tony asked me, shaking his head. "Jaime?" I asked, i got chills. "Yes, and hes coming." "What? I dont think im ready to see him yet." Someone knocked on the door and i looked at Tony with alarmed eyes. "Do you think thats him?" I whispered "Ill get it." Says Mike. "What the fuck." Mike said. A couple of seconds later, i heard fighting.
Hello :) i finally got another Tumblr account! my user is ptvfan1983
My feed sucks right now, but im working on it (you should follow me ✌) anyways, tell me what you think about this chapter. Vote and comment! ♡
Byee *hugs* *kisses*

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