Chapter 5

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"im sorry. i didnt want to tell you guys right away because i dont really know if me and tony are like a couple or not." "well," says jaime, "i talked to him earlier and he told me that he really, really likes you. so i think that you guys are a couple." "yeah," says mike "i didnt believe the whole 'i didnt want to be alone thing' and have you seen the way he looks at you?" "no." i mumble. i never knew he liked me that much.

we heard the bus door open and we turned around. tony was looking at us, blushing. God, that boy blushes easily. "were you guys talking about me?" he asks. "yes," vic says "we were talking about how athena didnt tell us you guys are DATING!" "oh, sorry man. i was gonna tell you though. i swear." "Hm, whatever." Vic said sounding kind of irritated. "Im gonna go with Kellin." He walked over to SWS's bus and walked in.

I walked past Tony and grabbed the clothes that i needed, and took a shower. The water was so warm, it felt good on my skin. When i was done i grabbed my clothes and got ready. *knock-knock-knock* I was in the middle of getting my shirt on when someone knocked. I wrapped the towel around my body from the chest area down and cracked the bathroom door open a little. It was Tony. "Oh, hi." I said kind of embarrassed. He saw that i didnt have a shirt on and looked away. "i wanted to know if you wanted to come with me to the signing." "oh, um, nah, im good. i think ill just chill here for the day. okay?" "okay, thats cool. ill come get you before we go on stage. i have a suprise for you." he winked and walked away.

i closed the door and smiled to myself. i finished getting ready and walked over to the living room and put on TV. the first thing that came on was SpongeBob SquarePants. i laughed to myself, thinking of Mike, and changed the channels until i found TFIOS. of course, i cried like a baby. i was still crying when i heard the boys come in. i tried to wipe away the tears before any of them could see, but it was too late. "whats wrong?" asked tony hugging me from behind. i laughed. "i just watched TFIOS. thats all." "are you sure?" "yes, tony. im positive." he let go of me and grabbed my hand. he dragged me over to the other guys. "oooo" says jaime "look whos being all 'lovey dovey.'" "shut up fucktard!" tony yelled. jaime laughed, put his hands up and walked away. tony pulled out his phone and checked the time. "we have a couple hours to kill. what do you wanna do?" he asks. "i dont know. theres not much to do here." "are you hungry?" "yes! im starving." he laughed. "well, theres a McDonald's a couple blocks away." "okay" i say "let me change into different clothes though." i hopped off of the the couch and grabbed my black ripped shorts and my black shirt. i went to the bathroom and changed quickly. i ran out of the bathroom and garbbed my black converse. "im ready!" i yelled. "im outside, babe." I heard him yell from outside the bus. i got butterflies when he said 'babe.' i walked outside and met with him. he grabbed my hand and started walking. i slowed down and looked down at my thighs. i didnt have any cuts, but there are scars. they're fading, but i can see every thin line. A lot of people were looking, i thought that they were noticing my scars.

"are you okay?" tony asks. "yeah, in fine." i say still looking down at my thighs. i looked up and tony was staring at me straight in the eye. "what?" i asked. my voice cracked. "you're beautiful, okay? i dont give a damn if you have scars. that was in the past. you're beautiful." "okay." i whisper looking down at the ground. "'cmon." he grabbed my hand again and started walking. We got a cab and we were at McDonald's within a couple of minutes.

We met a few fans at McDonald's, tony took a picture with them and signed some of their stuff. A couple of them gave me dirty looks, i just ignored them. We walked up to the cashier and ordered our food. after that, we found a booth in the corner and sat down. a couple minutes later, a guy called our names and tony grabbed the food. he came back looking kind of mad. "whats wrong?" I ask. "nothing," he says mad "its just that my ex is here." "oh." I say looking around. I stopped when I saw a girl staring right at me, angry too. erin, I thought. I cant believe her. how could she do that to tony? I gave her a dirty look and focused on tony again. he looked at me, surprised. "what was that about?" he asks grinning, setting the food on the table. "she gave me a dirty look first, okay?" "okay." he said. "do you wanna leave? we can take this back to the bus." "yeah, sure. sorry, im just not ready to her her." "yeah, no problem." I stood to and packed our food. "lets go." I say. tony stood up, grabbed my hand and we were out the door. we couldn't find a cab so we had to walk the couple of blocks to the bus.

**at the bus**

"where have you guys been?" asked mike. "we went to McDonald's." I said while I was setting our food on the kitchen table. "what did you guys get me?" asks Jaime. I didn't even see him come into the room. seriously, he just like...popped into the room. I looked at the other guys, confused. "where did you come from?" I ask. "are you serious? ive been here the whole damn time!" "oh, sorry." "its fine. but seriously, did you get me food?" "no, Jaime." "okay.." he sadly walked away. I noticed that tony wasn't in the bus. I walked outside and I saw him making out with erin. "what are you doing?" I ask crying. "its not-" I cut him off. "its not what it looks like, right?" "yes, Athena. let me explain." "bullshit." I said and walked back into the bus. I looked behind me before I walked in and I saw erin grin. I ran inside and went to my bed. I guess Jaime saw me because he came and sat on top of my bed next to me. "whats wrong?" he asks. "its ton-" he cut me off before I could finish my sentence. "I warned him.." Jaime said before I stomped outside of the bus.
Tell me what you guys think of this chapter :) i wanted to add some drama..make it more exciting, haha. Comment and vote ♡ byee *hugs* *kisses*

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