Chapter 7

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I woke up and rolled over to see Tony staring at me. "Morning." He said with a smile. "Morni-" i was cut off by his kiss. "You're in a good mood." I laughed. "Yeah. hey, im free today. Do you wanna do something?" "Sure. What do you wanna do?" "Well, we're in San Diego right now..we can go to Comic Con." "Okay." I got up and went to the bathroom to change. I was almost done with my make-up when Tony knocked on the door. "Almost ready?" "Yeah." I finished putting on my mascara and opened the door. "Lets go."

"What Tony?" Ever since we got into the car Tony keeps looking at funny. "I just dont get it." "Get what?" "Why you wear make-up. You're beautiful without it." I blushed. "Thanks." I mumble. "We're here!" Yelled Tony as he pulled into a big parking lot. He can be such a kid sometimes. "Whoa, its big." We got out of the car and started walking, looking around at all of the comic stuff.

(Ive never been to comic con, im just making all of this up :/ )

"Oh, my God! Athena look!!" Tony yelled. "What?" Tony pointed to a Ninja Turtle. I laughed, grabbed him hand and pulled him towards the human size turtle. "Hi." He said. The human turtle waved his/her hand. "Can you take a picture of us Athena?" Tony asks nervously. "Of course." I say as he handed me his phone. "Say 'cheese'" i say. Tony smiled and i snapped a photo. "Thanks." He says after he gives the turle a hug. Of course, the turle dosent say anything. They just nod their head and wave goodbye. "That was amazing." Tony says after letting out a big breath. It was like he was holding his breath ever since he pointed the turtle out to me.

We walked around for about 5 or 7 minutes when he stopped in his tracks. "What?" I ask. "I am your father." What?" I asked. Then i got it. Darth Vader. I turned around to see him walked towards us. Tony gave me his phone and i already knew what to do. I snapped a photo and handed him his phone back. "Thank you, beautiful." He says. "You're welcome, handsome." He laughed and grabbed my hand. "Are you getting hungry?" I ask. "Yes. Are you?" "Yeah." "Lets go then."

"Okay, where do you wanna eat?" Tony asked when he turned on the car. "I dont care. You pick." "Okay.." he said and smiled.

--Tonys POV--

"Fancy." Said Athena when i pulled into an Italian restaurant names 'Strings'. "Yup. I made reservations yesterday. I heard they have fucking amazing spaghetti." She laughed and got out of the car. We walked up the ramp and i opened a huge, wood door for her. "Thank you, Mr.Perry." she said. I laughed a little. "You're welcome, Mrs.Amador." I told Athena to sit down and wait for me. I then walked up to the waiter that was working at the counter and told him that i made reservations for 'Perry'. "Ah, yes. Mr.Perry. Ill have your table ready in just a few moments." "Thank you." He nodded and i walked over to Athena. "So," she said, "how much money did you spend on this place?" "About 400 or 550 dollars." "What!? Are you serious?" "Yes." "Why did you spend so much? I would've been fine with like, Ihop or Dennys." I laughed and shaked my head. "I wasnt going to take you to Dennys for our date." She kind of tilted her head and stared into my eyes. "What?" I ask. "You never told me this was a date..." she said. "Mr.Perry, your table is ready." We both got up and followed the waiter to our table. I made sure that we got a corner booth. I always feel more comfortable if im in a corner table at restaurants. "Thank you." Says Athena when we sat down. The waiter gave us menus, smiled and walked away. Something was strange about him... "what are you gonna get?" I ask her. "Spaghetti. You?" "Same." We laughed. "Ugh, what a animal. See that guy over there, honey? Dont be like that. Im sure hes a satan worshiper." Some lady next to us says. I saw her from the corner of my eye point her finger at me. I put my head down. When i looked up, i saw Athena staring at the lady. "And you see that lady over there?" The lady asked again. Her son nodded. "Dont be like that either." Athena looked at me, shocked and then back at the lady. "Fuck off." Athena said before showing the lady "the bird." "Im so sorry." I say. "Its fine. Dont worry about it." I put my head down. "Hey, whats wrong?" She asked. "I cant go anywhere without people giving me dirty looks or them saying rude comments like that lady. it hurts, you know? i dont think they know how bad it hurts me." "you do know that what they're saying isnt true, right? just ignore those bitches. they dont know you personally, so dont take it personal." she said. i lifted my head up and i saw her give me a happy smile. "you're right," i say, "im not gonna let those motherfuckers ruin my day." i smiled and looked back at the menu.

**back at the bus**

--athenas POV--

"where the hell have you guys been?" asked mike. "its 11:47." "oops, sorry, we lost track of time. we went to comic con and then went out for dinner." "did you bring me any food?" jaime asked. his head popped out of his bunk. "yes, i had left over from my meal." he hopped out of his head and ran over to me. he gave me a big bear hug. "thank you! i love you." he said grabbing the food from my hand. "love you too." tony laughed and kissed the top of my head. "where is vic?" i ask. "he went to go visit his boyfriend kellin." i laughed. "okay. well, im pretty tired. im going to bed. night guys." "night." they mumbled back.

i went to my bunk and saw tony laying down, waiting for me. i crawled into bed and snuggled up against his chest. "do you guys have a show tomorrow?" i ask. "yes." "what time?" "um, i think at 2:30. why?" "just wondering." "okay, goodnight" "night." i wrapped my arms around hi and i pull myself a little bit closer. my eyes slowly closed and before i knew it, i was asleep.

--next morning--

i woke up when i heard the bus door open. i got out of bed, not trying to wake tony up, and grabbed my phone. it was 6:45 am. i looked up to see who came in. it was vic. but he looked...different. "what the hell happened to you?" i ask.
Hello beautifuls :) i hope you had an amazing day :) im going to Santa Cruz in a couple of days, so there might be slow updates :/ sorry.
Byee *hugs* *kisses*

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