chapter 12

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Tony looks so freaking cute ♡ im dying *gets chills*

"athena. wake up!" tony shook me awake. "what?" "we're back in modesto." "what!?"

i jumped up and hit my head on the top of my bunk. "ow, crap." "whoa, you okay?" "yeah, I'm fine. tony, what are we doing in modesto? warped tour isn't finished yet." "i know, but we don't know where jaime went and our backup is sick." "so you guys cancelled the rest of the tour?" "yup." i hopped out of my bed and looked out of my window. "I'm sorry." "for what?" i turned around and looked at tony. "I'm sorry. if it weren't for me, you guys would've been playing right now.." tony walked closer to me and hugged me. "don't say that." "but its true." he let go and looked me in the eyes. "forget it, okay? whats done is done. we can't change it." "okay." "when is your appointment?" "today at 2:00. can you come with me?" "of course, but you better get ready. its 1:15."

"what should i wear?" i ask myself, staring into my luggage. I cant wait to go back to my house. i pulled out my white shorts, BMTH shirt, and slipped on my white converse. "you almost ready? its 1:55." "yeah"

--at the hospital--

"ms.amador?" a nurse asked. "right here." i say standing up. "please follow me." me and tony followed her down the hall and into a small room. "dr.snyder should be here shortly." she smiled and walked out. "I'm nervous." i say. "me too." "what are you nervous about? you're not the one that might be carrying a PERSON inside of you for 9 months!" tony looked at me shocked. "I'm sorry." i say. "its fine. and you're right." someone opened the door and gave us a sweet smile. "hello, I'm dr.snyder. how are you?" "hi, nice to meet you. and I'm doing alright." i say. "here," she sais passing me a small plastic cup. "what is this for?" i ask. "you pee in it. the bathroom it right over there." she pointed to the corner of the room. "oh, okay." i stood up and walked over to the bathroom.

--tony's POV--

Its just me and dr.snyder now. kind of akward. "so, are you nervous?" she asks me. "very." "Well, congratulations." "Oh, no, its not my bab-" i was cut off by Athena "okay, do you want this back?" Asked Athena when she came out of the bathroom. "Yes please. You can just set it down on that counter to your left. I will have your results by tomorrow." "Thats it?" I asked. "Yup." "Here," said Athena holding a piece of paper. "Its our phone numbers. You can call either of us when you get the results." Dr.Snyder took the paper, nodded her head and smiled. "Thank you." Athena and i walked out the door and went to the car.

*in the car*

"So..i have to ask you a question." "Okay, what is it?" I turned my head so i was facing Athena. Oh, im so nervous. What is she says no? "You like me, right?" "Um, yeah. Why?" "And i like you. So it would only make sense if we were together." I bit my lip after i said that. I think that came out wrong.

**athenas POV**

Is he asking me to be his girlfriend? "Tony, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" "Maybe...yes." i laughed at how nervous he was. "Yes. I would love to be your girlfriend." He smiled and turned on the car. "Okay." He whispered to himself. "The boys are going to find out you know?" Tony said while he backed out of our parking space. "Yeah, i know. Im just not ready to tell them yet." I said. My phone buzzed and i checked who texted me. It was Jaime. What does he want?

J: Athena, im so sorry. I got a little out of control.

I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket. "We should tell the boys." I say. "Okay, we're staying at the Double Tree downtown. We can tell them there. "Okay." Tony made a u-turn and started heading downtown. I dont know what the boys will think. I dont know what im going to say to them. "A couple of days ago your bassist, jaime, raped me. Now i might be pregnant." That just didnt seem right...i dont know what to do..i wish i would've never went on tour.
:/ im sorry for this really sucky chapter..
Bye *hugs* *kisses*

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