chapter 16

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-Tonys POV-

"Whats the news?" Asked Vic. "You're pregnant.." i said. I looked up at Athena and she was just as shocked as i was. We looked at Jaime and his mouth fell open. "Are you serious?" He asked me. "Yeah." I answered. He stood up and walked out of the parlor. We all looked at eachother confused. "I'll get him." I said. Athena nodded, got up and threw away our food.

I walked out of the pizza parlor and found Jaime leaning against the building looking at the sky. "Are you upset?" I asked. He jumped. "I didnt see you there, Tony. And kind of. I think she should give the baby up." My face turned red. "Why would she give the baby up?" I asked angrily. "I dont know..isnt this a little too much for her?" He asked sadly. "She seems fine with it," i looked inside through the window and saw Athena paying for our food. "I mean, she seems happy. Did you see her face when i told her she was pregnant? Her face lit up. Yeah, this isnt the way the wanted it to happen, but its still a baby. Its Your baby, Jaime." He looked at me, and thats when i noticed that he hasnt looked at me once while we were talking. He was crying. "Dont cry." I said. I walked a little closer and gave him hug. "I dont think i can do this, Tony. I really like MJ, but i want to be a part of my babys life." "And you will," i reassured him. "You can be with MJ and be a part of your babys life at the same time."

I pulled away from the hug and looked him in the eyes. "You can do this, Jaime. I know you can. You just have to try, okay?" I asked. "Okay. You're right, i got this." He gave me a big smile, but i can see that deep inside hes nervous. "Lets go back inside. Its hot out here." I said.

"Hey there amigos," says Mike when we sat down. "I was just talking to MJ about what just happened. She seemed kind of confused."

-Jaime's POV-

I looked at MJ and she seemed shocked. "Jaime, can we talk?" She asked. "Yeah, lets go outside." We walked outside and she pushed me against the wall. "What was that about, huh? You should've told me this, Hi-me. Listen," she loosened her grip on my shoulders and turned her head a little. "I like you a lot. And i want to work this out. But this is going to get kind of weird." "Yeah, i know. I like you a lot too. And i know this is going to get kind of weird. But I'm willing to try. Are you?" She looked at me for a long time then took a deep breath. "Of course. We can do this." She gave me a smile and i pekked her cheek. She immediately blushed. "Its pretty easy to make you blush." I say. She playfully pushed me. "Stop!" She said giggling. "No, i like it when you blush. Its cute." She blushed even harder. "Lets go back inside." She mumbled before pushing me again and walking back inside the parlor.

I sat down across from Vic when i was in the parlor again. "How did it go?" Asks Vic. I looked over at MJ, who was sitting across from Athena sharing a chocolate milkshake. "It went good." I say smiling. "How old is she anyway?" He asked. "28." I answer. I was trying to find Tony and Mike. I couldn't find them anywhere. "Where is Tony and Mike?" I ask. "They said that they would be at the arcade next door." "Oh, okay." "Why? Do you need them?" Vic asked. "No."

"Im ready to go." I say yawning. "Me too. Hey girls, are you ready to go?" Vic asked. "Yeah," they said at the same time. We walked out of the parlor and found the arcade. I spotted Tony in the corner playing a Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtle game. Of course. And i saw Mike talking to the worker at the front desk. Probably flirting. I found a cool looking game and played it.

-Athena's POV-

I walked over to Vic and nudged him. He turned his head my way for a split second then turned back to his game. "Hey, whats up?" He asked. "How are you and Danielle?" I ask nervously. He paused the game a looked at me. He gave me the most biggest smile. "Fantastic! She texted me earlier and apologized." "Thats great to hear Vic." I say happily.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Hey, babe." Tony said. Whoa, this is the first time he's called me 'babe'. I blushed. "Hello Turtle." "I was just talking to MJ." Tony said. I tilted my head up so i can see him. "About what?" I asked curiously. "She was telling me that she needs some stuff. Clothes, hair stuff, personal stuff and a lot more." "And..?" I asked. "She was wondering if you can go shopping with her tomorrow." "Where is she?" I ask. "I think shes by Jaime over there." Said Tony. He pointed his finger towards the back of the arcade. I MJ stick her head a little from the corner and immediately pulled it back when she saw me looking at her. "I'll go talk to her." I looked back a Vic, he was back to playing his game.

I walked over to where i saw MJ. I poked my head around the corner and saw her on her phone. "Hey," i say. She junped and put her hand over her heart. "Sorry, didnt mean to scare you." I say laughing. "I was talking to Tony and he said that you told me you needed some clothes." "Oh, um, yeah. I dont have any clothes with me." She said shyly. "Okay, we can go to mall tomorrow if you want." She looked up and gave me huge smile. "Okay, thank you!" She said. "You're welcome." I looked back at the guys and Tony mouthed 'lets go' to me. "Come on," i say grabbing MJ's hand. "Lets go."

-in the car-

"OH, MY GAWD! I LOVE THIS SONG!" Screamed Jaime. I stopped the radio on the station and listened to the song for a while because i didnt recognize it. Then it hit me. "Worth it" by Fifth Harmony. "You really like this song?" I asked Hi-me. "Yes!," he says bobbing his head to the beat. "Who dosent!?" I looked at MJ who was sitting next to him and she just looked at me and laughed.

"Where are we going?" Asked Tony who was driving. "Do you wanna drop the guys off and head back home?" I ask. "Yeah, sure." MJ tapped on my shoulder and i turned around. "Who's house am i going to?" She asked. "Mine." Answered Jaime. "That answers your question." I say. I giggled and turned down the volume on the radio a bit.

"Alright, bye guys!" I say to Jaime and MJ. "Okay, you're staying at my place, right?" Tony asks. "Yeah, so we have to go to my house to get some clothes 'cause i dont have any at your house." "Okay, where do you live?" Tony asked. I have him my address and we were at my house in less than 10 minutes. "Do you wanna come inside or wait out here?" I ask. "I'll wait." "Okay." I hopped out of the car and ran inside my house. I grabbed my Disney duffel bag and stuffed a bunch of random clothes inside. Damn, i still have to get my luggage from the bus. I was done in about 5 or 6 minutes. "Ok," i say when i got back in the car. "I forgot, i have to get my luggage from the tour bus." "Yeah, so do we. We'll get that tomorrow." "Okay."

-at Tony's house-

"Wow, you have a really nice home." I say. Everything was..fancy. "thanks." He says. " 'cmon, ill give you the tour."

While he was giving me the tour of his mansion, i kept thinking about how wonderful it will be to live with him. And to start a family with him....
this chapter was very long 1392 words..whoa..anyways, tell me what you think of this chapter :) comment and vote please! ♡
Byee *hugs* *kisses*

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