chapter 6

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--jaime's POV--

"i warned him..." i said before i stomped out of the door. i threw the bus door open to fin tony making out with..erin? "what the hell are you doing!?" i ask. "tony saw me and stopped immedietly. "she came onto me first jaime. its not what it looks like. i swear." i ignored his words. i walked up to him and i threw the first punch. i punched his nose and i heard a pop. he went down onto the floor and was crying while holding his nose. i looked up and saw erin running away. "what the hell man! i said SHE came onto ME first!" "yeah, whatever." i pulled out my phone because my alarm went off. i forgot that we had a show today. "get your ass up." i say "we have a show to play." "how can i play with a bloody nose?" tony asks. "dont be a baby, tough it out."

--Tonys POV--

I slowly stood up and walked into the bus. I grabbed one of my shirts and held it to my nose to stop the bleeding. I didnt see Athena anywhere. I looked inside her bunk, she wasnt there. I noticed that the bathroom door was closed. I knocked on it. "Go away!" I heard Athena yell. God, im so stupid. Erin said she just wanted to talk. "Athena..can we talk? Please?" I waited a couple of seconds until i heard the door unlock. I opened the door slowly and i saw Athena sitting in the corner with her face in her hands. The bathroom was too small for me to sit next to her, so i sat across from her. "Listen, i dont have much time to talk. I have a show to play. I just want to tell you that im truly sorry. And that i would never do anything like that to hurt you. She told me that she just wanted to talk. I didnt expect her to fucking rape me." "Tony, get your ass over here! We have to go!" Mike yelled. "I have to go." I say. I got up and looked behind me before i left. I saw Athena staring at me, with anger in her eyes. "She hates me." I thought.

--skipping concert--

"Whoa, that was an amazing show guys!" Yelled Jaime. "Yeah." I mumbled.

--Athenas POV--

I heard the guys come in. They must have went out drinking because it was 1:27 in the morning. I couldnt sleep without one of them here. I just didnt feel safe. "Hey, what are you doing still awake?" Asked Vic. "Cant sleep." I say. "Oh, hey, i heard what happened with Tony. Im sorry. That was a pretty bitchy move of him." "He says she came onto him first. And that she said she only wanted to talk. I think tony wouldnt do this to me." "I think he wouldnt either. But i dont know what to believe, to be honest." Said Vic. He sighed. "Its late and im pretty tired. Im going to bed. Goodnight beautiful." Goodnight Vic." I say and he closed the curtain.

I was finally falling asleep when i saw a bright light. Someone crawled into bed with me and wrapped their arms around me. I didnt know who it was until i smelt their colone. Tony. "Get off of me." I say. "Athena, please. I said im sorry. Cant you just forgive me?" I took a long time to answer. I decided that i would forgive him this time, but if he ever does something like this again...i would never forgive him. "Yes," i finally say. "I can forgive you. But this is your only chance, okay?" It was dark but there was enough like to see tony turn his head and look at me. "Oh, my God, thank you. I wont let you down." I laughed and he kissed my cheek.
This chapter sucks :/ sorry.
*hugs* *kisses*

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