124. Kutumb (Part 4)

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Nishita spun around, scrambling onto her stomach and hastily tugging the comforter over her naked body. A wave of unexpected shyness washed over her as she caught sight of Jagdish emerging from the bathroom.

One month after the unsettling incident of that threat cracking through the window, Nishita had begun to see cracks in Jagdish's seemingly glamorous life. He had enough wealth and fame; their wedding had been a grand event attended by numerous VIPs. However, day in and day out, Jagdish and Chandrakant dealt with individuals who wielded enough power to make or break anyone. This was their chosen path, fueled by an undeniable passion. Nishita couldn't ask either of them to abandon it without a compelling reason.

Jagdish, however, treated threats like a twisted badge of honor. He and Chandrakant traded barbs about who had received the most, a chilling attempt to normalize the danger. Despite his attempts to downplay the danger, Nishita felt a deep bitterness and fear for their safety. The presence of a gun in their home was no laughing matter to her, but Jagdish dismissed her concerns with a casual, "Darling, it's a necessity for us, at least for me and Kant," as if it were just another household item.

Slowly, she had tried to come to terms with his lifestyle. It stressed her out a lot, but then, Jagdish's seduction had a way of making her forget everything else.

"Penny for your thoughts, wifey?" Jagdish's voice cut through her reverie. A towel hung low on his hips, barely concealing his damp form as water drops skimmed down his torso. Nishita gave her lips a quick lick, they felt suddenly parched... For sure, she just couldn't get enough of her husband. Another towel trailed down his arm as he dried his hair. "Remember, overthinking could cause stress, stress could cause hypertension... And I don't want my darling to eat those stupid pills daily."

Rolling her eyes, she asked, "When will you return?" She watched him as he picked up his neatly pressed shirt from the dressing table and began to unbutton it gently.

He let out a weary sigh and met her gaze. "A week, my love, that's all. Then it's Krishna's birthday, and I'm on the next flight back."

"Straight back to home? Promise?"

Abandoning his shirt on the table, he settled beside her. "Promise. I'll be here before you can light those birthday candles."

She snuggled closer and leaned over his lap, reaching out to hold his shoulder. "I don't trust you."

"Why?" He gently tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, "What did I do to break your trust?"

"You are lying about your work." she scrunched her nose in annoyance, "I know this is not just a plain meeting you have with some client. I can read you..."

Jagdish stared at her lovingly. "Nishita... Please, don't pry for the things that could cause you harm. There are things I can't tell you, things that could put you in danger. Trust me, everything I do is for us, for our future. I wouldn't dream of keeping secrets to hurt you."


He leaned in, his breath warm and sweet against her lips, and kissed her deeply. Her words died in her mouth. "No butts," he murmured against her skin. "Because I prefer..." He bit his lower lip, smirking, as his right hand grazed her neck, sliding beneath the comforter, tracing a line of heat along her body until he found her breast. "Hmm... Yeah, I prefer that... so fucking soft and good," he whispered, his voice a husky tone, as his fingers teased and caressed, drawing a moan from deep within her.

Her hands reached, sliding over his shoulder and grabbing his head, her fingers tangling in his hair. "I'll miss you," she panted.

Flinging the comforter off with a swift motion, he pushed her flat on her back. His eyes locked with her bluish-tinted eyes, dark and intense, as he slid his hand under her right thigh, lifting it to wrap around his waist and pin her under him. His fingers trailed a burning path along her skin, branding her as his own and the chilling hit from the cold gold ring on his middle finger caused her to tremble like a leaf.

"Ah, Jagdish, I want you!"

He urgently discarded his towel, tossing it aside while pulling her closer, their bodies pressed tightly together. "Wifey, I am so going to miss you... Argh!" he growled, his voice thick with desire. With deliberate tenderness, he entered her slowly, his every movement controlled and intimate. She gasped, her cry a blend of ecstasy and need, her body arching to meet his, every inch of her skin alive with sensation as he filled her completely.

Lost in the tenderness of his touch, she couldn't tear her gaze from him as he made slow gentle love to her, so tender and so delicate. She could see that he was holding back so much, his every muscle taut with restraint, his teeth biting his lower lip hard as he avoided exerting his dominance. His self-control was palpable, a testament to his deep care and respect for her. From that night to this day, her Jagdish had never let his control slip, always ensuring she felt cherished.

Yet, a curious yearning bloomed within Nishita. A silent plea to witness the unbridled passion, his raw desire that she glimpsed beneath the surface, to experience the full spectrum of this beautiful man's lust, unleashed and uninhibited.



I've mentioned before that writing graphic details can be a challenge for me. However, I recently discovered that this was a misconception about myself. It's not that I'm uncomfortable with writing graphic details; rather, I prefer not to include them unnecessarily.

Currently, I'm working on "Nawab's Tigress," (along with "Chronicles Of My Darling Husband" and "Pretty And The Powerful") and this story involves a lot of graphic descriptions of gore, torture, and yes, even sex (it's Farhan and Alisha, after all!). While I've only touched the surface of these elements so far, I've realized that it doesn't make me anxious. Reflecting on my previous work, "Not A Simple Engineer Boy!" had only one or two scenes with detailed nudity, and though I was hesitant initially, I managed to cover them effectively.

So far in this story, I haven't found it necessary to include such details. While there have been mentions of sex (No one can forget what happened in Goa XD) and there will be fleeting moments like this chapter, I haven't felt compelled to write anything more than that and go - AAAAA, WHY AM I WRITING THIS! And you know what? It's actually a sign of progress for me. From feeling hesitant about writing a simple hand-holding scene in "A Loan Of Five Rupees" to now, where I'm crafting intense scenes of gory torture by Farhan, that's something I'm proud of myself for. *pats my back*

Returning to this chapter, if anyone is disappointed that I didn't write a detailed romantic scene about our leads' first time together, let me clarify - in reality, it often isn't. Simple as that. Not generalizing, but as far as I have discussed with other women and read articles, it's not much of a pleasant experience for most (Men and Women, both). Movies and TV Series are just bluffing XD I don't like to romanticize everything. Sometimes, depending on the character, I might delve deeper. For example, for Xavier, it was a big deal to earn Krithika's trust before moving beyond kissing, which warranted a detailed chapter. For Samiksha, just hugging Krishna was significant because she's very reserved about physical touch, so that had its own focus.

I understand there are questions about other aspects, and those will be addressed in the upcoming chapters. I ask for your patience as the story unfolds. Hope that I am not ranting a lot, lol XD Well, I write stories to rant and talk with you guys, so, yeah, you guys have no other option. Either read A/N or skip... your choice.

I have been waiting to add "Udhi Udhi" to this story for so long, finally found the right chapter. Fits Nishita's mood. Also, Shilpa Rao, my darling, sings so good T-T

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