Chapter 14 - The Prison pt. 2

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[10 minutes later]

Now Charlie squirms uncomfortably in the chair, feeling ridiculous in the frilly dress and makeup that were forcefully applied to him. He glares at Theodore, who's trying very hard not to laugh at Charlie's predicament.

"Oh, shut up," Charlie snaps, but his attempt at sounding intimidating is undercut by his overly-bright pink eyeshadow and shimmering lip gloss.

The cat growls at Charlie.

"Quiet, human!” it hisses, its voice dripping with annoyance. “Stop struggling! You look great!”

Theodore can barely contain his laughter. He nearly falls out of his chair, tears streaming down his face.

“I-I’m sorry, but you just… You look like a princess..!"

Charlie glances at himself in a nearby mirror, taking in the princessy outfit and makeup. Sighing, he looks at Theodore, who's still laughing his head off.

"Come on, man," he says, trying to sound annoyed, but a hint of vulnerability seeps into his voice. "Be honest, do I look like a pretty princess?"

But Theodore is too busy laughing to answer. He's doubled over, holding his stomach as tears stream down his face. All Charlie gets is a few weak giggles and a thumbs up.

Charlie finally recollects himself and remembers the reality of their situation. They're imprisoned by cats, and somewhere in this building, the others are also being held captive.

"Yeah, sorry, we gotta go," he says firmly. "We need to find the others."

The cat's grin fades slightly, but it looks amused.

"Oh? And why is that?" it asks, its voice dripping with fake sweetness.

"Uhm, you see, we kinda need them right now. We really have to g-"

"Womp womp" the cat interrupts him.

"Excuse me?" he asks, furrowing his brow.

"Womp womp," the cat repeats, its tone dripping with condescending amusement.

Charlie feels his irritation growing. "Does that mean..." he starts to ask, but the cat interrupts him.

"Nope," it replies smugly. "You can't leave until your owner picks you up, loser. Lol."

Charlie glances over at Theodore, seeing the defeated look on his face. He knows exactly what (or rather, who) Theodore is thinking about.

"Yeah... Barbara... Difficult topic.." Charlie mutters, feeling the weight of their situation.

He turns back to the cat, trying to keep his tone neutral. "Um, so... the other humans - are they here? In this building, somewhere?"

"Oh, yeah. They are somewhere in this prison. They look fabulous." the cat responds.

Charlie nods to Theodore, signaling that they should get moving before the cat changes its mind.

"Come on, Ted," he says firmly. "Let's find the others."

Theodore nods reluctantly, still looking a bit shaken.

"Yeah, sure..." he replies. "Lead the way, princess."

"Shut up," Charlie says, his voice betraying a hint of embarrassment.

The cat laughs, clearly amused by their bickering.

"Alright, you two beautiful birds. Follow me."

They follow the cat through a pink, glittering, colorful children's wonderland. Like real men.

"What's your name, kitty?" Charlie asks.

"Lady Whiskers Pawsington XII. But you can call me Whiskey." she answers.

Charlie and Theodore exchanged a bewildered look, trying to process the cat's PRETENTIOUS name.

"Lady... Whiskers Pawsington...?" Charlie sputters.

"The twelve...? Twelve?!" Theodore adds, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah... no. We're calling you Whiskey," Charlie declares, crossing his arms.

They continue walking when they suddenly hear someone scream.

"SIMONNNN! The BALLS are in my MOUTH!"

Charlie's eyes widen in shock as the strange and slightly concerning scream echoes through the halls.

"Did... did he just say... balls... in his MOUTH?!" he stammers, horrified.

Theodore looks equally flabbergasted. "BALLS. In his MOUTH?!"

Whiskey purrs, clearly finding their reactions entertaining.

"Yeah, that would be the ball pit. Over there," she says, nodding casually to a nearby room.

Charlie and Theodore follow Whiskey into the ball pit room.

Taking a deep breath, Charlie reluctantly heads toward the ball pit. The sight that greets them is... unexpected, to say the least.

There, in the middle of the room, is a boy named Chase, lying in a massive pile of colorful plastic balls. Except... his head is stuck.

Simon is outside the ball pit and is laughing his head off.
"Simon, my boy," Theodore shouts, "Is Chase okay? You look gorgeous by the way."

Theodore goes to Simon and shakes his hand. Simon and Chase are part of the group.

Simon grins widely, giving Theodore's hand an enthusiastic shake. "Thanks, Theo! And don't worry, Chase is fine. Just a bit stuck in the ball pit again."

Chase mumbles something from inside the ball pit, but it's muffled and unintelligible. He sounds annoyed, but mostly just embarrassed.

"He's been in there for like twenty minutes already," Simon explains, still laughing.

"Okay, let's get him out. We need to get the group together." Charlie joins the conversation.

"You're right, let's go." Theodore answers.

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