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*Night of the dance*

Today was the summer night fall dance. I was getting ready. I slightly curled my hair, not wanting to look over formal. I was putting on mascara and winged eyeliner. I was finishing putting on my dress and Steven knocked on the door. my mom left again yesterday, but this time for 2 weeks because she had to go to Australia, for a business meeting. My little sister was at our aunt's house for 1 week. I answered the door. "Hey babe, I brought you some flowers." He said handing me 6 pink roses. He grabbed me by my waist and kissed me. "You look like a princess, " he said commenting on my dress. "You too bae, that tux makes you look fine +.+. "ready, babe?" He asked. "yeah let me grab my phone, " I said walking back inside, we were going walking because school wasn't that far away. I locked the door and we started walking.
*at the school*
The whole walk to school was full of her laughter, when I was with her I felt alive. We got to school, and went to the back area, where the dance was. The place was surrounded by little white lights, I took a look around "Beautiful isn't it?" She asked. "I woundn't say that with you here, you are so beautiful, I can't compare this with you." I said staring into her eyes, I asked her for a dance as I lead her to the dance floor, we danced until we were tiered and decided to go back to her place.
*Thalia's house*
-T PoV-
when we got to my house, Steven asked if he could climb out my window to sneak back and change. I said it was OK so he left, I decided to wear a red 'Obey' shirt with some shorts, basically what I would wear to bed. I turned on the TV, as I waited for Steven. Finally Steven crawled through my window, he was wearing a black 'Obey' shirt and some shorts. "hey we match, I said locking my fingers with his, as he gave me a kiss. I Kissed back and we were making out, we only stopped for air and he was smirking. "Hey, you like me," he said playfully. "And you love me," I said with a playful smirk. And then we cuddled for the rest of the night.

A/n: hey guys I wonder if anyone reads this? Thanks so much for reading still tho its boring. Thinking about making them go through a break up soon hahaha!

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