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T pov- I was going to see my friend Taylor, he was my best guy friend. I completely shut him out the whole 2 weeks. I was walking out my house then I got a random text saying 'look up..'
I looked up to see Steven and a girl kissing? My eyes started filling with tears. Steven looked up and started to approach me. I ran away from him, our relationship was a fake :(!!!

A/n: I'm so tired of all this. I get hate because I post wayy too Short and I am late. Damn I have a life.. Anyways

UPLOAD TIME: every other day (so like next chapter will be on Sunday.) At 11:00 pm. Duh.

I've been slacking!! Sorryy it won't happen again .

BTW this is a fill in next chapter is getting done 2nite!


Falling For Steven FernandezWhere stories live. Discover now