Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 :

Waking up next morning I got up to my alarm at 6:00 to go for a run in the forest behind the house, just like I always used to do before I went away to that stupid boarding school.

I really did like that boarding school for the schooling aspect. But I mean you could barely do anything without someone breathing down your neck when it came to outdoor activities but then if you knew the right people, schedules and everything else it became pretty easy to sneak out of the building and avoid the supervisors that always seemed to be lurking around. I wasn't called, The Shadow, for nothing.

Turns out I was one of the best at sneaking around and avoiding unwanted eyes. Which was a very hard thing to do, let me tell you. The level of patience could make you cry. Though that's why people came to me if they needed something that wasn't allowed on campus. I was the easiest person to go to for favors I will admit, I was the so called, "Bad-Girl" of that school. But that was how I made money to put away. I know I have money because moms rich and granddad gave us kids a huge inheritance but still this is money I made that I'm putting away to secretly search for my brothers. Everytime I brought it up too mom she always said and our first conversation.

"Sweetheart I love your brothers with all my heart but they told me they were leaving."

"Leaving? But they never told me! I'm their sister!!!" I scouted stomping my foot.

"Oh, baby. When you reach a certain age you want to go out and explore things, take in new areas. Find love..." she explained holding my hand.

"But can't they just do that we us in their lives? I mean we love them too! Why did they just leave me without a goodbye? I feel like they abandoned me!" I cried as mom pulled me into her arms and rubbed my back whispering sweet nothings to calm me down.

Shaking my head I brought myself back to the present.

The plus side of getting things for people, is that if I ever needed a favor all I had to do is ask and if it's not bad they'd do it because I did loads of favors for them. I sighed and got out of bed walking over to my dresser. Grabbing a pony I tossed my hair up into a pony tail. Looking down I opened the drawers and grabbed the items I needed.

Slipping on my shorts, a t-shirt and a sweater, I slid on my running shoes.

Turning around I looked until I found my spare bag. Spotting it on the chair I walked over and grabbed it. I love having me some spare clothing when I get done with my workout.

Heading down the stairs into the kitchen. I smiled at Angie as I walked in.

"Morning." I greeted making her jump.

"Oh young lady. You have me such a fright. I'm not used to anyone but your mother being in the house." She said as she placed her hand on her chest and turned towards me with a smile.

"Give it some time, it's only day one." I said winking at her as I walked over to the counter.

"Are you going out running?" Angie inquired.

"Yeah, would you tell my mom if she asks?" I asked looking at her.

"Of course dear. Now go on and enjoy yourself." She said making a shooing motion.

Grabbing an apple out of the fruit dish and a bottle of water out of the fridge and dashed out the back door

Readjustimg my bag that has my spare clothes, snack and water I put it back on my back. Sighing, I stretched lightly for my run which I say lightly because I think I might just jog but who knows. I might save the run for when I'm heading back from town in a few hours or so.

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