Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

They were getting close, closing in on us from all sides, I could swear by it. Stephan and Kyle looked up startled as Ethan ran back to me.

"DAMN WOLVES!" Stephan shouted enraged as we heard another vicious snarl echo through the trees.

"Kyle, I thought you said this wasn't their territory!" Ethan hissed shooting daggers are Kyle with his eyes.

"It's not!" Kyle retorted looking around at the trees.

"Then why are they here?" Stephan snarled.

"I don't know! I don't live with wolves. Do you want me to go and ask for you? I'm sure we could sit down and have a good ole tea party as they answer all the questions I demand." Kyle shot back sarcastically, glaring as Stephan held his hands up in surrender.

Suddenly, there was complete silence. I started breathing harder as the fear of the unknown started to take grasp. Humans I can handle, now this freaky supernatural stuff yeah I don't think I am one hundred percent ready just yet.

"What's happening? Are we going to die?" I asked looking at Ethan breaking eye contact Ethan snapped his head around.

"ENEMIES are closing in on us!" Ethan said as we heard the snarling getting closer and closer.

"I don't see anything?" I said looking around trying to spot something.

"Shut up!" Kyle hissed at me as he flashed fangs making me step back a little. How rude!

"Ethan. Just grab her and let's go!" Stephan called out as he shifted his weight.

Walking over rapidly, Ethan picked me up and swing me around onto his back as we all started to run at neck breaking speed.

Reaching a slight clearing we slammed to a rapid stop as three big wolves jump out of the forest.

Gasping with wide eyes at the site that is taking place before me I blink quickly. These wolves are easily twice the size of the ones on campus and that's saying something because the ones on campus were huge as well...oh my god wait...I am so stupid...of course they weren't just wolves they were werewolves how the hell didn't I ever guess that? Like for real they were so big they couldn't have been regular wolves. Oh Gabby you dummy!

Glancing at them I shiveres as I took in their heights and auras. It looks to me like there in a specific order according to highest in command. Which is normal pack mentality. Alpha, Beta, and then Delta followed by everyone else.

As I was zoning out the wolves attacked! Stephan and Kyle went down as the wolves ripped them apart.

Ethan snarled and then told me, "Hold on!"

As he puts me more into his back and crouches down defensively. The wolves started to come at us as a man with no shirt on yelled as he stepped out of the forest.


I looked at him and I noticed that I had seen him at the party.

"Vampire you're on our turf!" The man says chuckling.

Then Ethan replied, "Not yet dog!!"

Ethan hissed at the growling wolves and then I started to freak out because I realized that I just found my brother again and now this is happening. Then I started thinking.

'Oh no we're going to die!!"

"'s okay. We're not going to die. Not on my watch." Ethan says to him in a sweet voice to comfort me.

Then he took me off of his back and set me down on the ground behind him.

"Stay here!" He tells me.

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