Chapter 7

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Woohoo!! A NEW CHAPTER!!


Chapter 7:

Later that evening after dinner was finished everyone started leaving to go home or upstairs to their bedrooms. The foot traffic was phenomenal. The happy chattering as they shuffled one after another until there was hardly anyone left.

"Goodbye Damien, Gabby." A few of them said, waving at us as they left the room.

After waiting a few more minutes. Damien and I got up and headed upstairs to what I'm assuming is our bedrooms. As soon as we reached the room I had first woke up in we stopped. Okay, so this is my room.

"So, what did they mean before? When you said you'd explain later? You know that soul mate thingy...?" I asked and looked at him while crossing my arms as I looked at him confused.

"Well, if you didn't know..."

"Well, obviously I don't other wise I wouldn't be asking this question." U replied rolling my eyes slightly annoyed.

"Well for starters we're werewolves. Which means we turn into giant wolves. As wolves we mate for life. Ever wolf has a soul mate that completes them. You two are  literally made for each other. And well the ladies saw how I was looking at you adoringly." He started to explain but I cut him off.

"WHAT!?!" I shouted. 'He was looking at me adoringly?! And I missed it!! Fucking hell! That kind of pisses me off.'

"Let me finish." He said.

"Okay fine but make it quick." I said crossing my arms over my chest still angry I missed him looking at me like that. Like really?! What the fuck!?

"So with us werewolves imprint on the ones we're supposed to be with forever and I imprinted on you. So you're my soul mate also known as 'my mate' You were made for me and I for you. No one else. You're my forever and I am your forever." Damien said watching me.

"What? No offense. But I only just met you!? I don't even know who you are?" I replied back in a shocked voice.

Inside I could feel myself squealing due joy. Omg! Omg! Omg! He's mine? That got piece of as is really all mine? Ahhh!! Deciding to fuck with him a little I narrowed my eyes.

"We have plenty of time to get to know each other." Damien replied back quickly raising to his hands like he was going to touch my face.

Keeping quite I mauled over everything in my head 'oh yes plenty of time.' Lots and lots of time. I can totally work with this. Just imagine what I could do to him and with him. Shaking my head I looked up at him as he snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Gabby? Gabby, baby are you alright?" Damien asked concerned and worried so I reply back to him.

"So we're soul mates?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. I saw him nod his head 'yes'.

"Wow, this is a lot to take in." I said releasing a breath to go with my acting and I almost started laughing. I can't believe he is falling for this.

"Take your time... and we will be sleeping in my room." Damien told me.

"What? Together?" I said. Trying to push all dirty thoughts of us together into the back of my head. Nope. Not working. I want to tap that.

"Yes. We are soul mates." Damien replied with a smile as I watched him.

Looking a little unsure I asked, "Okay, but no touching me. Promise?" While looking at his face.

"I Promise." Damien said but I could tell he was crossing his fingers or something behind his back but I let it go even though I mostly told him no touching so that I could keep my thoughts to myself without wanting to devour him.

Then we walked to the door and then headed into his room and he goes to his dresser and pulls out a pair of boxers and a shirt that says 'I BITE!!' and throws them to me.

I looked around the room and found the bathroom and went into the bathroom and changed, the shirt goes a little past my thighs.

I went to the bathroom quick and then washed my hands and walked out.

As I walked to the bed I heard Damien say, "You look so HOT in my clothes!"

"ha ha psh yeah right." I replied and crawled into bed. Damien scooted over and put his hand on my stomach.

"Umm... No touching remember." I replied watching him as he chuckled and lifted up his hand

"Crosses Sweetheart." He said sweetly. Gosh he's so cute.

"Ugh...who even does that anymore?" I replied smiling at him slightly.

"Ugh...ME!" He said smiling really big.

"Whatever." I said smiling and cuddled into the bed and his chest.

But sleep didn't get me right away so I just laid there and stared at the ceiling and a couple minutes later I heard Damien talk.

"Hey. Gabby?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I said.

"I was wondering...Will you answer some of my questions?" He said looking at me.

"Yeah, Sure. What do you want to know?" I said shrugging my shoulders and facing towards him.


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