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Rachel POV

3 weeks... 3 weeks till Finn leaves. After our talk last night I feel a lot better but I'm still a nervous wreck. I keep telling Finn that I won't stress about that on our trip, but it's kinda hard to keep my mind off of. I look over to my beautiful boyfriend and take a moment to really appreciate his looks. He's one hell of a man and I feel so lucky to be able to call him mine. I quietly slide out of bed and put one of his shirts on. As I walk down the stairs I see all the different groups from the Glee club.

"Hey sleeping beauty!" Puck says making everyone turn there attention towards me. "Good morning guys." I say walking the rest of the way down the stairs. "Damn Berry. Lookin hot in Hudsons shirt!" Before I can respond, I hear Finn coming down behind me. "I totally agree." he says kissing my neck.

A few hours later we are all sitting around the TV eating lunch and flipping threw the channels. Puck stops it on the news station and immediately everyone tenses and looks towards Finn and I. The channel is talking about the war in Afghanistan and as soon as it starts talking about the number of deaths I run to the bedroom before anyone can stop me.

"Baby please open the door. It's me" Finn says from outside the locked door. I dry my tears and walk to the door. As soon as I open it, he engulfs me in a giant hug. "I'm sorry I ran out. I'm okay now. I just needed a minute." He grabs my chin and looks me in the eyes. "Rach baby. Its okay you don't have to feel sorry. I'm sorry you had to see that." I kiss his cheek.

Later that day the glee club is just hanging out and playing games together. Most of the boys are playing pool and then some of us girls are playing ping pong. The rest of the people are either watching TV or catching up on their sleep. After I beat Quinn, Tina, and Kurt I decide I'm done with ping pong. "Well it's been fun, but I think I'm going to head over to the pool table. Bye girls....and Kurt." They all say their good byes.

I run up behind Finns at the pool table and cover his eyes. "Guess who?" I can feel his smile against my hands. "Hmmmm. Is it my wickedly talented, loving, sweet, and extremely sexy girlfriend?" I kiss the back of his neck and move my hands down to wrap around his waist. "I take that as a yes." He says Turing around and kissing me hard on the mouth. I guess we got a little carried away cause next thing we know we hear the guys saying, "Get some Hudson" "I see where your hands going" and "No sex on the pool table." We both blush and pull away. "So Finn are you gonna teach me how to play pool?"

Pool is great. Especially when you have a sexy stud of a boyfriend behind you pressing his body on yours and sneaking feels every once in a while. Ultimately, Finn and I dominated everyone and celebrated with a big kiss. I can't get enough of this man.

Finn and I migrate to the couch where we cuddle watch the movie Noah put on, which of course is fifty shades of grey. The main character just took of her shirt which received a cat call and a "daaaaaaammnnnn" from Noah. That earned him a smack on the back of his head by Quinn. Finn nuzzles his nose into my neck and mutters something that I can't quite make out. I pull his head up and notice a blush on his face. "What?" I ask. "Yours are so much better baby." He says pulling me closer.

It's about halfway through the movie and I can tell some people are getting into it. One of those people of course being my Finn. I'm sitting on his lap and I can feel him getting a little hard against my butt. I might as well have some fun with this.

"Hey Tina can you hand me that blanket, it's freezing?" She hands me the blanket without tearing her eyes from the screen. I spread the blanket on top of Finn and myself. Slowly I start pushing my bottom against his half there erection. after the first three times he starts to notice I'm doing it on purpose. I try to act innocent as I slowly slide my hand to his tented jeans. Wasting no time I quickly unbutton them and free him from his boxer. His eyes grow wide and he lets out a grunt that he disguises as a cough.

"What do you think your doing?" He practically hisses in my ear. I give him an innocent look and tell him to be quite and watch the movies. I pick up my pace and minutes later he comes undone in my hand. Trying to tease him a little bit I bring my hand to my mouth and lick of the sticky substance. "Your the best girlfriend ever. If I knew you could be quite I would return the favor but I think we may have to wait till later." He tells me kissing my earlobe as I tuck him back into his boxers and jeans.

As soon as the movie ends Noah turns to me. "So Rachel I have a little surprise for you." I don't know if I should be worried or not. Instead I just nod my head to indicate him to keep going. "While you and the girls were playing ping pong, I set up the karaoke machine out back." I squeal and run outside to check it out while I hear the rest of the club saying "Crazy diva."

After we eat dinner and the boys finally set up the Bonfire we start our night of karaoke. "So I'm assuming you would like to go first diva so the stage is all yours." Noah tells me. I kiss Finns cheek and walk up to the song book. I found the perfect song. "Okay I'm going to be singing 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri. This ones for you Finny." I wink at him.

At the end of my song I have tears running down my face and I can see Finns eyes are wet with emotion to. He walks up to me and dips me into a very hot kiss which earns a few cheers and catcalls. After a few more upbeat fun songs play Finn pats my thigh and walks up to the stage. Finn stares deep into my eyes as he sings and before I know it I'm crying. Finns poring his heart out singing the "Plain White T's" 'Hey There Delilah'. Not a single person watching him sing has a dry eye.

As soon as I hear the music fading I sprint up to him and wrap my legs around his waist and sob into his neck. "It's okay baby. I got you." After our little moment Noah takes the stage and sings some song that I'm not really paying attention to. The girls and I do a group number to Flo Rida's 'Low'. We all changes into spanks, ugg boots, and sports bras. Honestly when we planned it it was gonna be a comedy number but then we decided to tease the boys a little. As soon as the music started I could tell a few of the guys recognized the song by the cat calls.

We start our choreography and the guys eyes get really wide. Finn doesn't take his eyes off of me. As soon as we hear the line, "...and give that big booty a slap." we all run up to our boyfriends and shake our butts in front of them giving them permission to hit it. Instead, Finn slowly runs his hand over mine giving it a squeeze. It took everything I had to stay in character. When the song was finally over there was a moment of silence before the boys broke out into applause. Finn gave me this look and I immediately knew no one in this house was going to get very much sleep tonight.

"That was fantastic ladies but let's see what you think of our group performance." Blaine says. Thay all walk inside to change into their costumes. "Well girls I think we did good." I say earning some head nods. "How would you know Berry, you were to busy eye fucking Hudson to even look at us." I don't even try to deny it I just blush and look to the stage in shock.

All of the glee boys are on stage shirtless with jeans hanging off there hips. I can't keep my eyes off Finn. He has always been self conscious but to see him confident is the biggest turn on. The music starts and I can't help but giggle. The boys are serenading us with "Trumpets" by Jason Derulo.

Once they are done Finn picks me up and lifts me over his shoulder. "It's been real guys but my sexy girlfriend is still wearing her costume that I would like to be on the floor so adios." Finn says running up the stairs with me waving to the glee club over his shoulder. "We all should get ear plugs in the next two minutes!" Kurt yells loud enough for us to hear. "Make it thirty seconds." I wink to them as I slam the door shut with Finn on it.


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