Girls Night at the Hudson-Hummels

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I wake up to Kurt talking to my mom outside of my door. "Ok Carole, we got popcorn and ice cream, maybe later Finn can run out and grab pizza?"  Huh? I wonder what they're planning. I turn on my side to look at the beautiful picture of Rachel on my night stand and notice my phone has a text from Rach.

The text reads, "Hey Finny, I cant wait to see you later! Text me when you wake up baby! XO- Rach" Her and I didn't make my plans but I guess she's coming over tonight. Maybe that's what Kurt was talking about. I'm not complaining. I quickly text her back.

"Good morning beautiful, sweet, loving, and incredibly sexy girlfriend. I missed you in my bed last night- Finn" I'm guessing she's going to scold me for being provocative but it's okay. Instead she sends back a text that makes my pants instantly tight.

"Right back at you my sexy stud of a man boyfriend who I simply cannot get enough off!" Damn I love her

When I finally get out of bed and head down stairs I'm met with my mom and Kurt sitting at the table chatting.

"Finn! I'm so glad you're awake. Okay so I am planning on having some of the glee girls over tonight for a movie night sleepover. Yes Rachel will be here. No you're not invited" Kurt says way to fast for me to comprehend.

"Kurt, Finn can be involved if he wants to. You can't just expect him to leave you alone if you're with Rachel." Dang my mom sure has my back.

I look at Kurt's disappointed frown. "Yeah whatever Kurt, I'll leave you guys alone for most of the night. I can't promise that I won't check in on her though, I want to spend time with her too."

He smiles and claps his hands excitedly. "Okay thanks so much Finn!!" My moms phone starts ringing so she gets up and takes the call. Kurt watches her walk away and then says, "Once we finish our movies and are ready for bed you can have Rachel. I know she would probably sneak to your room anyways. Just please try to keep it quite."

I give him a big smile and start eating my fruit loops. Rach sleeping in my bed tonight... oh yeah I'm totally okay with that.

A few hours later I'm laying in my bed on my phone when I hear the doorbell ring. I try to make out the voice to see who it is. "Diva! You're telling me that you..." I stop listening when I realize it's only Mercedes.

The doorbell keeps ringing and ringing and eventually I can recognize the beautiful voice that I love so much. I expect her to come say hi to me but instead I hear her light footsteps go down to the basement. Dammit.

I text her "Rach baby, why didn't you come say hi to me. I wanted to see you:( -F" I dont want her to feel bad but I really want to see my girl.

She must have read the text quickly because less then a minute later there is a soft knock on my door. "Come in" I say.

Rach opens the door a little and peeks her head in. Once we make eye contact she opens it all the way and lets herself in.

"Hey babe I'm sorry. I didn't want to interrupt you if you were doing something important. I didn't know you wanted to see me." She lies down next to me and puts her head on my chest.

I breathe in the scent of her and wrap my arms around her. I could literally stay in this position with her for the rest of my life, it feels so right. "Don't worry Rach its okay. I'm just happy to see you, I missed you. I know you can't stay up here long or else Kurt will start yelling."

She laughs an adorable laugh and runs her hands up and down my body. "Well in that case I think we should make the most of the time we do have." She starts kissing my neck and putting her hand in my shorts. It takes everything I have to stop her.

"As much as I would love to keep going, we can't. I don't want Kurt to get mad at me...he said that you can sleep in my bed tonight!I mean if you want to! I don't want you to feel like you have to, you can totally stay with the girls I just tho-" She stops me with a kiss.

"Of course I want to sleep with you! And I guess you're right, it's just so hard for me to resist you." She gets off my bed and looks at me. She looks so happy and relaxed, I love when she's like this.

"Okay babe have fun! I'll come down to say hi in a little bit, feel free to come back to my room" I say that part with a wink. She gives me a quick peck on the lips and then pushes her tongue into my mouth. I give into her and kiss back for a few minutes.

"Rachel get out of here before I rip your clothes off." Her eyes darken and she whispers, "That doesn't sound like a punishment Finn." God I can't handle her. She's so freaking hot.

"Rach I really want this but we can't right now. Kurt will be up here any minute looking for you. I have to go get pizza for you guys anyways, I'll walk you down." She pouts but reluctantly gets off me and starts walking to the door. I grab her hand and start walking her to the basement just as the girls and Kurt are walking up the stairs.

"Here you go guys, take care of my girl for me! I'm going out to get your pizza, any requests?"  All of a sudden 5 different voices start yelling "PEPPERONI, BACON, VEGGIE, CHEESE, HAWAIIAN!"

Everyone cracks up. "Okay I think I got it! I'll be back in like 45 minutes," I look at Rachel. "I love you."  She's about to open her mouth to say it back but before she can Mercedes, Santana, Tina, Kurt and Brittany and say " love you too Finn!" In really high pitched voices. I just blush and head to my car.

I'm on my way home with 5 pizzas stacked next to me in my truck. This seems like a good reason to go into Kurt's room...I have to deliver the pizza. As soon as I open the door I can hear all the girls and Kurt from his room in the basement. As sound proof as the room is, the glee girls (and Kurt) are way louder.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs and put the pizzas down I immediately make eye contact with Rach. Oh my god she looks so good. She changed into her very short, very tight pink pajama set. I need to control Finn jr. or else I might scare some of the girls. Rachel quietly sneaks over to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks for getting us pizza Finn! I really appreciate it... I might have to show you how much I appreciate it later." She winks at me and it takes everything I have not to throw her over my shoulder, run straight to my room, lock the door and never leave.

Instead I just look her up and down and run my hand along her arm. "I really like these babe" I say referring to her pajamas, "although I might like them better on my bedroom floor later tonight." Her entire face and neck flushes.

"Hudson you do not play fair."

"Right back atchya Berry." I kiss her once more and head back upstairs to my room. Waiting for the girls to go to sleep is going to take forever... it's only 5:30!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2018 ⏰

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