Going to the cabin

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So today is the day that the glee club heads up to Quinns parents cabin and I couldn't be more excited. Kurt volunteered to drive one of the cars so he and I are on our way to Blaine's. After we pick up Blaine we go to Rachel's house. I really hope she's awake.... Rachel's really not a morning person. As we pull up to her house, I hop out and go to the front door. As soon as I ring the doorbell she comes out of the house with a big smile on her face. wow that's different.

"Hey beautiful, how are you this morning?" I say kissing her cheek. "Better now that I'm with my amazingly sexy boyfriend." she says back. Damn, she's never this straightforward. I take her luggage and put my arm around her waist. "What has gotten into you today?" I say smirking at her. "Well I just can't wait to spend a week with you.... and without any parents." She says with a wink.

Halfway through the car ride, Rachel and I are making out in the backseat and Kurt is yelling about us fogging the windows, but I could care less. I run my hand down Rachel's back and onto her but and give her a light squeeze. She moans softly into my mouth and grinds her hips into mine. damn I love car rides with Rachel.

We finally Arrive and us 4 are the first ones besides Quinn and Puck who came early to set everything up. we walk up to them and say,"Hey guys!! What's up?!? We're so excited to be here!" They smile at us and say," I'm happy you guys made it! Why don't you go up to the top floor because the biggest rooms are up there."

Once Rachel and I close the door to our room and put our stuff down she pounces on me and says," Alone at last" while kissing my neck. I put my hands on her butt and say finally while attaching my mouth to hers in a passionate kiss. We start getting really into it and next thing you know all we have left is underwear and Rachel's bra. I take off her bra exactly as Kurt walks in and screams... really loud. I quickly lay on top off Rachel to cover her naked body.

"WHAT THE HELL KURT!!! GET OUT OF MY FUCKING ROOM!" I yell at him. He covers his eyes and leave my room. Rachel blushes bright red and says,"Omg Finn! That was so embarrassing!" I just kiss her cheek and smack her butt. We walk down stairs to see our hole glee club staring at us. "Hey love birds! Glad to see your alive! Kurt was telling us about the show you were putting on!"Puck yells out. Rachel blushes and I just proudly smile cause no one else gets to see Rachel like this, just me.

After we eat our dinner of pizza, Brittany yells out," Hey guys, let's play truth or dare!!?" Everybody agrees and we head outside. Rachel gets off my lap and says," This is going to be fun." with a flirtatious wink. She walks ahead with the other girls and I swear she sways her hips more then she ever does. I look down and see a tent forming in my shorts. Damn, this girl is going to be the end of me.


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