He makes you spit your drink out from laughing too much

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"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" He shouted at you to get your attention

"What!?" You shouted back.
You were sitting at the park on a hot Mid-July day having a picnic with your children, Sienna, Harry and Flynn.

"Dad you're such an idiot sometimes." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Don't be rude Harry!" You scolded him. He was 15 but sarcastic as hell. No surprise with 2 sarcastic parents!

"Okay kids watch this! I'm gonna throw this frisbee up in the air and catch it okay? This is gonna be awesome!" Ash cheered.

You all nodded and braced for the worst.

You watched as Ash threw the frisbee up and started to run back to catch it, this was not going to end well... you had a sip of your water smirking.

Next thing you know, the frisbee hits Ashton in the face and he falls backwards! You spit your water out everywhere, all over the picnic blanket!

"Ew! Mum! That's so gross!" Sienna moaned. Flynn and Harry were rolling on the floor laughing, tears in their eyes. You continued to laugh with them.

"Are you okay honey?" You asked Ash, laughing. He sits up. "Or maybe not" he giggled.


You had been with Luke for a few months now and were on tour with him and the boys and for a laugh you all decided you'd go to the zoo for jokes and you find yourselves watching the Penguins being fed as you and Luke both love penguins.

The zoo keeper asks for volunteers to feed them and of course Luke's hand shoots straight up. You watch in amusement as he wonders through the gate and stares in awe at the Penguins. You giggle and have a sip of your iced coffee.

Next thing you know, Luke moves forward to chuck the fish to the Penguins but he slips straight on his ass and skids across the ice almost practically in the water and you burst out laughing, spraying iced coffee all over Michael!

"Oh my god Michael I am so sorry!!" You apologised laughing your head off. Ashton and Calum were wetting themselves laughing, literally howling, and everyone was looking at you weirdly.

"I don't... know which is... funnier, Luke slipping over or you spitting coffee all over Michael!" Calum spluttered in between laughs.

"Cheers Y/N." Michael grumbled smirking.

You laughed at the brown liquid covering his face.


Calum and you had been dating for a month now, he was trying to show off for you and was messing around playing with Michael's guitar.

"Come on then Cal, serenade me!" You teased.

He grinned and set off in a rendition of 'Long Way Home'. You smiled at him with dreamy eyes and fell in love with him even more. You took a sip of your squash.

You noticed something black and moving to the left of Calum, on closer inspection you realise it's a spider and you scream with your mouth full and point at it.

"Y/N what is it?" Calum asked you confused. He followed your eyeline and noticed the spider, he screamed like a girl, leapt out of his chair and dropped Michael's guitar on the wooden floor with a loud crash.

You spat out your squash laughing too much. So Michael's guitar was now not only broken but had squash all over it as well.

Calum stared at you in shock.

"CALUM!?" Michael shouted, thundering up the stairs.

"SHIT! Michael's gonna go apeshit!! He's gonna kill me!!" Calum exclaimed. "Y/N lie on the floor and pretend you fainted!"

"What? Calum that's ridiculous! I'm not doing that!" You hissed.

"Please!" He begged.

There was a crash as Michael came thundering through the door.

You and Calum looked from each other, to Michael to the guitar.

Michael was frozen solid, he just stared at his broken and squash soaked guitar.

"There was a spider?" You said awkwardly.


It was a cold winters night and you were snuggled up in bed with your son, Matt, he was reading his book next to you and you were watching Gossip Girl on Netflix. It was your guilty pleasure! You must've seen each episode 3 times. You also had a facemask on as you were going to your best friend's wedding tomorrow and were getting all freshed up for her big day.

You had a sip of tea, which you always had before you went to bed. All of a sudden there was a shriek and Matt screamed next to you. Startled, you looked up to see Michael at the doorway with the rest of your facemask on. He looked so ridiculous his face all covered in a green liquid, you spat your tea out all over the bed. Matt started laughing at you.

"Mummy spat her tea out!" He giggled.

"Michael Clifford what the hell are you doing!?" You laughed.

"What? I need beautiful skin too!" He said and jumped in the other side of Matt. "Want me to read this to you Matty?" He asked his son.

"Yeah!" Matt giggled and cheered and Michael read the book to him grinning at you.

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