Michael Imagine for @AEncarnacion8

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"Do you remember when..." Michael laughed

"Stop! Enough of the 'Do you remember when' game Michael!" I laughed and rolled my eyes dramatically.

"Why?" he looked hurt. I felt a twinge of guilt. 

"I think we established we've been to this place on holiday with our families for 18 years..." I laughed, sassing him.

"Fine" he rolled his eyes. "'Do you remember when' Alyssa wasn't a grumpy bitch?" he teased, poking me playfully in the side. 

"Get off!" I laughed and slapped his hand away. 

Michael was making my head all confused at the minute.

"Seriously though, Alyssa, we've known each other for 18 years...can you believe it..." he trailed off.

We were both sat on top of the sand hill on the beach, looking out at the sunset, it was one of my favourite views in the world. The sea breeze was gently blowing my hair. It felt so right and natural.

"No" I said smiling. 

"It's so beautiful..." Michael said gazing out at the ocean waves crashing and rolling. 

"And peaceful" I smiled.

"Alyssa I..." Michael said and paused, sighing.

We both looked at each other. 

"What?" I said softly as the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy. 

"You know before we broke up from college, we were sitting at Ashton's BBQ, outside in his garden, under the tree like late at night and we'd all had a bit too much to drink and we were the only two still up?" He asked.

"Yeah it was like 4am" I laughed, fondly remembering a few weeks ago. 

"Well you know that thing I was going to tell you but I chickened out?" He said.

I frowned as I tried to remember, Vodka always made me forget everything. Oops...

"Well now we're both sober and I'm going on Tour next month and you're going to Uni, I should probably..."

"Michael..." I interrupted him. 

We both looked at each other, our hair blowing gently in the breeze. It was so romantic. 

"I..." he said.

I didn't say anything and crashed my lips to his, something I'd been dying to do for ages but it had never felt like the right moment up until now. He kissed back and ran a hand through my hair, I smiled into the kiss... this definitely felt right...

Eventually he pulled away. 

"Well I was going to say..." he bit his lip shyly. 

"I love you..." he grinned at me, but unsure of my reaction. 

"I love you too Michael and have done for 7 years." I giggled sheepishly. 

"Well Alyssa, I've loved you for 10..." he trailed off. 

My heart was beating so fast. 

"Oh my god" I said but was interrupted by Michael kissing me again and we sat there for ages, making out in the sand with our hair blowing romantically, hearing the crash of the waves and until the night sky went black and that's when we knew we wanted to be with each other for the rest of our lives...

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