Luke Imagine for @Emilee5sauce

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Okay so I was a week late... I am never late, ever! 

My first thought was obviously, am I pregnant? A part of me really hoped I was, but another part prayed I wasn't. I mean. Could me and Luke step up to the challenge of being parents? I'd seen my aunt and uncle bring up my baby cousin and it was SUCH hard work. 

I quickly typed a message to my best friend:

'may be pregnant eeeek, I'm late and you know I'm never late! xxxx'

'shit? really get a test Emilee! xxxx'

'I'm scared! xxxx'

'I'll stand outside while you do it? xxxx' 

'okay come round pls xxxx'

I had brought a pregnancy test a couple of months ago when I thought I was pregnant but it turned out my period came just as I was about to take it! Typical! So I kept it in the cupboard. 

Me and Luke had been married for 8 months now and I had recently come off the pill. Could I even get pregnant that fast? 


The doorbell interrupted my worrying. I answered the door to my best friend who was super excited. 

 "Oh my god Emilee! This is so exciting!!" She screeched! 

"Come on and hurry up! I've got an hour before Luke gets back!" I laughed at her and she wondered in. 

"Do you not want to wait for him to do the test?" She asked me. 

"No, because I know how badly he wants a baby and I don't want him to know until I'm sure I am!" I told her. 

"Fair enough, right come on then!" and she practically charged me up the stairs. 

"Go for it! I'll be right outside!" she grinned. 

I went in and locked the door, I got the test out as my hands shook. I peed on the stick and waited. 

"What's happened!?" My best friend shouted through the door

"I don't know yet, it's analysing!" I called back. 

Okay 3 minutes are up. 

I couldn't do it. I called my friend in. 

"We'll look at it together yeah?" she said 

"Yeah" I nodded. 

"3" she said 

"2" I said


There was a green tick.

My best friend screeched in my ear. "OH MY GOD EMILEE YOU'RE PREGNANT!" 

"Oh my god!" I said. I had the biggest grin on my face, I placed a hand on my stomach and smiled. 

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed as the reality hit me and we both jumped up and down like school girls at a boy band concert. 

"Oh my god! I better be off then! I'll let you tell Luke by yourself but oh my god!!! Text me when you've told him!" she grinned and engulfed me in a hug. 

"Thanks babe" I smiled at her. 

Shortly enough Luke arrived home. He looked tired. 

"Did you have a good day Luke?" I asked him, struggling to contain the beaming grin I had on my face. 

"Very, very stressful" he mumbled sadly. 

"Um..." I trailed off and looked at him grinning. 

"What?" he eyed me suspiciously with a smile, instantly cheering up. 

"I've got something to show you" I grinned and led him upstairs, tugging his hand. 

"What is it Emilee?" he asked me as we were half way up the stairs.

"Wait and see!"

I led him up to our room and sat on the bed with the pregnancy test in my hand. 

"What's that?" But he knew exactly what it was. 

I handed him the pregnancy test. 

He looked at it and his eyes went wide.

"Are you?" he beamed hopefully at me. 

"Pregnant." I confirmed grinning. 

"OH MY GOD!" he leapt up and lifted me up.

"Oh my god!" he said "I love you so much Emilee" he beamed at me, laughing.

I giggled and tapped his arms to put me back down.

"I love you too Luke" I said and kissed him. 

"Oh my god! I've got to tell Mikey and Ashton and Calum and Mum and Jack..." Luke squealed and ran out the room. 

"Calm down Luke" I giggled and I'd never been happier. 

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