Michael Imagine for @mermaid_millie

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I sleepily opened my eyes and turned and reached out to find Michael next to me, he wasn't there, I panicked and fully woke up. Slowly, my nose took in the smell of pancakes. Mmm, he must be cooking. I smiled happily and lay back down in bed and shut my eyes. We didn't get much time together as he was always on tour so when we finally had time together we stuck to each other like glue. 

A few minutes passed and he hadn't returned. I frowned suspiciously. 

"SHIT!!!" I heard a shout from downstairs and the unmistakeable smell of burning pancake mixture filled my nostrils. I laughed as he was never the best at cooking, I decided to go downstairs and assess the damage. 

"Oh my god. Oh my god." he was mumbling as he scraped the black burnt mixture in the bin. 

"Babe." I laughed. 

He sharply looked up. "Oh morning Millie..." he looked guilty, like a child that had just broken their mother's most precious vase. 

I giggled "Were you making pancakes?" I teased.

"I tried." he looked down at the black scrap in the bin sadly.

I laughed again. Bless him! At least he tried! It was times like this when I fell even more in love with him. "You're so sweet." I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him on the lips. 

"Let's start again shall we?" I giggled.

He nodded, smirking and we both got the eggs, flour and milk out and started attempt number 2!

**** 2 hours later ****

"It's still not right Mikey! It's not supposed to curl like that!" I whined. 

"EURGH!" he sighed irritably and banged the pan down. "Fuck it." he said and looked at me, arms folded. 

"Shall we just go out to breakfast?" I asked. 

"Yeah but first, let's go back up to bed and cuddle some more, now you're awake" he grinned and kissed me. Then he lifted me up over his shoulder and carried me up the stairs to the bed. 

He flopped me down and then jumped beside me, he wrapped his arms around me like a koala bear and kissed my neck. 

"Let's go under the covers" I mumbled and he nodded and we both climbed under the sheets. I rested my head on his chest and felt the soft rise and fall as he breathed. 

Shortly his breathing pattern changed and I looked up and saw him fast asleep. 

"Looks like breakfast's off then" I giggled softly to myself and returned back on his chest and closed my eyes. 

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