Michael Imagine for @5sosissocute3

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"Can I have a Dry Martini please?" I asked the bartender smiling.

"Of course" he said and started to make the drink, it was the first time since I'd started dating Michael that we'd been out clubbing together. We'd also come with Luke, Calum and Ashton and a few of my friends. 

It was so annoying! Every time I went out clubbing I'd lose everyone! Hadn't seen any of my friends for a good hour but they were probably getting off with guys and I didn't want to interrupt that!

I lost Michael about half an hour ago, the only person I could see was Ashton and he was getting off with his girlfriend in the middle of the floor! 

"Here you go" the bartender handed me my drink.

"Thank you!" I thanked him and handed over the money. 

"Hey" I heard a voice behind me. 

I turned around and some guy was staring at my bum.

"Nice ass, or do you get told that a lot?" He laughed and his mate joined in. I rolled my eyes at them, honestly where had charm gone?

"Oooh she's a bit feisty Cameron." This guy elbowed his mate.

"No I just don't like assholes drooling over what they can't have." I sassed raising an eyebrow and started to walk away. 


"Shut up you dickhead." Dylan told off Cameron and he went very sour faced. 

"Wait. Come back." Dylan ordered and followed me. 

"I have a boyfriend." I sighed turning around, this guy was soooo persistent!

"So? I have a wife but that ain't stopping me." He grinned.

"You are a disgusting human being." I frowned at him. 

"And you are one of the most amazing girls I've ever met, what's your name gorgeous?" 

"What's it to you?" I challenged and looked down my nose at him. 

"Haley!" My friend shouted from the dancefloor. 


"Haley!" She shouted again and started to come over, thank god!

"Haley? Nice, it suits you." He smirked.

"Leave me alone please." I told him and started to walk towards my friend, unfortunately some guy swept her away and started dancing with her. She completely forgot and started dancing with him. Great. Alone with this creep again. 

"I said leave me alone." I scowled.

He squeezed my bum. 

"Don't touch me!!" I shouted. 

"Excuse me mate." Michael appeared, right at the perfect moment! He protectively put an arm around me.  

He then let go of me and grabbed the guy by the T-Shirt. "Don't you EVER touch or go near my girlfriend again otherwise I'm gonna kick your fucking head in, okay?" he told Dylan through gritted teeth. Dylan looked shocked and started to back away. 

Michael pulled me by the waist and walked me out the club.

"Thank you!" I told him.

"No problem. He was gonna get his head kicked in very soon and if not by me, someone else would do it." he shrugged. "No one touches you" he said quietly.

"I love you Michael" I said, and gazed at him, I think the alcohol had definitely gone to my head!

"I love you too Haley." And he kissed me before we jumped in a taxi home. 

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