You are walking around the house naked and he comes home early

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You were blasting the 1975 full volume as you danced around the kitchen naked, getting dinner ready. You don't hear Ashton walk in and he comes through to the kitchen, spots you, goes wide eyed and leans against the door frame smirking.

You spot him and shriek as he made you jump. "Ash!" You moan.

"What have I been missing out on, tell me why didn't I come home sooner?" He smirked.

You throw a tea towel at him, he catches it and drops it on the floor he runs at you and lifts you up onto the counter and you start kissing. Hurriedly you take his jacket off and start to undress him...


"Where is my damned dress!" You shout as you sift through the dry clothes basket, chucking numerous items of clothing all over the floor.

You don't hear Luke creep in he stands at the door as you're bent over the laundry basket in a very compromising position...

"Babe?" You hear and whip around.

Luke is standing there wide eyed but smirking.

"Luke!?" You shout and put his shirt in front of you to try and cover yourself up.

"What are you doing?" He smirks.

"Trying to find my dress for tonight?" You say awkwardly.

"Oh yeah change of plan, we aren't going out tonight... we're gonna stay in, have a bath, get some champagne and keep busy all night..." He smirks and kisses you on the collarbone.

You smile at him and shrug "sounds good to me..."


You are cleaning out the hamsters cage when you drop the ball and it just rolls away, urgently you run after it, it goes all the way down the hallway and you're chasing it completely naked.

It stops as someone puts their foot on it, you look up and its Calum.

"Hi." You say giggling.

"Looking for something?" He teases and hands you the ball.

"Whatever" you roll your eyes and walk away.

All of a sudden you feel strong arms around your middle as Calum picks you up. You scream and drop the ball and it starts rolling again.

"Come on we're having an early night" he laughs as he carries you up the stairs to the bedroom.


You strum Michael's guitar as you pretend to perform in front of the bathroom mirror. You are completely naked of course as you're about to go in the shower.

You sing loudly as you pretend to play it. You totally have this rockstar thing! All of a sudden you hear laughing as Michael's standing at the bathroom door.

"Wow. You're replacing me in the band I'm assuming?" He smirks

"Obviously! I'm so much better than you Mikey!" You say and toss your hair giggling.

"Okay" he laughs. "Whatever you say..."

"I'm getting in the shower." You deliberately announce as you put Michael's guitar back on its stand.

"Oh really? That's a coincidence because so am I." He said and picks you up and locks you both in the bathroom...

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