Calum Imagine for @LimerenceCalum

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"Louise!" I vaguely heard my teacher shout. "Louise!"

"Huh?" I snapped out of the dream world I was in. 

"Answer the question please." My teacher demanded. 

"I don't know sir sorry" I frowned guiltily.

"No because you were dozing off." he snapped "pay attention! How many times do I have to ask Louise?" he turned back around to face the board.

I hated Mr Blake and I had actually had enough of him. He always picked on me!! 

"64" I heard a voice whisper behind me. 

I turned around and looked directly into the guy I liked's eyes. They were a dark brown and almost mesmerising. I smiled at him and turned back around. 

"64 sir" I said to Mr Blake

"What?" he said amazed.

"64" I smirked "that's the answer."

"That's...correct..." he frowned. 

I smiled smugly but felt like sticking my finger up at him and he narrowed his eyes at me then turned back around and faced the board.

"Thank you" I mouthed to Calum. 

"It's cool" he smiled back. 


"Class dismissed" Mr Blake said. "Apart from Louise and Calum."

Calum and I looked at each other and frowned. 

Oops, what had we done now? 

We both walked to the front, me shyly and Calum swaggering. He was part of the cool group and they basically all walked like that. 

Mr Blake chucked our Maths papers at us across the desk angrily, "next time you want to copy answers off each other, make it less obvious..." he snapped. "Detention for both of you." he grinned. 

"What!? No sir! I have band practice tonight!" Calum protested "It's really important I go!" 

"Well they shall have to do without the bassist then won't they Calum?" Mr Blake taunted nastily. Calum glared at him.

"Sir please, that's not fair! Calum was only helping me because you're basically a bad teacher and I don't have a clue what I'm doing..." I grinned, knowing full well that I'd be in even more trouble, but why not push it all the way? I don't know where this confidence and sass had come from but I thought having Calum so close next to me could be behind it. 

Calum looked at me astonished, but smirking. 

"How dare you Louise!" Mr Blake shouted. 

"She's right sir..." Calum joined in, smiling at me. Whenever he smiled, the butterflies in my stomach made me practically giddy. 

"Right both of you, detention all week! Now get out of my sight!" He yelled and ushered us out. 

As Calum and I walked down the corridor, knowing we had a week full of detentions, somehow this didn't bother us...

"Fancy skipping detention and going to the Milkshake bar tonight?" Calum cheekily asked me. 

I smiled shyly at him. Unsure and conflicted on what to do. We'd be in so much trouble if we skipped detention but Calum always did stuff like that and seemed to get away with it...

"Come on, I've been wanting to ask you for ages and as we have a week full of detention we might as well get to know each other" he grinned cheekily.

"Why not." I giggled and he unsurely grabbed my hand as we walked down the corridor together, looking at me. I gripped it tightly and continued walking, the biggest smile on my face ever.  

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