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She Way Out ~ 1

Lucinda tugged at the slim black jeans trying her best to shuffle them up her legs, at the same time she tried to avoid poking her toes through the holes in the knees - which failed. Once the jeans where permanently placed onto her legs and were securely buttoned up, she slung a Panic! at The Disco tank top over her head which was then protected by a red plaid shirt .

Tonight was exactly the same as the past Friday night, poisoning her blood stream with alcohol and spending the night accepting complements on how her face looked like she was from a movie scene. She would always reply with a comment like, "or a magazine. You know what I mean." which would make every one confused but she would just dance away as if nothing ever happened.

Although today was different. She promised to be the 'designated' friend. This meant that she need to be stable enough to walk or drive all her friends home. Every time they asked Lucinda to be the designated friend she would always say she was the life of the party and get drunk any way, but not tonight.

She threw a pair of converse and tapped her butt to make sure her most prized possession was tucked safely in her pocket before unlocking the car. She only had to pick up her friends Kayla and violet as they lived close to each other but a fifteen minute drive from Lucinda. From there it would only take a five minute drive to get to the party, she was all fine with that but she felt slightly sick for an uncertain reason.

She sent a text to both girls saying that she was just leaving and put her car into ignition. In the same second as she put the car into gear, the passenger door and one of the back car doors flung open and two bodies jumped in. Lucinda screeched at the intruders and started to slap them on the arm as hard as she could.

"Stop hitting me you tit! I only want a ride." Lucinda stopped her movements as she heard a voice that she recognised from her few recent encounters.

"Luke?" Her voice was angry as he lifted his head to look at her. Both of Luke's arms were still raised as a defence technique, he knew that she wasn't particularly a fan of his but he loved to mess with her.

"No, it's fucking Jesus." After she realised that it was in fact Luke she continued to beat the shit out of his arm, this time a lot harder.

"Are you this feisty in bed?" Another voice stopped Lucinda from attacking the blonde boy and was met with -clearly dyed- blonde haired boy.

"Wait, who the fuck are you?" Her tone was still harsh and angry. She needed to leave to go to the party and pick up her friends already and right now the two guys where stopping her. Michael raised his hands up to his heart and plastered a pout onto to his face,

"Hurtful" They all knew that he was joking but right now was not the time, she felt uneasy and a bit dizzy. It didn't help that all she could smell was the mixture illegal substances clinging to both of the guys bodies and cigarette smoke.

"Can you pot heads please leave my car," Her hand raised to her temples and she rubbed small circles, "I don't have time for your shit right now." she sighed.

"We just want a lift to the party and then we will leave you alone," Luke announced in a hushed tone, he could see the frustration on Lucinda's face and to be quite honest, he didn't really care; he just didn't want to walk for thirty minutes just to get to a party. Every one was silent for a moment, only the sound of Michaels heavy breathing and the sound of Luke tapping his foot could be heard.

"Fine," She mumbled under her breath, "but, no changing my music" Both guys nodded, "the windows will be down at all time because you reek," They nodded again, "and no hitting on my friends please."

They cheered quietly and waved their hands in the air in victory, they stopped within a few seconds though as they didn't want to piss Lucinda off. Luke reached for the radio button but was slapped away by Lucinda, she proceeded to start the radio and turned up the volume to number twenty four in attempt to block out the annoying sound of Michael mumbling to himself and Luke humming.

King For a Day by Pierce The Veil started to play and Lucinda's mouth curved into a small smile as the first verse started to play which she sang to,

Dare me to jump off of this Jersey bridge?
I bet you never had a Friday night like this
Keep it up, keep it up, let's raise our hands.

Michael was sat In the back screaming out the lyrics while Lucinda was belting the words as best as she could. Luke couldn't help but stare at Lucinda at that single moment, she was smiling and head banging to the exact same music that he listens too, it was the opposite to what he was expecting. Sure she dressed like a punk chick and wore band shirts but some girls do that these days just for the attention.

Michael jumped in front of Luke's face like a five year old child, shouting out the chorus attempting to get Luke to join in. So he did.

Imagine living like a king someday
A single night without a ghost in the walls
And if the bass shakes the earth underground
We'll start a new revolution now

Everyone inside the cramped vehicle was now head-butting, dancing and screaming along to the song. No one was actually paying any attention to each other right now, when Lucinda would make eye contact with Michael in the mirror, they would both look away as fast as they could as if nothing had even happened.

We'd rather die than live to rust on the ground

The last line of the song rang out, Michael stuck both of his hands in the air, Luke was shaking his head letting his tongue dangle out of his mouth and Lucinda simply kept both hands on the wheel but sang as loud as she could.

Once the song had finished, Mad Sounds by the Arctic Mokeys had started to play but the two guys who invaded Lucinda's car just stared at her, she looked back and forth between both boys before saying,

"Let's not tell anyone about this."

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