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She Way Out ~ 3

once Lucinda had picked up Violet from her fairly large house -It wasn't insanely large, just a lot bigger than Lucinda's - and dealt with her brat-ish tantrum, they were on their way to the house party. The five short minute drive to the party was silent, all that was heard was Luke shifting in his seat every few seconds and small snarky comments from violet every now and then.

They had parked down the road where there was a few available spaces, Lucinda had checked multiple times to see if it was double yellow lines because right now, the last thing she needs is a parking ticket.

"Was there any need in parking this far away?" Violet snarled, to be completely honest, no one in the school actually liked violet. The only reason why Lucinda and Kayla were friends with violet was because they didn't like the way she would constantly get bullied for her way of 'humour'. "I'm wearing eight inch heels and my feet will literally drop of by the time we get there."

"You know what they say," Michael waddled quickly to stand beside Kayla and Violet attempting to start some sort of conversation. Lucinda was trailing behind with Luke who was scrolling on his phone.

"The higher the heel the bigger the bitch?" A deep chuckle erupted from Luke which startled Lucinda as she didn't realise she was being that loud. "What," she shrugged, "you know its true." she smiled back at him.

"you've changed a lot" He was still chuckling as he shook his head at her. Lucinda knew that she has changed, she was no longer the vulnerable and fragile little girl, she was now an empowering and outspoken woman with many goals for the near future.

"For better or worse?" Lucinda questioned. Even though in her mind she had changed for the better, somewhere inside her still cared for Luke's opinion. He looked at her with an emotion in his eyes which Lucinda couldn't detect.

He quickly looked away from her view and down to his pocket, he fiddled inside the pullovers pocket for a few seconds before pulling out a pre-rolled spliff, a pink lighter and a regular cigarette. Luke put the spliff between his pretty pink lips and extended his hand which held the cigarette to Lucinda. She studied it for a moment, she hadn't had a taste of the life killer in over four months but she didn't want to fall into the same mess again.

Without thinking she took the cigarette out of Luke's hand and watched him light up his blunt. Even though he was standing in the middle of a road with an illegal substance, he didn't have a care in the world. It intrigued Lucinda, ever since they were younger, Luke didn't give a shit about anything, he was the person who taught her that no one else's opinion cared.

He passed the lighter to Lucinda and watched the flame burn into the cigarette. His eye brows were scrunched together as he watched the innocent girl he used to know, practically kill her self with toxins.

She handed to lighter back to him and breathed out the smoke. After a few more puff she felt the familiar head rush that she loved so dearly. They were both further away from the small group now, smoking the illegal and barely legal substance in silence.

When Lucinda had finished the cigarette, she threw it to the side of the road and stood on it just to make sure the flame was gone. Luke did a similar thing but as he was not yet finished with his drug, he wrapped two fingers around the top to stop and more burning.

He brought the blunt to eye level just making sure that all the smoke had stopped and then placed it back into his pocket shortly followed by his hands.

"I'm not even sure yet," Luke mumbled. Lucinda looked at the lanky boy in confusion, "I mean about you changing" She nodded at his words.

"oh," she sighed, she looked down to her feet as she took long strides in front of her. "Luke?" Lucinda looked up at the boy with curiosity in her eyes. He looked back at her nodding her way so she could proceed. "When things happened with your dad, why didn't you want to talk to me about it?"

This time Luke looked down at his feet while Lucinda's gaze dragged upon his appearance, it was as if she was trying to evaluate his emotions but was unable to.

"I didn't think anyone would care." he shrugged. Lucinda stopped in her tracks on the road, Luke seemed to notice but didn't care much so he kept walking.

"I care Luke," it almost came out as a whisper but it was just loud enough for him to hear. "You helped me through so much shit when we were kids, obviously I would care." He slowed down one step at a time, "you practically saved my life Luke."

She Way Out | | L.H. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin