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She Way Out ~ 5

Luke was surprised to say the least, he never thought that Lucinda would make him want to shudder and hide. Yes, he knew she once cared for him but now? It made him feel strange, no one has cared about him in so long.

The only thing he could think of doing at the time was walking away, and he did just that. Luke was never really good with his feelings, he never knew how to handle them, describe them or just process them in general. He would normally just replace all his feelings with anger and push every one away, that's why Lucinda hated him for so long.

When Luke reached the party, Michael was talking to a few of their friends in the corner of the room. A girl, who he knew was most probably Ally, was draped over his body. Her short skinny legs were rested on top of his and her arms were wrapped around his neck.

He didn't see violet or Kayla around anywhere but he didn't really care. He just strolled over to were Michael was perched along with a few other friends and sat there not saying any thing.

Alexander and Cole attempted to talk to him but Luke didn't hear any of it. He sat with his knees raised to his chest and eye brows scrunched together. In his mind, nothing was happening, he was just sitting and staring with a blank mind.

"Hey, you want to head up stairs" a girl leaned into Lukes side but he refused to acknowledge her presence. When he didn't answer her or show any affection, she slid her hand up his thigh in attempt to capture his attention. Luke in the other hand just sighed and stood to his feet to walk out side, he would normally love when multiple girls offered themselves to him, but not tonight.

He pushed through several bodies that were all majorly shorter than him. Their bodies swaying around which would cause Luke's lanky body to shuffle around with them. Just as he reached the exit, his eyes caught onto one person in particle. Tears were threatening to spill out of her beautiful eyes that were normally filled with joy and happiness. It was easy for him to tell that she was holding in all of the emotions, but to every one around her, they just gave her looks as if she was crazy.

Luke saw her frail body run straight out the door, bump into someone and then quickly run off. He just stood there watching it all until his senses kicked in and her ran after her.

As he stepped out side he quickly saw run through a load of bushed at the side of the house. Luke twisted his head back and forth to check that no one was looking at his, then he slowly stepped into the bushes. For some reason he felt like a serial killer that lures his victim into the local forest before ripping their insides out.

It's not the time to think like this.

He thought to himself.

His hand reached out in front of  him to move away a few branches, his feet would then follow one by one. Luke could now here the sniffles and small whines coming from the short distance away. When Lucinda came into sight through the branches, Luke stopped in his tracks.

Her tear stained cheeks were now a vibrant red and mascara was coating the tears, she looked like a cute little panda in pain. It hurt Luke to see his old best friend in such pain, he just wanted to comfort her but he didn't want to invade her space.

What even happened?

He thought to himself. Then he remembered to nearly minutes ago when he saw Lucinda and her 'boyfriend' Calum standing together. They looked happy which made Luke want to puke, he couldn't even look at the sight of them. But then he remembered the way Calum's hands were trailing down Lucinda's body, she kept pushing his hands away and Luke thought she was happy.

How could he not see that she was in fact upset and uncomfortable?

Luke was about to turn around and walk back to the party to find Calum when his skinny noodle legs betrayed him. He fell forward out of the bushes and into Lucinda's sight, she let out a scream at the blonde boy before laughing slightly at who it was.

Luke scrambled to his feet and bushes off some of the dirt off his jumper. Lucinda whipped away the tears as good as she could but it still looked like she was a panda.

"What do you want Luke?" She spoke strongly but the crack in her voice have away all the pain she was feeling. Luke coughed awkwardly before replying.

"I just wanted to see if you were okay," he rubbed the back of his neck and slid down next to her, "but I guess that's a stupid question to ask." He sighed and added a laugh to lighten the mood.

"Why do you care?" She snapped. Luke felt slightly offended at her words but sighed again.

"Are we seriously doing this again?" She looked at him confused, "I'll tell you that I've always cared, and you'll be the one to walk away."

Lucinda lowered her head as a tear slipped from her eye, she didn't want to show weakness in front of someone that was so emotionally strong. Luke outstretched his arm around Lucinda's shoulder and pulled her into him.

She could smell the faint scent of pot but at this moment, she didn't care to much. She just rested her head on his chest and hugged into him.

"What happened to us Luke?" Her voice was quiet but slightly louder than a whisper. It sounded broke but some how it still sounded angelic to Luke.

"I don't even know" he wrapped his other arm around her, pulling her closer as the tears escaped her eyes more rapidly.

Luke looked down at the girl and he was in awe, he's never thought someone he 'despised' for so long would make him feel so special. When she looked up to him and weakly smiled, it was the moment he realised he finally had her, not in the way that Michael and him and thought, but he had her back in his life. But most of all,

She's way out.

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