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She Way Out ~ 6

The rest of the night was a blur to everyone. Violet woke up in some dudes bed although she was fully clothed this time, Michael was laying on top of a poor girl, his weight practically crushing her. sure he was a skinny little boy but his height meant that his weight would be pretty large. The poor girl underneath him turned out to be Kayla - such a plot twist.

As for Luke and Lucinda, they parted ways shortly after Lucinda's tears had dried up. They both walked back into the party with their heads held high but inside, they were both feeling some what pain.

Luke kept his eyes trained on her all night, he didn't want her getting hurt again so he practically stalked her all night. He loved the way her hips would move side to side even when she could barely dance, he loved how she would push her lack of chest out when she laughed or if someone caught her eye.

Lucinda on the other hand was angry. angry that her 'boyfriend' was sitting around the party with a bunch of other girls draped over his body but for some reason, it felt right? she knew that Calum and her self didn't belong, they were almost complete opposites but at the same time, they were exactly similar.

Lucinda left the party just after two o'clock in the morning to head home. she drove Luke home on the way because she thought he was way too high to walk home by himself but in reality she wanted an excuse to care for him.

Lucinda woke up in her own bed at noon, she felt worse than the night before. The migraine had increased majorly and her nose was stuffed with mucus. She rolled to the side of her fairly dark room to reach for her phone that was charging on the side of her bed. In her head she was mentally thanking her mother for buying blackout curtains rather than the sheer ones that she had suggested.

After checking Tumblr for at least thirty minutes and instagram for a further ten, she got up and strolled into the bathroom to wash off. She wasn't really bothered about the events that happened last night, sure Calum was a dick to everyone - including Lucinda - she knew things weren't going to last. Her plan was to ignore him for a few days and if he doesn't want to talk, she'll just move on.

After showering, brushing her teeth and getting appropriate clothes on, she stepped down the stairs slowly. Every time she took another step, her head would spin and hurt more and more. She groand at the pain slightly but tried not to make it a big deal.

"Woah- rough night?" Lucinda's mom laughed out quietly as she turned to medication cupboard. She retrieved a few pills from a packet and handed them to Lucinda along with a pint of water.

"No actually," Lucinda sighed and popped one pill into her mouth. she took a sip of the water to wash it down and winced at the small pain again. "I didn't drink at all, just feel poorly." She swallowed the second pill with more water and sat looking at her mother hopelessly.

"What's hurting?" Her mom sighed. Lucinda used to pull tricks like this when she was younger to get out of school but she could tell Lu wasn't feeling the best.

"Headache and snuffed, no biggie." Lucinda stood from her leaning position against the kitchen island and walked over to the fridge. She stood there for a few minutes before shutting the door deciding that she had lost her appetite.

"Well I have work soon," Her mother poured a coffee for both herself and Lucinda. "i'll be out most of the day so maybe you want to call someone over?" Lucinda nodded at her mother and smiled politely. Lucinda and her mother both had a strong bond, it was as if they were best friends or sisters rather than mother and daughter and Lucinda was great full for that.

Tina picked up the freshly made coffee before making her way up the stairs to go and get ready for work. Lucinda remained in the kitchen before taking her cup of coffee into the living area, she got comfortable on the sofa before turning on comedy central and scrolled through her phone once again.

Footsteps were heard patting down the stairs, they stopped for a while at the bottom as her mom slipped on her shoes. Tina walked into the living area placing a kiss on top of Lucinda's head and quickly felt her temperature.

"So there's twenty pounds on the kitchen cabinet to order pizza or whatever, if you feel even worse, take a few more pills that are also on the cabinet and no boys over." She removed her hand from Lucinda's head and placed one more kiss before walking away.

"I'm eighteen mom, not eight." she laughed.

"Last time I left you home alone for more than nine hours, you were passed out on the sofa with a broken arm," Tina shouted from the passage way. "I'm not taking any more chances." The door shut slowly after that which left Lucinda alone.

She decided to take up her moms offer of inviting someone over. She scrolled through her phone contacts and decided to text the only person she was willing to tolerate at the moment.


This book is my favourite one to write because a lot of it is personal. 👌🏼👌🏼

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