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She Way Out ~ 7

Luke was sat in the basement of Michael's home waiting for him to finish sleeping. Luke had woken up at around eight in the morning which is early for him, he wasn't sure what to do after nine o clock rolled over so he came over to Michael's.

Thankfully Karen was there to let Luke inside to await for his best friend to wake up. He had played on Michael's Xbox for another forty minutes before the devil himself waltzed through the door looking as rough as ever.

"What's slithered up your ass this morning?" Luke chuckled at the state of Michael. He's hair was all flat apart from the back few strands of hair that were flying wild, his shirt had stains of what Luke had guessed was either alcohol or puke, and he was missing his one shoe.

"You'll never guess who I woke up with bro," Michael sighed into his hands and took a seat next to Luke on the run down sofa. Luke scrunched his nose at the smell of Michael, it was as if he had cremated seven squirrels and threw the dust over himself.

"Who?" Luke's eyes trained back over the screen where the game was playing on the TV as he awaited Michael's answer.

"Kayla." Michael said bluntly. Luke let out a chuckle and looked over to his half dead friend and shook his head.

"You can tell me more about it after you shower because right now, you remind me of a grave yard." He smiled at Luke's words and wrapped his arms around the blondes frail body. Luke just started to shout muffled sounds and pushed Michael away but they were soon stopped by the sound of Karen requesting her son.

Luke paused the game soon after Michael had left to talk to his mother. He stood up to take his phone off charge in the corner of the room and sat back down with it.

The time was almost half past twelve which surprised Luke. Considering that he got here around nine and did practically nothing, time had gone fast.

He scrolled through some of his social media sites, not really looking at the text clearly because he was still awfully tired from the night before. As he was doing so, a text from an unknown number popped up on his screen.

+ Unknown
Hey, do you want to come over for a while? :)

Was this a joke, Luke thought. Did someone really think he was a call boy or were they just joking about with him?

- Luke
Um, I'm not in that business sorry, I think you have the wrong number. :-/

+ Unknown
Wtf Luke? I'm not asking you for sex you little shit!

Luke knew instantly after that who it was, he decided to mess around a little bit.

- Luke
Then who is this? ;-/

+ Lucindaaaaa
It's yoda, who do you think?

- Luke
Well then Yoda, it's very impolite to ask someone for sex over text. ;-)

+ Lucindaaaaa
Just get your ass over here, I'm bored and v Ill. >.<

Michael came back into view by walking down the basement steps. a towel was draped around his neck and a snapback was covering his freshly showered hair. He looked a lot better now that he had cleaned himself off.

He stepped over to Luke and snatched the controller away as he plummeted onto the sofa. He looked over to Luke who was smiling at his phone and rolled his eyes.

"You look like a girl in love smiling like that bro." Michael smirked. Luke turned his head and punched Michaels arm with force but the black haired boy didn't budge. His eyes were glued to the screen while his hands flickered with the game consul controller.

"So are you going to tell me about Kayla?" Luke asked as he replied to Lucinda at the same time.

- Luke
Can't you ask kayla or something? I'm pre-occupied for the next hour or so :-/

"I'm not actually sure what happened," Michael  chuckled, "I just woke up laying on top of her while cupping her boob."

"Wow there, we need to keep this PG." Luke laughed at his own joke while Michael just stared at him. "What?" Luke asked but Michael just shook his head back and forth in disappointment "My jokes are funny okay!" Luke sunk back into his chair as Michael mumbled a 'Yeah, okay, whatever you say.'

His phone lit up once again which made Luke a bit more happy. He opened up his lockscreen and saw another message from Lucinda.

+ Lucindaaaaa
Please Luke? We can order pizza and watch movies?

+ Lucindaaaaa
Ill even let you smoke pot in my house.

Luke looked away from his phone and towards Michael, he was still sitting with his feet up on the table in front of him with the game controller in his hand and eyes glued to the screen. he sighed and stood to his feet, re-adjusting the jeans on his waist by pulling them up.

"I'm off," He said to Michael while grabbing one of his friends black snapback. Everyone always told him that he looked hot in snapbacks so he wondered what Lucinda thought. "I have to go meet someone." Michael turned to smirk at Luke which he returned with a middle finger.

- Luke
Fine, ill be there in a few.

- Luke
and i'm not smoking pot in your house dude! :'-) your mom would beat the shit out of me.

+ Lucindaaaaa
That's good old Tina for you.

She Way Out | | L.H. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora