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She way out ~ 2

Lucinda pulled up in front of Kayla's house after an awkward ten minute drive. Luke was still perched in the passenger seat even after Lucinda told him to jump into the back, he just insisted that his legs were 'too long for that shit', she understood the struggle of long legs so she just shrugged and said no more.

Kayla exited her house making sure to lock the door behind her and then made her way to the car. She was a lot more dressed up than Lucinda but that's how their friendship worked, Kayla would get the guys and Lucinda would sit and watch, it was mainly because Lu didn't really care about what people thought of her.

Once Kayla took a few more steps towards the vehicle she squinted her eyes and stopped completely. Her face looked like a slapped arse and that was putting it nicely. Even though she despised the boys who were sitting around Lucinda, she still swung open one of the back doors a flung her body in.

"I fucking hate you" Lucinda laughed at Kayla and put the car back into ignition before driving off again. She looked through the mirror to see her best friend staring right back at her, they both let out a chuckle before the car went silent and only the music was being heard.

Luke had decided it would be a good idea to place his hands inside of his Nike jumper to block out the cold from the window. In the process of doing that exact thing, he ended up flinging the sleeve into Lucinda's face on accident, that then made her swerve slightly on the road. Not only was she angry again at Luke for that but when he opened up his arms, the smell of pot leaked out and was now stuck in the car again.

"For fuck sake Luke, just keep still" she shouted, her hands remained on the wheel and her eyes on the road but the migraine she was slowly developing had just gotten worse.

"Hey," Kayla reached forward and tapped Lucinda on the shoulder, "Are you okay?" her voice was soft and both boys were silent. Lucinda nodded in reply and told them she was just feeling 'peachy' before she pulled into yet another stop out side a new house.

"Dude, why do we keep picking girls up," Michael whined like a five year old child, this was the exact reason why Lucinda hated the two boys and their small friendship group, they were a little over nineteen yet the acted as if they were seven. To be fair on Luke, he was the most mature out of them all.

"Why don't you just shut up, dude?" Kayla sighed at Michael as he turned to her and winked. Luke had turned to face the back of the car and rested his chin on the round, worn away car seat. He took a peak at Lucinda but quickly looked away and smirked at Michael, the only reason he was doing all this was just so he could prove Michael wrong.

"Why are you both so sassy?" Luke questioned, his eyes were dragging down Kayla's legs and then back up to her face to see a middle finger waiting for him.

"You mean moody?" Michael chuckled earning an eye roll from Lucinda but she couldn't care less, they were two minutes from Violets house and she could last that long.

"I thought I would put It lightly," Luke shuffled his body so he was facing back to the front again and pulled out his phone, "plus, I didn't want to get bitch slapped"

"There will be worse things waiting for you when we get out of this car" Kayla smirked, she meant that she would slap the shit out of him when they got out of the car, but Luke being Luke, took it as a pick up line.

"Oh really?" He turned his head to the side to see Kayla's face drop and a small smile etch on Lucinda's lips.

"Yep," Kayla smirked back at him, "I'll let psycho Holly grind on you while you are past out on drugs." Luke's not so innocent eyes widened in horror.

"You wouldn't!" He gasped. Michael tapped his hair gently and said.

"Don't worry bro, I've got your back" Luke shifted in his seat and turned to look at Lucinda. She let out a light chuckle and a smile was etched on her lips as she turned to laugh at Luke's slight embarrassment. This only made him more embarrassed, a shade of pink rose onto the centre of his bony cheeks.

He hid his face into his jumper and Lucinda couldn't help but think that the action was cute. His eyes were poking up still staring at her and his blonde fluffy hair was styled messily into a quiff.

It reminded her of the old days.

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