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~ there are small mentions of rape in this chapter, if you don't feel comfortable reading it I suggest you skip this chapter. You have been warned so don't leave any bad comments please.

She Way Out ~ 4

Once Lucinda had told Luke about her small confession he just shook his head and continued to walk. Lucinda didn't understand why Luke always distanced him self when people asked questions about his personal life, but he did, and still does.

After a few minutes of staring into a blank space, thinking about Luke and re-evaluating the whole idea of going to a party, Lucinda decided to walk on. As she stepped onto the property that the party was on, she could see multiple people that were already drunk.

Kayla was waiting for Lucinda at the front door with two red cups full of liquid, she declined Kayla's offer of taking one of the cups so she jus held onto it for later. As both girls walked into the party they could see violet talking to a few guys near the kitchen area, she was laughing at some joke they made and would occasionally flip her hair as a flirtatious move.

Luke and Michael were sat on the opposite side of the house. Michael was not only holding a blunt in his hands but also a petite blue haired girl, Lucinda was in slight awe as she realised how perfect they looked together even if she didn't know the girl personally.

Luke on the other hand was staring into space with his knee's raised to his chest and eyebrows scrunched together. Although he was surrounded by attractive girls, he didn't pay attention to any one of them, even if they were leaning into his ear and rubbing his thigh.

Lucinda tore her eyes away from Luke when someone tugged on her arm and pulled her over to the crowded excuse for a dance floor. She knew who it was the moment the she had been tugged, when she turned around, she was right.

Calum was Lucinda's crush since she was seven years old, Luke would always tease her about how obvious she was being but she never cared. Calum turned down Lucinda two years ago when she asked if he would like to go out some time and ever since then, Lucinda was too scared to approach the guy.

About two weeks ago Calum had walked up to Lu in a party, they started to get talking and things just happened. They weren't official yet but they went on a fair share of dates, and obviously they had done the 'deed'.

"Hey babe," Calum slurred and his hands were wrapping themselves around Lucindas body. She tired to unravel her self from his grip but he just pulled her closer. "Why are you being like this?" his voice was deep and raspy due to the alcohol, it was hard to tell what he had said but Lucinda managed.

"Cal, please, not here." She whined in his ear as he tried to rock his hips into hers. she squimed in his grasp even more but he still didn't move.

"Why?" He buried his head into her neck and started leaving harsh pecks, "Do you want to take it upstairs?" Calum's hands moved down to her lower reigon and started to rub slowly but Lucinda only felt uncomfortable and pressured.

"No," she griped his arms tighter and dug her nails into his flesh just sharp enough for him to let go, "not now." She pushed passed as hard as she could which made him stumble back slightly. Tears had started to brim in her eyes and she felt the need to leave.

Her breathing escalated when she was unable to find an exit that was close enough to her. She found it hard just trying to look over the people who were on the dance floor, even though she was a tall person herself, she was nothing compared to some of the girls wearing heels.

She kept shoving through the drunk teenagers not caring if she hurt them which meant that she received plenty of dirty looks. At one point while pushing through, Lucinda accidentally knocked a girl over on her feet, when she looked back to apologise, it turned out to be Jenna -the schools slut- so she continued walking on.

Once she stumbled once more and finally tripped out of the front door crashing into someone on the way.

"Shit, I'm so sorry" her voice was rushed and concerned as she rubbed down her jeans and pushed her self up from the stranger she fell over.

"No it's fine, are you okay though?" She looked up to see a Curley blonde haired boy in muscle tank top and jeans. He was smiling down at Lucinda and reached out to grab her arm but she flinched back.

"Uh," she broke eye contact and looked at her surroundings, "I'm fine, I-I'm just going to" she pointed past the cute guy as a blush began to form on her cheeks and tears were still sitting on her eyes. "Yeah." She pushed past him and ran around the corner of the house.

She leaned her arms against the house and slowly breathed in and out attempting to regulate her breathing. Events from years ago started to re occur as she thought about what just happened with her so call 'boyfriend'.

* flashback *

"Please don't do this Garry," her voice was weak as she screamed out the words. The forty year old man had her fragile hands pinned to the bed as he pressed his lower half to hers.

Tears were escaping her eyes one by one as he left sloppy kisses down her neck.

"Baby girl, you are more like your mother than you think," he pulled back and gripped her hands harshly with one hand as his other tried to rip the clothes of the eleven year old.

* flashback over *

Tears were now running down her eyes non stop, her back was sliding down the house slowly as he knees raised to her chest.

Someone was probably hiding in between the bushes right now laughing at her break down but she didn't care about that. All she cared about was that even when Luke saw what was happening, when he saw the tears in her eyes and the scared look on her face as she was running through the crowd, he didn't seem to care.

But little did she know, he was standing in the bush opposite, waiting for the right moment to comfort her.

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