Chapter 4

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Baekhyun's POV:

Where is she?

I was sitting alone inside a small restaurant. I was meeting y/n here for lunch. She's always late, I swear she's-

"Baekhyun!" a feminine voice called.

"Hey! And quiet down... Don't attract so much attention."

She sat down in front of me. "Oh sorry, I forgot you were famous and all that."

I laughed. "Well we've gotta do something with all of my talents, right?"

"And I forgot about your obnoxious sense of humor too." She rolled her eyes. Then she smiled. "I'm only kidding. Jeez, lighten up."

I smiled.

The waiter approached us. He took our orders and left.

"You know, you've gotta work on your timing. You're always late to everything."

"I was only 5 minutes late."

"Yeah, times 2." I jokingly shook my head in shame towards her. She laughed.

"Well sorry, I was finishing up some errands. What have you been doing today?"

"Nothing. I just woke up 2 hours ago, haha."

"No work today?"

"No, we're finally given a day off."

"I honestly don't think you boys get enough breaks."

"I know, but the rewards are worth it in the long run." I said, thinking over our busy schedules.

"Just... just watch out for your health, ok? And watch out for the others too. Don't overwork."

"I will, I will. Despite our boyishness, we are responsible adults, you know."

"I know... I just worry about you sometimes. You are my only cousin." she said lightly.

The waiter returned with our orders.

"Anything else for the beautiful miss?" the waiter asked y/n. I think he was supposed to ask me too.

"No, I'm fine, thank you." y/n replied with a kind smile.

The waiter was just about to leave when I said: "Um, excuse me. I ordered a diet cola, not the regular."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll be back with your correct beverage."

"Thanks." I said.

Before he left, I noticed that he took a quick glance at y/n again.

"Hey, y/n." I said.


"I think that waiter has a thing for you or something."

She gave me a weird look. "What are you talking about?"

"I don't know... He keeps staring at you... and he gives you better service than he gives me!"

"Oh, stop whining."

"I'm serious! He's biased... Oh, here he comes again. Quick, slide your keys off the table."

"Baekhyun, please--"

"Quick! Do it!" I whispered.

Y/n did so, and the keys fell at the waiter's feet.

He eagerly bent down and picked them up for her. "I believe you dropped these, miss?"

"Oh yes, thank you." y/n said.

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