Chapter 7

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y/n's POV:

I just finished my morning class at my university. I woke up late this morning and I wasn't able to eat any breakfast, so I haven't eaten the entire day. 

I haven't seen Jongdae in a while. I called him.

Jongdae's POV:

I just finished dance practice. We didn't have a schedule for the rest of the day. Thank god.

My phone rang. It was y/n. My heart stopped. I haven't talked to her since I found out about her and Sehun, and that was a long time ago. 

Oh my god, what am I going to say? What did she want to talk to me for? She still hasn't told me herself that she and Sehun are official.

"Hey," Jongin's hand waved in my face. He took a sip form his water bottle. "Are you gonna pick that up?" he said and pointed to my cell phone. 

I was lost in my thoughts and didn't realize I was letting it ring. "Oh, yeah."

I picked it up, took a breath and tried to sound as casual as possible.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Jongdae-ah! Did you finish practice yet?"

"Uh... How did you know I have practice?"

"Sehun told me."

"Sehun? I didn't know you guys talked."

She chuckled a little. "Yeah, not until recently. Do you wanna go eat? I'm kinda hungry. I haven't eaten all day."

She still didn't admit to me her relationship with Sehun. Was she trying to hide it from me?

"Oh. Uh.." I didn't know what to say. I didn't really want to see her. "I-I'm not that hungry."

"Oh..." There was a silence. I knew she was disappointed. I never rejected her... Why did I say that? "O-oh ok. Uh, I'll ask someone else then."

"W-Why don't you ask, Sehun? Aren't you, uh, dating him or something?" I said uncomfortably. 

"Oh, yeah. I guess you would know sooner or later. I haven't told you yet, have I? I am seeing him. But I haven't hung out with you in a while, so I asked you first. But it's ok if you're not hungry."

I could feel the awkwardness through the phone. I didn't know what to say next. I should've just agreed to go. I make the dumbest decisions sometimes.

"Well, I'll talk to you later, maybe. Bye.." she said. Her voice sounded kinda sad.

"Bye!" I said optimistically, trying brighten the mood, but she hung up first.

I felt regretful that I said no, but I didn't want to see her. I was still not grasping the fact that she's Sehun's girlfriend, and not mine.


y/n's POV:

I was going around town doing some errands with Baekhyun and Sehun.

Sehun and Baekhyun were helping me carry some things we bought to my car. It was the last errand for the day. 

Baekhyun dumped the bags into my car trunk and let out a deep sigh of relief. "FINALLY."

"Hey, hyung, your bags aren't even that heavy! Carry these!" said Sehun, giving Baekhyun his bags and then climbing into the driver's seat.

We all got in the car. It's been a busy day. I got in the passenger seat and Baekhyun sat in the back. "Finished all my errands! Fun day, wasn't it??" 

Baekhyun groaned so loudly. "Why are you being sarcastic.."

I laughed. "Thanks guys for the help."

Sehun held my hand and smiled. "No problem."

I think my heart melted a little.

"So, where to now?" he asked.

"Do you guys wanna see a movie?" asked Baekhyun.

"Yeah, sure. Sehun?" I said.

"I'm down." he said.

Sehun drove us to the theater near our dorm. 

"Wait, Sehun-ah, can you stop by the dorm? I think I have some free movie tickets in my room." said Baekhyun.

Sehun drove up to the front entrance to the dorm and parked the car there. Sehun and I stayed in the car and waited for Baekhyun as he went inside. Soon enough, Baekhyun came back outside.

"I found four tickets. I guess I have an extra." said Baekhyun.

"Who's home, hyung?"

"Jongdae. I think Jongin is sleeping in his room."

"Does he want to go with us?" I asked hopefully. Jongdae still seems to be avoiding me.

"I don't know. Let me call him."

Baekhyun was waiting for him to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" I heard Jongdae's voice through the phone.

"Hey, do you wanna go see a movie? ... Uh, me, y/n, and Sehun... Oh, why not? ... Oh.. ok. See you later, then." Baekhyun hung up.

"Let me guess, did he say no?" I said, not surprised at all. I tried very hard not to roll my eyes.


Sehun started driving away form the dorm and to the theater. "What was he doing at home?"

"I don't think he was doing anything. He just said he'll pass."

"Why did I even bother asking..." I said, annoyed.

"What do you mean?"

"I've asked him to hang out lots of times lately, but he always says he's busy or some old excuse like that. Since when did he get so busy..."

"What's Jongdae been doing? We've all had the same schedule for the past month." said Sehun confusedly.

I looked up at him and narrowed my eyebrows. "You mean... all those times he said he was busy, he was lying?" I figured. I was getting mad.

Sehun noticed that I was getting mad too. "U-uh... No, I'm not saying that he's lying. I dunno, maybe he has his own schedule I didn't know about."

I knew Sehun wasn't trying to start anything or get Jongdae in trouble, but I couldn't help getting even more mad.

"Is he even busy, Baekhyun?!" I asked, my voice getting louder.

Baekhyun's eyes grew defensive. "I-I don't know." 

Neither Baekhyun or Sehun said much. They didn't want to say anything to make me more mad or to get their friend in trouble.

I was furious at this point. "Why would he lie to me all those times like that?!"

Everyone was silent. We arrived and Sehun parked the car.

"Fine! If he doesn't want to hang out with me that badly that he couldn't even say it to my face, I don't want to hang out with him either!" I said, getting out and slamming the car door behind me. 

I felt bad for being like that to Sehun and Baek, but I was hurt. I've never felt this mad at Jongdae before. I've never been mad at Jongdae ever... until now.

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